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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Adjam5

    broke up

    Re: broke up You deserve better Coles and you will get it. Hang in there. I know its easier said than done, stay strong. You sound like you have a good heart. Good Luck.
  2. Re: New York Turkey hunters? Anyone have any idea where we could hold a get together? I'm interested.
  3. Re: How many are using arrow vs shot shells this y I won't even be taking out a weapon this season until my 2 oldest boys(15,13) get a bird. Well maybe to shoot back up Then Dad gets down to business The boys have the youth season 1st which is one week before the regular turkey season for the rest of us.
  4. Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn Muggs you are right about only one thing to me. We have hijacked this thread enough...apologies to the original poster . I'll keep my points of view and you keep yours. If I had no tolerance...I wouldn't be able to live where I do read it again and again and again. No tolerance I would move..Get it? If you lived in the populace I did, you might have different views being constantly inundated with gay issues, its much different in middle America than here in the metro NYC area. Lets agree to disagree...OK? You with your points of view, could vote Hillary/liberal come time, and support those similiar points of view on gays and teaching of the gay lifestyle to kids in school. Not me. No conservative candidates speaking the way you are, just Hillary and her ilk. Liberalism, gun control/anti hunting, go hand in hand, funny... you haven't addressed that point. Me, I will vote pro gun, anti abortion and anti gay rights. Adam and Eve...not Adam and Steve. God Bless America da da da da da daa daa daa da daa daa We should go back and forth in a PM mode, this way we will spare others our banter. I'll stop responding to this post now and ONLY reply in PM mode on this topic. Better yet... you could respond last to this post and feel like you've won...How about that? I'll let you take the LAST shot. Gimme your best
  5. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 That name is cool with me too.
  6. Re: AR, what to look for and how much is fair? That .50 Beowolf is some caliber. I read it was developed for the Coast Guard to be able to sink small water crafts and boats. The .223 rounds were bouncing off fiberglass boats, so they necked up a .223 round and made it a .50 cal. and fit it into the AR size receiver and uses the same AR mags too since its based on the rim of .223 case. The Beowolf has a rebated rim on the case, that was the only way they can neck it up to .50cal I think its like a 300grain bullet and has the ballistics and knock down power of a 45-70! This is a Alexander Arms product. AJ...Would a .50 Beowolf upper fit on a plain ole AR lower reciever? I mean, can one just change the uppers and WALAA! New gun? Or does it need to be in the AR-10(.308) platform?
  7. Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn [/ QUOTE ] What I'm getting here, is there's all sorts of people in the world, the key is learning how to except them or if you can't handle that, ignore them. [/ QUOTE ] Thats all fine and dandy, but how could you accept or ignore it if that is being teached in the schools and the schools asking permission to share the "Rainbow teachings"? "Heather has 2 mommies" and "Dads room mate" books for kids to read. Tell me you want your kids learning that from someone other than you? Thats in your do you ignore that? My school tax $$$, you don't want to know what I pay in school tax. The 6th highest in the nation. What if we as hunters pushed OUR lifestyle down others throats? Oh, No we can't do that...that would be wrong, but they can push that lifestlye on us and even try and indoctrinate it into the school curiculum. Its much more than live and let live... its not that simple. I don't hate 'em...just don't want it pushed my way or something unnatural taught to my kids. Thats all. Look, I live in the suburban NYC area, you don't have to tell me about tolerance I know ALL about it. Also, I don't want to be patronizing a store that uses its profits to promote beliefs other than mine. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
  8. Re: AR, what to look for and how much is fair? I have pondered this myself... The 5.56 NATO chamber is designed around function in war conditions. Where case extraction is a life and death situation. I don't think it makes that much of a difference, because the bbl caliber is the same, but there must be some sloppiness of the case not being exactly centered upon ignition in the chamber. Some instances of throat erosion might take place. I'd like to hear what AJ has to say on this. I picked up some Black Hills .223 50gr V-Max loads at Gander Mtn. I will be putting them thru the 1:9 AR I have. I will report back with details. I am also waiting on 5rd AR mags to be able to hunt with. Check your regs, you might need one too. This is where I got mine.
