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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!! ANYONE WHO GIVES FUEL TO SARAH BRADY has BETRAYED the 2nd amendmant and American shooters and gun owners in America everywhere. Intentional or not. They are using one of our own against us, that cannot be tolerated. Gun rights in this country are under attack constantly and the LAST thing we need is one of our own saying there is NO place for semi automatic military STYLED weapons. Cosmetics we are talking here. There is a place for EVERY type of firearm in the hunting community. I know a trapper who uses a small ( anti's would call it a saturday night special) Beretta .22 to take care of business at the trap. Now that gun has a 2" bbl. not much accuracy huh?Is there any use for it in the sporting world? Of course there is...I just explained it. No one is taking away the accomplishments of Mr Zumbo. He made a VERY BIG mistake( we all make them, but not at his level and cost) and the Gun owners of America spoke. Let that be an example for others in the publics eye, the outdoor world and shooting sports of this great country. I'm sorry Zumbos taking the hit, he is a good hunter but his words did him in...not mine. Even if I forgive does no good. The damage is done.
  2. Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!! Thank you Hogwild for that informative info. I had NO IDEA that Sarah Brady was using his(Zumbo) comments to do us all in. Wow....we are in for some ride now with the democraps He hurt us bad...REAL BAD.
  3. Re: AK-47 Both seem to be well made rifles, as per the ad with current engineered parts. I have seen the Vectors in the Shotgun News and thats all. I have never heard of the Lancaster. Recoil buffer is a plus, thats like a $15 item. Pre ban style is even better. The Lancaster looks like a all domestic gun and the Vector is a parts gun on a US receiver. I'm sure either will function fine. It is on the high end $$$ for a AK style rifle, but the quality of manufacture is there and thats what you are paying for. A billet receiver AK is by far the most durable. But don't worry, the sheetmetal stamped one will do just fine too. BTW...I heard at a gun show over the weekend that military ball ammo is getting harder to get for ALLL calibers. So start shopping that stuff too. has some good buys.
  4. Re: something else really old That is something to treasure for a long time. Family history is soo cool.
  5. Adjam5


    Last Tuesday, as President Bush got off the Helicopter in front of the White House, he was carrying a baby pig under each arm. The squared away Marine guard snaps to attention, salutes, and says: "Nice pigs, sir." The President replies "These are not pigs, these are authentic Arkansas Razorback Hogs. I got one for Senator Hillary Clinton and I got one for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The squared away Marine again snaps to attention, salutes, and says, "Excellent trade, sir."
  6. Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!! [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] I love hearing from people from nations that CAN"T OWN assault styled weapons... Like Canada. [/ QUOTE ] And that has what bearing on the subject at hand? [ QUOTE ] Telling Americans what guns we can and cannot own ... [/ QUOTE ] Where was that ever said, or even inferred?? [ QUOTE ] Maybe Canadians( not all of them) that were brought up on GUN CONTROL and were never allowed to own these type of weapons, were TAUGHT to demonize these styled weapons. [/ QUOTE ] I have been around a lot longer than our current gun control laws...and have been a vocal opponent, at a higher level than you could ever appreciate... I, like all Canadians involved in the shooting sports, recognize and appreciate the protections of your Second Amendment Rights, probably better than you do. It is a 'battle' that we have had... I was gonna rip the entirety of this post apart, but there is no reason, other than to cause an unnecessary diatribe over personal viewpoints and opinions. But I, simply, couldn't let those bigotted comments go by. For some reason, people have decided to take Zumbo's comments outside of the context that they were made, and are making this a Second Amenedment argument. I will ask one thing... Please post here, the video and segment that shows Bill Jordan hunting with an AK or AR : Michael Wadell? David Blanton? Cuzz Strickland? Will Primos?... I have made the same request of Remington and Cabela's with respect to all of their Pro-staffers. If I get a response, I will post them. Bob [/ QUOTE ] Apparently Bob....more people and companies that sponsor Zumbo think the way I do here in the Good Ole USA than you. eh? (I had to...couldn't resist) Zumbos done and its not because of me. I did not send ANY e mails to any sponsors because of his ignorance or lack of support for the 2nd amendmant and the freedom we so enjoy here in the USA. People who come from nations that never had that freedom to own and hunt with these type of weapons CANNOT weigh in on the ownership and use of these firearms and tell people who have the RIGHT to own these. When you become a voting American... BOB... then you can write your congressman and request more gun control. You in Canada Your battle for gun rights in Canada was LOST. Bigoted comments Bob huh...Take your gun control thinking with you. We here in America reject anyone who wishes to restrict or curtail our firearm freedoms and that is exactly what you would have us do with your thinking. We are free to hunt with whatever we like as long as long as is its legal. If I put a .243 upper on my AR would it make it a nice gun now? BTW BOB...this is a second amendmant arguement...thats the point you are missing. Remington and Mossy Oak think so too. The look of the gun means nothing. If anyone feels that AR's ect should not be used to hunt with, they are being ignorant and judging the firearm on its look and cosmetics don't mean a thing. Someone like you Bob...having been there and losing your gun rights. I would think you'd become a staunch supporter of the firearm freedoms that so many have enjoyed outside your country. But it seems you have bought into the anti's way of thinking by further looking or agreeing to,restricting certain types of firearms to hunt with. I live in one of the most gun controlled states in the union and EVEN here in NYS, no judgement is made about firearm type usage when hunting. So if NY( the liberal capital) don't complain about it, it most likely does not matter.
