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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. In the last line of her testimony, she said it like the founding fathers meant it. "The 2nd amendment is to protect us from all you guys up there" To protect against tyranny.
  2. Adjam5

    New guy intro

    Welcome Eric you'll like it here.
  3. Looks like you guys have a better club for the next season for sure...Good Luck with the addition.
  4. Wouldn't your local DNR be able to help you with achieving that goal? I shoot at least 2 does a year on different properties, and we were lucky to kill a few dry ones too. Just consumers, not producers. So in the freezer they go!
  5. Adjam5

    Christmas Lights

    A man's ingenuity:D
  6. Wow that bear is HUGE! I would think a bear would den up a little deeper in the earth or cave. Living on corn, animals can get humongous.
  7. Hey Grizz! Good to see ya around:) Cool barb wire buck too.
  8. We don't want to beat you up...we want to be your friend:) You have been spoken to... by the Realtree elders:p, the rules are clear. Once someones intentions are determined, rope is either given or taken away. Our mods here, act in Nano seconds...Right Swampy:D So, welcome to the forums and come meet some of the BEST people walking the earth. Good Luck with your site and what Steve said, I agree with. Make all outfitters be recognized by the state. That way you'll weed out the bad ones.
  9. Adjam5

    8 degrees.....

    Stay warm and bring PLENTY of handwarmwers:D Good Luck! 15 degrees here this morning! Single digits will keep me out of the woods, unless I am in a box blind with a heater:p
  10. It good to see another celeb, OTHER than the Nuge taking on Peta. Pam Anderson is a walking toxic dump with all that silicone. Those chemicals must've reached that gray matter that holds her hats and ears on. Animal rights? What animal rights? The Constitution says nothing about animals... It says "We the people", not " We the people and the animals" Case closed. Rock on Kid Rock.
  11. Ruth, you would become Queen of the forest to make a bow kill this late of the season:D. With the bulk of the heavy clothes, I find it almost impossible to draw a bow back when its below 40 degrees. I hope you get one! Good Luck!
  12. Or at minimum share some backstraps with him.
  13. Adjam5

    4TH Doe down

    I see you too, have a severe case of doe-aholism:D The ONLY known cure is to keep shootin' 'em Ya can't eat horns. I love shootin' does:) Congrats.
  14. Hey Ruth! Joe and I went out stomping the Catskill woods this Saturday with success. We did a few of those 2 person drives you have spoke of. The area we hunt, 3H; takes you 3 years to get a DMP tag. So Joe and I both got a 3H tag this year(lucky us), and we were doggone not gonna let them go to waste:D. I used mine a few days after the opener, and Joe shot a HUGE doe Saturday. They came running right at him and he felt he had to shoot almost in self defense! Thats 4 for Joe this year. 2 bucks and 2 doe. 2 with the bow and 2 with the gun. This was a good year for our house and venison. Between Joe and I, we took 6 deer! Our record. We also have that super crunchy ice that makes a racket wherever you walk. I was only going out in the afternoons for that reason. I got to hunt a whole lot this season due to my unemployment and I had a blast. Getting a buck would have been better, but it is a good year so far. We still have the smokepole season in front of us yet also. Good Luck to anyone going out for what left of the season.
  15. Thats a nice thing to do Al, helping those less fortunate;)
  16. Blake will make you laugh no doubt... How about when he was toasting the hunt he went on, with Lee and Tiffany Swarovski:p. He looked a bit hammered, who knows what was in the cup:rolleyes:.
  17. I'm glad you are excited about your transfer and wish you the best of luck over there hunting and fishing. That does bite about the truck:(
  18. Paid $1.81 at a Valero in the Catskills today.
  19. Congrats JM! Does=meat, and atleast 5 pts too My son and I are back. No bucks:( but my son did fill another doe tag The kid is a machine. He shot this one on a drive him and I did at 35 yards. He said it was like the Bulls from Pampelona. About 10 came running right at him and they veered off at the last second when they saw him. He got one to stop to the classic "Baaa" She was a big one and dry also. She was not lactating. There also was a tremendous amount of fat on her. She just ate real good and didn't make babies. Good management doe. Hope everyone did better.
  20. My son Joe and I are off for the last weekend of rifle season in the southern zone of NY. Muzzleloading starts on Dec 8 til Dec 16. We will be doing a heck of a lot of drives on private land. Drives that we have been saving til this weekend. Good Luck everyone and hunt safe. Cody, I have a good feeling about you banging out a big one this weekend. Good Luck.
  21. I have found that if there is snow on the ground, deer will go for freshly cut browse. That is the preferred/natural source and most available food to them at a time when they are yarding up. They're stomachs have moved into this stage of digestion at this point in the year. Corn and such can hurt them in winter. Many trees fall under the winter snow and deer take advantage of this and consume the twig tips. I don't think there is anything against the law with shed traps, just can't give unnatural food sources( as outlined above posts) to attract the deer. Cut some birch branches is aromatic and NYS DEC advises people to cut browse for the deer in the hard winter months. Good Luck.
  22. Congrats on your 1st yote! Now its a good coyote:D This one was 38lbs. They get to 45-50lbs in the area we hunt in NYS.
  23. Bump.... They are good kids arrows $20 shipped or make offer or trade.