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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: Crossbow Facts ** [/ QUOTE ] Let me ask the pro crossguners something? If the crossgun is NOT legal in your state to hunt with, what have you done to promote it and get it legalized in your state? If it is only legal to hunt with, if you are disabled with a permit, then have you wrote,called or lobbied a politico or game commision to allow the use of cross b b b bows.( I'm trying) for whatever season you feel it should be in for non disabled people? I know I belong to a large organization that supports what I believe in...Ain't America great! [/ QUOTE ] Would someone answer this question?
  2. Re: Crossbow Facts ** I agree with Rossman
  3. Re: Crossbow Facts ** [ QUOTE ] Rossman, BOHUNTR... obviously you guys think crossbows have some form of advantage over compounds. I'd agree with you, although in my opinion, it's a small advantage. now, let me ask you both...SO WHAT? [/ QUOTE ] So what? OK... lets use a gun in bow what if it has an advantage. Most game commisions have determined that certain weapons have certain advatages over others. That is most likely the reason that archery comes first and works its way down to rifle or shotgun. Atleast that is the way it is here in NYS. How do other seasons start elsewhere? Why is is that when someone don't agree with a opinion, you are called an elitist? This BB is for points of view, and BOY are you getting them. Imagine if everyone thought the same way...this would be one boring world. I am glad there are different points of view, it stimulates the mind regardless of stance on issues. There has been some good and healthy conversation on this topic. Let me ask the pro crossguners something? If the crossgun is NOT legal in your state to hunt with, what have you done to promote it and get it legalized in your state? If it is only legal to hunt with, if you are disabled with a permit, then have you wrote,called or lobbied a politico or game commision to allow the use of cross b b b bows.( I'm trying) for whatever season you feel it should be in for non disabled people? I know I belong to a large organization that supports what I believe in...Ain't America great!
  4. Re: Crossbow Facts ** [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] and the fact that it shoots very much the same as a bow, with the exception that it's locked into the drawn position. Since that seems to be the reason you don't like them, would you have draw-lock bows banned from bowseason as well? [/ QUOTE ] Good point [/ QUOTE ] Draw locks ARE illegal most everywhere a crossgun, (opps! there is that word again...) is not a legal implement, such as here in NYS. Why?, it is a form of a crossgun if the string is locked back. One would need a disabled hunter permit from the NYS DEC to hunt with the use of a draw lock, and you would have to prove that you could not draw back a bow to get a permit to use a draw lock or cross b b b b bow See I said it, it was hard to do , but I did it, UNDER PROTEST! Kind of like Fonzie saying sorry
  5. Re: Crossbow Facts ** [ QUOTE ] I don't quite understand the opinion hunters have (not just you) that they would accept crossbows if they had their own season. What difference does it make? [/ QUOTE ] The reason separate seasons are needed for each implement is that different weapons have different advantages over others. Most seasons start with the implement that is the hardest to kill with, then it eventually gets to the centerfire rifle where a 300 yard shot sometimes is whats needed and is made frequently. One extreme to the other. Atleast thats the way big game season starts off in NYS. Doc has made some very good points concerning x bows. The big picture is to bring more hunters into the sport...right? We all agree on that...Right? But x bows most likely will not bring new hunters into the ranks. If that happens I think it would be minimal, Gun hunters will make the cross over to the crossgun,OOPS! theres that word again I can't help it...its gonna take time. Take a look at some facts and comparisons made by a NY organization regarding the crossbow. NewYork Bowhunters I feel the rules in NYS regarding the use of a x bow should be loosened for lesser disabled hunters and older archers, but extend the current seasons to include the x bow. There is reason that some states do not allow x bow use. Better minds than ours have looked at this, and conclude that the x bow does not belong in the archery season in NYS, atleast for now.
  6. Re: Crossbow Facts ** I have no problem with crossguns oops! theres that word again, I can't help it. Crossbows. I am a vertical archer OK? I do feel they are easier to master, but that is not the issue here. Here in NYS one needs to be literally a quadraplegic to get permission to use a x bow with a breath trigger!. That should be changed. Many hurt and older archers could extend their seasons and be able to continue hunting with a x bow. In NYS there should be a separate season for each implement, like there is now. If a x bow season is implemented in NYS, I would hope they would make a season for it on its own, and not take away from existing seasons. Anything that brings in more hunters to the ranks without alienating existing hunters I am all for. Hunt Safe!
  7. Re: Mathews 1 piece quiver for sale Is that the detachable model for the Mathews? Will it fit the Outback? I have a fixed quiver on my Outback and was looking for the detachable one.
  8. Re: Fresh Road Kill!!! Did ya eat the fawns too? Thats gotta be sweeter than veal
  9. Re: Possible New Job Good Luck! May your discounts run DEEP!
  10. Re: Mossberg 835 choke opts. I have an early model 835, one of the 1st production runs. It was not ported ,had bad camo all over, round forend, a BB for a sight. It shoots good though. I have since replaced the factory choke with a Undertaker choke tube, the recoil was kind of stiff. I then went with a ported choke tube, I don't remember the brand. Recoil was less, but the patterning was better with the Undertaker. I use Winchester Supreme 3" #5's
  11. Re: Walmart to stop selling guns [ QUOTE ] It's because Illinois is one of them communist states like Mass, Maryland, and California. [/ QUOTE ] You left out NY too.
  12. Re: Snort-Wheezzzzzing ? I have used the snort wheez to pique a deers curiousity. A few times I kicked up deer and ans they trotted off, I snort wheezed and it froze them long enough to take a shot if I wanted to. At that time I did it with just my hand and mouth. A few months ago at a outdoor show, I bought a Lohman Snort wheez call. I am perfecting it playing with it. My son tells me it sounds better from a distance than up close. I have had positive results with the snort wheeze.
