On topic?
Here's my opinion.
Why does everyone care so much about everyone else's life and what they do. You should only care about yours, your familys, and anybody's that effects your family. If someone wants to do something, so be it, why does it matter so much to you. Do you get a better feeling about yourself by trying to act all knowing and knowledgable about some sort of topic without really knowing the details. I know for one, i will continue to post my opinion where I see fit, untill I'm banned. If you have a problem about my opinion cry to me in a PM. I will most likely not respond and just laugh at you. People have their opinions and make their own choices. Let them deal with the consequences wether they be good or bad. To each their own. Get off your high horse and chill the **** out. Be excited for someone for purchasing an item that they have wanted for a while now.
(not proof reading, so call me out on all my grammar mistakes)