  9. Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn You are right..that is a bit hypocritical and I was wrong. I need to be more careful with my words. What I meant to say is that it is my right to not have THAT pushed on my kids thru school and agendas such as the ones certain stores are promoting.
  10. Re: AR, what to look for and how much is fair? [ QUOTE ] Good luck and welcome to the dark side! LOL [/ QUOTE ] What he said
  11. Re: ATV silencer review Nah...I could've put ANY pipes I wanted on it. My good friend owns a bike shop and I get anything I want at cost. I choose the silencer. I enjoy the quiet of the woods, and quiet in general. I work around noise ALL day, so when quiet is availble, at cost...I take it!
  12. Re: Update on my little Girl! Great news Jeramie! What a relief....Whew! Lactose intolerant is common. My oldest boy(squirrelhunter91) was too. Projectile vomiting was common until we got to the bottom of it. We went thru many formulas until the DR. finally figured it out. He was put on Nutramigen, hypo allergenic formula. 15 years ago it was $35 for 6 quarts, I can only imagine what it costs now. BTW, Joe is fine as he grew up with the intolerance. He was skinny and dairy products help put on fat, so he was on the bony side. He was always below the growth chart the DR. had in the office, but look at him now, he is as big as me and eats like a horse and craps like a mule. He ate NO dairy products as a youngster. Now he eats icecream, drinks milk with no adverse results, except for the by product... the methane that he emits all too often when he consumes dairy Your girl will be OK, God Bless her and good luck.
  13. Re: A tad on the chilly side tonight..... I just hope my heat trace on the water main in my hunting cabin can combat that kind of cold I checked this was -28 with the wind chill where my cabin is. It's ONLY -14 down here
  14. Re: WooooHoooo! She\'s Caving! Good Luck! Make sure some roses are part of that purchase price
  15. Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn I have bought guns all over the country INCLUDING my local dealer. Now If I see something I want, at the right price I buy it, regardless of who is selling it, as long as its legal I picked up a Weatherby Vanguard in 7mm Rem mag at Walmart for $299. Anyone would've bought that gun at that price. It is much more than accepting gay people JDAWG, that gay curiculum is being pushed in schools and little kids do not need to know what Adam and Steve did. They should be learning about Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Contributions from companies like Walmart help propogate that thinking. The gay population is such a small percentage of the country, so why do they have the voice/power that they do? They are well organized thats why. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. I do NOT have to accept that lifestyle and it is mine and others perogitive to speak against it and keep it out of our schools. As far as America being a melting pot... for immigrants,what country did the gay people come from? I need to know where NOT to go on vacation Besides not everything people on the board are against is posted here. I write many letters expressing opinions to companies/banks/gov't that get my money. BTW, the whole gay and anti gun thing seem to go hand in hand...Coincidence? Ask Rosie. Last election in November, One openly gay architect in weschester county put $500,000 into John Hall's(D-NY) campaign because Sue Kelly (incumbant R-NY) was opposed to gay marrage. This guy made it his mission to elect Hall. John Hall won with ease and now John Hall is one of the anti gun peole in congress and is in Hillary and Schumers stable. Now tell me it don't matter. See how it comes full circle? This is just ONE circumstance.
  16. Re: Did you see this on Realtree home page Hmmm...didn't remington make a go at some electronic ignition fixed cartridge rifles? E Tronix or something like that. This might be pushing the primitive weapon a bit too far into the future making it NON primitive. This needs more discussion.
  17. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 The birds we have seeing in the yard here are getting me crazy. I have never been soo close to turkeys and not shoot at them Turkey Sullivan county too far from you? We have land there and it has been productive, you'd be welcome to meet my son Joe and I and hunt with us. We'll get ya on some birds with Joes callin' Look at these vids its what Joe and I have been being tempted with daily.
