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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Adjam5

    Weekend plans????

    Re: Weekend plans???? My oldest son and I are gonna finnish up the crow season here in NY saturday and most likely trout fish sunday and prune apple trees on the land.
  2. Adjam5

    work boots?

    Re: work boots? Red wings were always the way to go. I had one pair re soled 2 times before the uppers gave out! I get about a year out of each pair of boots I buy. I am VERY hard on boots. But I mink oil 'em and snow seal them when I get them new and try to maintain them to last.
  3. Re: SYRACUSE NY fORUM MEET! April 13,14th [ QUOTE ] about Gander Mt. in Plattsburg,NY ? If you came up this way alittle more Tim [/ QUOTE ] Or down a little to the Gander Mtn in Middletown
  4. Re: AK-47 Or SKS??? You could not choose a more fun and inexpensive gun(s) to have fun with. Get a oven mitt for the AK forend if you rapid fire a few 30 rounders. It gets a tad bit hot
  5. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 Go get 'em Cole! Good Luck Dwin.
  6. Re: Our NY birds are getting ready!!!! I saw birds all weekend up( for me anyway) in Sullivan county. The biggest was a Tom that had about 6" or a bit better beard. Everywhere where there was exposed grass, it was all scratched up by turkeys looking for a meal. I saw more turkey tracks this weekend than deer tracks. I think its gonna be a good spring turkey season
  7. Re: Here\'s No Brows!!! *PICS* [ QUOTE ] Only people that would pass on a buck like that are the ones who either hunt with alot of outfitters or those who own a good chunk of their own land where the chances of him staying on your land to grow is high. [/ QUOTE ] I agree. It was very cool watching him in velvet... all the way to the freezer
  8. Adjam5

    My bows

    Re: My bows Some real nice sticks you have there Jim! Oh those Howard Hill bows...I just love 'em. I'm just getting to the stick and string and I can't wait to get goood enough to take it in the woods.
  9. Re: where can i get an AK-47? 2 weeks ago I was a t a gun show here in down state NY and one dealer was selling the WASR AK for $349+tax with 2 -30rd mags and one 5 rd mag. The SKS were in the $2-300 range also. They were Yugo models.
  10. Re: AK-47 Or SKS??? The AK is a detachable mag gun and the SKS is a fixed mag gun. Both shoot the same caliber 7.62X39, Russian .30cal. Which is readily availible and has the same ballistics as the old 30/30 cartridge, it is a adequate mid range deer cartridge. The SKS can have its fixed mag changed to accept detachable hi cap mags with no big deal. The SKS's are milled receivers and parts, to me that makes a sturdier gun. The AK by NO means is a slouch. It is the choice of many people around the world for good reason. Reliable, basically accurate, cheap to manufacture and maintain. I have both guns. My SKS is a very well made Russian model and my AKM is a pre '86 ban Norinco underfolder. Both guns do what they were built for. Are you looking to hunt with it?
  11. Re: Good treestand Summit Broadhead Backpacker. It folds flat, has a open front, perfect for the bow. My Outback is so small, I shoot almost always sitting down. Very comfortable, sturdy and well made stand. Expect to spend somehwere in the $225-$275 range for most of the Summits.
  12. Re: 1970 Chevy Jr Go Kart Nope...still for sale.
  13. Re: NY Sportsmen vs \"Pete\" Grannis Will do Jim, Thanks for the update. The NYSRPA is NYers best voice for keeping the rats out! The constant whittling away at what and who we are HAS to stop. The Spitzer steamroller seems to be slowing down a bit, and as long as sportsmen keep the pressure on...Grannis may not make it. I hope
  14. Adjam5

    Disabled Hunter

    Re: Disabled Hunter This kid Chris is a good kid and he appreciates everything everyone does from the extra fries my wife gives him in the cafeteria at school to being taken turkey hunting. This was a good cause and all who helped, I thank you guys. Stan Pascoo currently is putting together a few "wounded warrior" veteran hunts right now. Joe and I are on board with this, and most likely will be taking a wounded soldier on a hunt with us come this turkey season. Stan Pascoo is one heck of a guy. This is one tireless man that will give the shirt off his back to help diabled hunters, a vet and promote our hunting shooting lifestyle, wanting nothing in return. If anyone is interested in contributing to the "wounded warrior" project contact Stan Pascoo at the above # and donate away!
  15. Re: 1970 Chevy Jr Go Kart Ahhh, come on you don't have to be THAT rich Tell ya what...Buy it and I'll knock $250 off the price. Gas money
  16. Re: 1970 Chevy Jr Go Kart I originally thought it was a 70, but I checked the paperwork and it is a 69! I got it in 70! Still for sale!
  17. Re: Your Heritage/Nationality I am American of Italian descent. Gramps and Gram came over on Ellis Island in 1910. We have ships manifest and passenger list. It was part of family tree my cousin did. I was able to get a hold of the ONLY family firearm. It is in my safe. A Crescent Firearms .410, my most treasured gun. Its easy to be Italian in NY...Fuhgeddaboudit!
  18. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 Go Ruth Go! Thats a good opportunity and money well spent. Good Luck! Team Leader....My vote, Turkey Girl
  19. Re: A Little 3D Action From This Afternoon My wife would only like to shoot at me , but for obvious reasons...I can't let that happen. Thats real cool you get your wife out there, has she hunted yet? Looks like you got yourself some good competition
  20. Re: Eye glasses and Archery? I have been wearing glasses now for Ohh...16 or 17 years now. The only hinderance I have found glasses to be is the fogging issue. I have and use that cat crap, but I'm running out and the original catcrap is hard to find. Gander sold some stuff made as a anti fig, Scope dope. It was made by the people who made cat crap, but it does not work the same. I hate wearing glasses and am seriously considering laser surgery. I hope I am a candidate. But outside of raindrops and fog on the glasses, I have found no problems in shooting my bows.
  21. Re: My precious and beautiful wife, Linda, passed Sorry for your loss. You will be in my prayers.
  22. Re: Saving pennies? Or not? My mom and dad just got a little over $800 for a 5 gallon water jug filled with pennies, and thats with pulling out the "wheat stalk" pennies and keeping those. Hey...a Million $ starts at 1 cent. Poor penny gets no respect
  23. Re: HEY! Whats up? Just think in 10 years we might be paying $20 for a quart of milk. Nothing ever goes down in price and with this global market, that has made prices change soo often its not funny. The average guy never has a chance to keep up. We are always behind the 8 ball. Save your brass, pick up others brass if they don't want it. I even have my sons pick up the empty .22 shells and we keep them in a 2 galllon bucket. When the bucket is full, off to the scrap yard we go to sell the brass. Just the .22's and any other no good brass cases.
  24. Adjam5

    outlaw .50 cal?

    Re: outlaw .50 cal? Here ya go...all the info you need on the .50 The .50BMG stands for Browning Machine Gun
  25. I will do better if someone from this board wants this car. I wanted to give my Realtree buds a shot at this car too.