  7. Re: My new varmint stopper Harris bi of the line. Nice gun...good luck!
  8. Re: Marlin 336C in 35 Remington One more...wait! Take a look at the New Hornady Lever Revolution ammo in .35 rem You will be impressed on how well this shoots and the improved ballistics that is gives. My buddy hunted this year with a old 1964 Marlin 336 Marauder with a factory 16'1/4" bbl in 35 rem. You had to see the groups he was printing. Give that ammo a try , you won't be dissapointed.
  9. Re: Why Lie? You Moron! Hang in there the best you can. We all work with jerks. Just give it some time..if he is the liar and sneak you say he will catch up to him.
  10. Re: Your favorite turkey story OK here goes... I was hunting with my oldest son Joe( you guys might know him as Squirrelhunter91) last May. He did ALL the calling. We had a heads up from a farmer friend who said where he has been hearing the birds sound off in the morning. So Joe and I get going to the spot. Set out the deke( we only had one, a hen, I forgot the rest in my friends truck). We are sitting and calling for about a hour and nothing... We get up and start walking to another spot. We take about 10 steps...GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE! Joe says Dad can I have the 835? Here ya go son. He hands me his youth stocked .20ga mossberg. We stick in the deke, plop down on the ground get set and as soon as we cover our heads and get the gun up...2 nice toms come up over a hill. We see their heads bobbing and letting go of some huge raspy gobbles too! They see the deke and one goes into strut. Back and forth back and forth...they won't come closer. Joe putts...heads up....BOOM! I couldn't shoulder the little kids gun Joe gave me so I let the other Tom leave unscathed. Joe sat this bird down at 30 yards. You had to see hopped up and over, upside down after it was shot. About 20 lbs, 11" beard and 1 1/4 spurs. Thats my boy! My turkey stories have all been over written since I am hunting now with my sons I get to live it all over again thru my sons. Life is good.
  11. Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!! I love hearing from people from nations that CAN"T OWN assault styled weapons... Like Canada. Telling Americans what guns we can and cannot own and use to hunt with. This is THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not the firearm restrictive nation of Canada. We have that freedom here to own WHATEVER we want. Do you? Maybe thats why your jaded. Maybe Canadians( not all of them) that were brought up on GUN CONTROL and were never allowed to own these type of weapons, were TAUGHT to demonize these styled weapons. That is thru ignorance of never having the freedom to own one and shoot one and buying into the propoganda about the EVILNESS of assualt styled weapons. Apologies to the Canadians who don't think, like the way I described. Let me tell ALL of you again, well maybe not all of you. Judging a gun by its COSMETICS is EXACTLY what the antis do. The Clinton assault weapons ban was based SOLEY on cosmetics! The bayo lug, folding stock, threaded bbl, detach mag, pistol grip. What did ANY of the aforementioned items have to do with the function of the firearm? was feel good legislation that did NOTHING to stop crime. Thats why it was repealed after a 10 year sunset. Many people in the south and up north have and still use what could be called a "assault weapon" to hunt with, A SKS 7.62X39. It is a cheap alternative to a $500 bolt gun thats shoots a caliber with about the same ballistics as the 30/30. I thought about the statement earlier when someone said " well if I saw a few guys with AR's in the woods I would be concerned" Were they dressed like commandos or hunters? Licenses on their back? Grenades hanging off their neck or game calls? 