  18. Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn See... they put the mom and pop gun stores out of biz and they sold the guns...for a while. Now that mom and pop are gone and wally world don't sell guns. The places to get them are severly reduced and the antis win by reducing gun stores and places that sell them without having to wait for laws to be passed. Prett Slick huh? Like Willie! We have to be THAT clever with our defense of OUR sport.
  19. Re: Moose brings down chopper Holy cheese and crackers! That moose went down swinging
  20. Re: I think God is speaking... I hear the Y O Ranch and King Ranch is looking for nurses to help with the heart attacks that the hunters get after shooting booners Nah...Just kidding Nursing is a great profession and I wish you much luck in your choice.
  21. A while ago I posted that I put one of those Benz Silent rider ATV exhaust silencer on my quad. I finally got a chance to ride it and see if it was worth the money. OH YEAH...standing next to it you wonder if its money well spent because it doesn't souns any different. But when my son started riding away with it, I don't think he got 50' and I could not hear him anymore. It was like he was riding a electric cart it was so quiet from only 50' away. I had to weld a adapter on the factory muffler and I did NOT experience ANY loss of power. If anything, it was a bit more peppier than usual. I highly reccomend this product.
  22. Re: lets see pics of 4-wheelers Here is mine, a 03 Yamaha Kodiak 400 with my son Joe on it with the Catskill Mtns of NY in the backround. I just put one of those Benz silent rider exhaust on it...MAN is it quiet! We ride up on so many deer and other animals with it.
  23. Re: Rank these... Bow deer...absolutley love it! gun turkey, not ready for the bow turkey yet. gun deer... I can be very selective with no pressure to shoot, because my meat is already in the freezer from bow season
  24. Re: AR, what to look for and how much is fair? I was at a gun show here in down state NY yesterday and I too was looking at some AR's. The completed ones were in the $8-900 range 5.56cal, 1:9 twist. 5.56bbls can shoot .223, but .223 bbls cannot shoot 5.56, the shoulder is different. The 5.56 is the universal chambering to be able to shoot commercial and military ammo. If you like a tighter chambering in the AR you get a .223 bbl. There was one dealer who had 2 complete lower recievers, one a Rock River Arms(DEA issue) and a Stag Arms(famous for lefty uppers). Both for $249+tax. AR consist of primarily 2 parts. The upper and the lower. The lower is basically as far ATFE is concerned is "the gun". You could choose quite a few calibers with the upper you choose. The uppers can be bought thru the mail, online, anyway you choose without filling out govt paper work. The lower still needs a 4473 to be filled out. I was considering getting a .204 ruger upper. The 1:9 twist rate is perfect for military ball and the mid range weight bullets. The 1:8 is a better set up for the heavier bullets that you could hunt with. I mean you could hunt with the 1:9 too, but to match bullets to twist rates, that is whats reccomended. It could be a deer rifle with the 75 or 82 gr bullets. Shop the uppers online and see what it could cost to snap together and push a pin in and whip up yer own AR. Very simple assembly with complete uppers and lowers. Gander Mtn has the same special going on over here, the A3M4 for $999. I think I can get a new upper somewhere in the $3-500 range, maybe more for special calibers. $435 for a .204 ruger at Model1 sales. Whipping your own up could save you a few$. If these lowers were going for $249 here, I'm sure you could do much better outside this communist state I reside Are you gonna scope it? Then you'll need a flat top upper to mount it to. It comes with a machined rail for scope mounting. This gun can be super accurate and a real tack driver. The ARs they are making now will rival and exceed accuracy of most bolt guns. These are great sources of info.
  25. Re: JoshM\'s Last 4 Hunting Seasons... *Lots of pic Great pics! The pics thru out the years are something to cherish forever.