  13. Adjam5

    Insert Glue

    Re: Insert Glue I use SteelForce Beyond Bond and SteelForce glue accelerator. I use carbon arrows.
  14. Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer I agree Michael Waddell is my fav too. I love the comments he makes right after a shot. "FIF....TY yards and that buck can't hold it!" But who can forget Tiffany Lakosky of "Gettin close" Michaels good, but Tiffany's just a lil' bit cuter Ralph and Vicki of Archers choice are funny the way they goof on each other too.
  15. Re: 221\" 2005 IN. Bow Kill I just mounted !! Thats a REAL NICE buck.
  16. Re: the weirdest lobster I have seen Is that common? It is a cool colored lobster.
  17. Re: Mule Deer & Whitetail Antlers 4 Sale-Rattling PM sent
  18. Re: T/C\'s scopes...who makes \'em? I have just ordered a T/C scope, raised rings and waiting for delivery. It is the T/C Hawken Hunter line 1.5-5X32mm. I am looking forward to this muzz season with optics on my T/C ThunderHawk. These old eyes aint gettin any better.
  19. Re: Antler restrictions in place in NY\'s 3H and 3K [ QUOTE ] Adam, I had no idea that 80" was big in your area. Well, at least where QDM is not practiced. That is pathetic. Hopefully that will change in your area with this antler restrictions that you talk of that is going on. hopefully your son will be able to score a buck on your land. That would be the cat's meow!!! this contest that you speak of, do you know how many participated in this "contest" and just like the normal course of history, how many people never report a "big" buck? That we have to ask as well. A 160 lb buck is not a big buck we all now that this is a sign of a young buck population that I as well as others feel needs to be changed. [/ QUOTE ] This was a contest run by the Democrat newspaper, the check in was the Monticello firehouse. It had plenty of exposure and a bunch of PA residents also involved. I don't know exactly how many entered the contest. I still have the clipping if you want more info... Yes that would be cool if my son nailed a nice buck there The locals have a "brown its down" management plan I have told them stories of passing up bucks and they could not believe that I would ever pass up any. They have always shot the 1st buck they saw due to the scarcity of the bucks , let alone quality ones. Bowhunting suburbia gives me the opportunity to pass up bucks.
  20. Re: Antler restrictions in place in NY\'s 3H and 3K I agree that the loss of our sport is due to the fact that the world today has TOO many distractions. Kids are too pre occupied with video games(not mine, all hunters and shooters with lifetime NYS hunting licenses ). I tried to get some of my oldest sons friends involved in the outdoors, the parents are holding them back. Scared and ignorant of our sport. Many parents are holding kids back from the outdoors. I think we as hunters need to convince more adults(who have kids that look up to them and respect their opinions) that our sport is a safe sport that teaches reponsibility and conservation of wildlife. I have not shot a gun season buck in about 3 years, most of my buck kills have been with my bow in a bow only area where QDM is not an issue. Suburban deer I usually have my bow killed buck by the time gun season starts, so for me, I have no pressure to shoot a buck during firearms season. My situation is different, I have private land that enables me to be selective like this. Most of the locals up in 3H have tiny racked bucks up on their walls, small basket 6's seem to be the norm. I'm sure any of them would like a crack at 100 class or better buck. You know what won the big buck contest in the Monticello,NY Sullivan county (3H) area last season...a 10pt 80" buck...80"!!! The heaviest deer weighed 160lbs that was an 11pter. See...the deer need help in that area. 80" on the big buck contest...You know how many 80" bucks I have let walk here in my bow only area? Many... Thats because there is no pressure on suburban deer, they get to mature and eat real nice landscaping all night long in my neighbors yards I think the AR's are a step in the right direction. I am ready to make my investment.
  21. Re: Antler restrictions in place in NY\'s 3H and 3K With all antler restrictions there is a buy in investment is being made. This kind of thing takes time. Generous doe tags are a key ingredient to managing a herd. Lets see what happens. I was lucky enough in one of these areas, to take a nice 8pter back in 01. The deer there do have potential if the little ones are given a chance to grow. My buck there was aged at 3 1/2 years old. I have practiced QDM on our 62 acre camp for 2 years now. This fall will be the 3rd. I have planted food plots, fertilized my and pruned my apple trees. Cut browse all over the woods this winter too. I am doing what I can to help the herd in that area. My 3 sons are the one who will really reap the harvest of the AR's on our land. When they'll be legal to gun hunt, the bucks will be ready! I am confidant these AR's will help produce bigger and healtheir deer. Heck, if there are no bucks to shoot for 3 years, then the coyotes better watch out!
  22. I was curious about who makes T/C's scopes. I am looking to put some glass on my smokepole, a T/C Thunder Hawk and was considering the T/c line of scopes. Any info appreciated.
  23. Re: CAMO RESTORE Whatever you do, you don't want UV brighteners in the wash. I have a camo sweatshirt that I don't use for hunting, and it gets washed with the regular clothes. That shirt is the dullest color shirt I have. the UV stuff in Tide, ect kills cam clothing colors. Try a wash in Sportwash, it has no UV brightners and is designed for camo and hunting is scent free also. Most of the hunting scented detergents will have no UV brighteners in it. But if the clothes are worn and faded, nothing could bring them back to the orig color.
  24. Re: Laser bore sighter I have used a laser bore sighter a few times and it worked real well. I put a few scopes on the kids .22's and one of them, a Crikett.22 hit the black on the 1st shot! 3 clicks and that gun was sighted in with 2 shots. They can work good, but do not take the place of a good sight in session. Know your gun.
  25. Re: Who still drags their own deer I only drag it, if there are other hunters in the area and I don't want to upset the woods by bringing my quad in there. But the rule more or less is, drag it to the trail, and we will cart it from there.