5 round magazines in their guns or 30's? PUHLEESE... Go write a check to Sarah Brady why don't ya. I am soo GLAD I Live in a Country where I could OWN ANY type of firearm I want. Thats right Gun control afficianados...even FULL AUTO in some states and destructive devices too for class III FFL holders. I am not afraid of any legal hunter carrying ANY LEGAL weapon they choose to harvest their game. What is said about defenders of the Crossgun...oops! I meant crossbow . Don't criticize the weapon people choose to harvest their game with. Right? As long as its legal. To each their own. I saw a hunting show a few weeks ago, Maybe it was the "Outdoor Journal". But, on the show they were hunting Black Bear with a Barrett .50cal. Taking 800 yard shots with the gun and getting the bear too with no problem. Is that my style of hunting? NO. Will I support their right to harvest game in any LEGAL manner....YES. I could put an AK in a different stock and no one would ever question the rifle. Matter of fact, there are a few AK's out there now with normal hunting stocks on them. They are called the "Saiga" it even comes in .308 and the Russian .30 I understand that Mr. Zumbo made a mistake we all do. But I do not have the audience that Mr .Zumbo does, nor the influence. If Zumbo felt that way about, he should have called his local legislator to have the law changed, but in no way should he have drove a divider between hunters. Thats bad for the sport. And as far as Ted Nugent would NEVER hear a assinine statement like the one Zumbo made out of his mouth. NEVER! The Nuge don't BS and has done more for the shooting and hunting sports than ANY other popular personality out there in TV land. Thank God he is an American and on my side. As far as Zumbo goes, he won't be the only one who was remembered for one defining moment in his life. Just ask Monica Lewinsky I understand the concern of hunters with rifles that spray. In NYS all rifles are limited to hunt with ONLY 5 rounds in the mag. That is the same capacity as the Remintons and Marlins too. So what difference does it make what style the gun is? Now if I saw someone hunting with a 30 round mag...then I'd say something. But only about the magazine, not the gun. If we as hunters and shooters have to start appeasing the anti's then our sport is lost. If you buy into that whole "assault style weapons" crap then you will be voting for Hillary come time. I can forgive Mr Zumbo, but the damage has already been done.
  12. Re: Put in a new 220 circuit Been an electrician the last 22 years. Let a pro check your shorts
  13. Re: NY Hunting issues in Senate Here is some more info... -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 11:24 AM Subject: Junior Hunter Bills Hello All The New York State Conservation Council is looking for support to get legislation passed that will allow our junior hunters to hunt big game. We need sportsmen AND YOUTH to meet with their Assemblyman and Senator and voice their support for the following Assembly and Senate bills. A04623-Junior Archery (allow 12 & 13 year olds to hunt big game with a bow) S00113-Junior Archery (allow 12 & 13 year olds to hunt big game with a bow) A03878-Junior Big Game (allow 14 & 15 year olds to hunt big game with a gun) S00857 Junior Big Game (allow 14 & 15 year olds to hunt big game with a gun) It would be nice if these meetings happened in Albany on March 13th during our March on Albany. But if you cannot make it on that day, please meet with your Assemblyman and Senator in their home office, ASAP. Hand them a letter written by the youth and co-signed by the parent or parents, supporting this legislation and asking for the legislator's support. Take some photos of the meeting that can be shared with the Council, to use to further our education of our legislators. It would be helpful to have the youth be a junior hunter who wants to hunt big game in New York State. Even better would be a youth who is not allowed to hunt big game here but who actually went to another state and hunted big game. Do you have photos of junior hunters hunting big game in other states that could be shared with the Council? If so, please contact me. We need sportsmen from every part of the State to do this, if we are going to show that sportsmen really want our junior hunters to be able to hunt big game. Don't wait for someone else to do it! Contact your Assemblyman and Senator right away. Please pass this message along to all youth interested in hunting, so they can become active in this. Yours in Conservation, Harold L. Palmer President New York State Conservation Council Inc.
  14. Re: What pro athletes are involved in the outdoors Tonite on the outdoor channel, I saw Strike Zone with Randy Jones(ex MLB pitcher). His guests were Arron and Bob Boone, they were fishing. 2 more to the list!
