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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. Dont forget to post this up in the scoring thread. Great deer.
  2. Tim says, "Back at it. