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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: If High Rack says move.... We watch these deer most every night frolic in the woods behind our house. The are munching on the neighbors shrubs and flowers and they fight for the spillout of the bird feeder. it aint much, but to them its worth fighting for. We are estimating that deer high rack to be in the 4-5 year old range. He is soo much bigger than all the rest of them. Joe and I hope to get a crack at him this october He IS a marked deer.
  2. Re: Parents passing on the tradition Yes, its is good to see parents getting kids into OUR THING of hunting, fishing and the outdoors. The youth are our next generation, lets pass on what we know. My 3 sons all are hunters and on their 12th bday, they were recipients of a Lifetime Sportsman License for NYS from my wife and I. Oddly dad never hunted, much less ever owned a gun, forget about shooting a bow! Where did I come from
  3. Re: NY Catskill Black Bear Videos It looks like it was alone it was either a yearling that was chased from the den out to find its own home range or a small momma with cubs under the camera that could not be seen. Either way...its good to know there is a bear in that area. We know there is a plentiful supply of berries/apples around there right? That should keep a bear around for alittle bit. Animals are starting to fatten for the fall, as they fatten we shoot bullseyes
  4. Re: High Rack,No Brows,Stripe,The Other Guy, 3pt & Lets just hope those bucks are around come october 14th Because last year....all but the little ones became invisible and I /we NEVER saw them again or even finding one of their sheds in the woods where these bucks frequent Joe has his new climber...those bucks are in trouble now
  5. Re: how long did it take till hunting with a bow When I first bought a bow(a 1989 Bear Whitetail legend) in 97 off of a guy on the job. I kept it in the closet for 3 years and never touched it. In 2000, I was looking for a greater challenge hunting whitetails, so I took the bow out, had a pendulum sight installed and practiced, practiced practiced. The very first morning out hunting I shot a doe at 25 yards and have been hooked ever since Later that morning I upgraded my hunting license to a Lifetime archery license. I knew it was something I'd be doing a Loooong time. I have since upgraded to a Mathews Outback, but have deep sentimental feelings for my old Bear.
  6. Re: Broadhead VS Bone? Last year I took a a non typical 6 with a shot, a bit more forward that I wanted to, but I hit him square in the shoulder blade thru that, and his heart, with 1/2 the arrow sticking out the other shoulder blade. This buck went down like a ton of bricks when it was hit. I never sat a deer down with a bow before, untill then. Here is the amazing part...I was using and expandible head, a NAP Shockwave 100gr with Beman380-16's out of a Mathews Outback 65/29"at 20 yards. I did not think the expandibles would expand at all if I hit bone, but I was wrong. I got excellent penetration thru bone with a expandible head and those heads worked fine. Fixed heads will give that peace of mind about cutting on contact, they are strongly manufactured broadheads. Muzzys lead the charge, but I have to say that Montec G5 looks like it will give the Muzzys a run for their money. I am sold on the Shockwaves after that performance.
  7. Re: Yankees /Mets fans 2000 world series You know what I just noticed in the torre/valentine pics? Willie Randolph in the back envying the interview...Maybe this year Willie, the Mets are looking good! They used special bases for this World series. It was billed as a subway series, one could take the train(subway) to and from each stadium. The 4 and the 7 train. It was also the 1st year they used microphones in the bases (see pic of partner installing batteries in wireless transmitters in bases) at Yankee stadium. I know...I installed 2 of them. We were working for Fox at the time. They had the WS broadcast rights. Here are a few pics of them, and one of Mike Piazza batting practice and Jose Canseco during warm ups.
  8. Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault All the reccomendations are right. You pay a lot more for a name. Omega point fire rating is something to look for. That is a fire rating certification. Most home fires do not get hotter than 7-800 degrees and are put out usually within 20 mins or so. So a safe with a 1300 degree rating for 1 hour would be more than enough to protect your important papers and guns. I always entertained the thought of installing a safe in the house foundation encased in concrete. Some safe companies just sell the door/frame enclosure to cement into the wall like a vault... Secure and fire proof for sure. I wound up buying a Browning made safe, it was their bottom of the line model "Morgan Fort" 28 gun capacity(gettin VERY tight!). Look for port(s) to run power into the safe for light and a dehumidifier...MUCHO IMPORTANTE. Most combo locks have relocking mechanisms, if the dial is tampered with, it locks the safe permanantly. S&G is a good combo lock many safes have them as their locks. Most have door gaskets that swell with heat, sealing off the safe to outside air and heat. Internal hinges are good. The 3 or 5 spoke wheel handle is nicer compared to the lever type. also consider finish gonna go in the living room or the garage? If its going in the garage, then you don't need the fancy paint job or mural it adds to the price...., not unless you want to. Buy the biggest one you could afford.
  9. Re: Yankees /Mets fans 2000 world series Pics OK?
  10. Re: Reynolds fired? Or Isiah Thomas of the Knicks, His thing is still going on.
  11. Re: Yankees /Mets fans 2000 world series Here are some pics... The eagle was the one they used to fly around the stadium during the last verses of the nation anthem. Some batting practice pics also. I have to scan a bunch more.
  12. I have some digital pics I took of Joe Torre and Bobby Valentine, being interviewed at Yankee stadium during the 00 World series. If anyone is interested e mail a request and I'll forward the pics. I have many pics from there. See... I used to work there part time as a electrician for the TV networks and the Yankees for approx 9 years, So I got some GOOD pics and storys too Not to mention lots of signed stuff
  13. Re: New bucks Nothing makes the heart pump like a bachelor group of deer Nice Bucks!
  14. Re: SELLERS and BUYERS info post Bought a pair of REALTREE Nikon Binocs from KTM Mike. Shipped on time, packaged right constant communications kept. A+++++ on all levels.
  15. Re: NewYork has NEW big game season dates [ QUOTE ] So much for the October 1st opener in the southern teir. [/ QUOTE ] Yeah I was kind of hoping for that too But atleast bowhunters did not lose ANY days, they gained them. Thats a good thing. Also with the saturday opener, the youths can get in the woods not only on opening day, but have to 2 days to hunt too! I think this will increase youth participation and that is something our sport needs. Propagation of the Sportsmen New blood. I have not read anything yet on DEC's site about a early muzzleloading season, like what was under consideration last year. Anyone hear anything about that?
  16. Just was on the DEC website checking to see if the antler restrictions went thru in the WMU I gun hunt, and WALAA! DEC has new dates look for yourself! Southern zone early archery starts 2 days earlier!!! Woo HOOO!!! New Big game dates
  17. Re: Another wreck Glad your OK...
  18. Re: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Great to hear some public figures still have a pair when it comes to dealing with criminals This country needs more like him.
  19. Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere Dont fret NY 'ers...Cabelas is building in East Rutherford,NJ, the new Xanadu complex thats being built. Next to Giants Stadium. Thats not too far from Long Island, CT or even mid state NY. I am looking forward to it. The closest one in ther NY area is the one in Hamburg ,PA. I hear that place is awesome and spending a day there is not enough.
  20. Re: SELLERS and BUYERS info post Sold 4 packs of Muzzys to Bulldawg. Paid promptly and no problems...++++++++++ Thanks Tom and go stick a big one with them Muzzys will ya?
  21. Adjam5


    Re: HOT! Was out in the sun all day pulling fiber optic cable in the street in lower manhattan, 2 blocks from Ground Zero. Our crew of 6, went thru 5 cases of bottled water in 7 hours. We have been starting at 6am, sometimes 5 to get ahead of the heat. Last saturday we were working a 14 hour shot, and all of us was draggin azz. From up above she came...A VERY pretty lady with huge.... coolers full of Red Bull . Stepped out of a Red Bull mini cooper ,and started handing them out to the guys. Needless to was well appreciated and hit the spot. Great marketing
  22. Re: My Personal Battle Keep hanging in there...Your gonna beat it!
  23. Re: Mauser Action? Thanks guys for the ID. I thought it was a mauser action. It shoots good and has a nice balance to it. My son Joe has his eyes on this as his deer rifle. We'll see
  24. I picked up a few months ago a English made rifle in .243 It is fairly good shape and it shoots good too. It was imported by Mandall arms in AZ, they are since out of biz. The gun is called a Alpine Sporter, from my exp, I think most rifles that are called sporters were old military rifles sporterized for commercial use. I am thinking Mauser action here... Any help with the action type?
  25. Re: Bigtime hunter starting tommorrows Allstar gam Wish I would've known this...I would have rooted for him!