  15. Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!! [ QUOTE ] Now answer me this. Were the AR's and AK's made for hunting? Or were they made for War? [/ QUOTE ] They were made for reliability and function. Wether you punch paper, bad guys or animals. Part of hunting is the kill. So we are judging weapons SOLELY on cosmetics? MY AK functions EXACTLY like my mini 14, the remington 7600, the Browning BAR...the list goes on. Cosmetic judgement of firearms(based on how they look) is small minded and the same thinking as the people who would have us turn them all in. 1st it was a the semi auto guns...then the bayonet lug....then the flash hider...then the threaded barrel...then the pistol grip, then the detachable mag, then the folding stock. JEEESH! Whats next? Maybe all America should have is single shots huh?
  16. Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!! [ QUOTE ] Yep, like AJ points out here, there is really no way to take out of context what Mr Zumbo says here. He said what he said and it is pretty cut and dry. His remarks in my opinion I will maintain are somewhat ignorant and were careless. [/ QUOTE ] expect more from a ambassador of the sport. So who does Zumbo go to for damage control help? Uncle Ted. The Nuge should set him straight. Zumbo's sponsors must have been bombarded with emails railing against his statements, leading to his retraction.
  17. Re: AK-47 Also, when you do pick up an AK, I think you will got the bug. Get a broken shell extractor. It is a collet that is shaped like a 7.62x39 cartridge and exerts pressure on the inside of a broken case in the chamber and allows that broken cartridge wall to be removed with a cycling of the bolt by hand. I have had it happen 3 times to me while shooting. The steel case ammo(wolf), that was made for this gun; had the shoulder of the cartridge ripped from the wall by the extractor making the gun useless being unable to chamber a round. I had some advice previously from a friend about broken cases in the chamber, so I had the broken shell extractor on hand. It is an extremely valuable tool. Otherwise the gun that can't shoot is a paperweight, not a gun. I'll see if I have the pics of the broken shells, and post 'em here and how violent of a extraction takes place with the AK.
  18. Re: AK-47 A buddy of mine just bought at a gun show here in NY yesterday a Romanian AK WASR for $375 with 2 30 rd mags. sling and cleaning kit. That is a good buy. Considering in a few years when the democraps pick up speed...these weapons will be things of the past.
  19. Re: realtree hosts Bottom line you can't forget about the people who are paying your salary and promoting the company you work for by buying their products. If all of us(well not just us) was not silly over the Realtree products and the whole shebang how popular would they be? Its like being a music star and never having a concert. I mean come on....Even the Rolling Stones have time to visit the fans and they do not have much time left I think all the Wadell fans are saying is stop by once and a while and don't forget about the people who made you famous..Thats all.
  20. I saw the post on Ryan Klesko and it got me thinking about pro atheletes in the hunting and shooting sports. These are the pros that I know of that are involved with the outdoors. Roger Clemens(big time texan), Jeff Kent(mathews Pro staff), Wade Boggs(PSE shooter), Turk Wendell(wore alligator teeth), Ryan Klesko, Karl Malone(NBA)on NRA board of dir., I know Mike Stanton(pitcher) is a hunter( I see/talk to him often, he also is from texas). Those are all I can think of right now. Can anyone think of any other pro sport personalities that hunt and fish?
  21. Re: Ryan Klesko Adventures....? Pretty good show. I saw the one where they were elk hunting with the bow. There is another retired ball player that also has a TV hunting and fishing show. Strike Zone with Randy Jones. I guess you can tell he was a pitcher. I think its way cool for sport stars to publicy show their hobbies. It helps advance OUR cause.
  22. Adjam5

    Selling price?

    Re: Selling price? I bought a wood gun rack from Wal mart and paid $25, so something as nice as this would definitley fetch IMO, $50 and better.
  23. Re: New Shotguns for the boys! Keep them in the woods and they'll stay out of trouble. Good guns to start with and good Luck with the boys!
  24. Re: What\'s the biggest turkey you\'ve ever killed?? [ QUOTE ] I haven't personally killed one , but have been on many a hunts with my dad!!! ----------------------- Don't judge a man by how he looks, judge him by how his truck looks!!! [/ QUOTE ] Just keep hunting...I'm sure your Dad treasures the moments you are with him. You'll get one soon. Some of my BEST memories hunting turkey is with my sons and most of the time we didn't kill anything either! My personal best was a 20lb eastern with a 11" beard and 1" spurs.
  25. Re: Watching your child get hurt Hope he gets better soon. Kids usually heal pretty quick and are resilient. Hope mom is feelin better too! I have seen my kids get hurt also riding MX from a distance. There is nothing you can do and sometimes its like in slow motion while its happening.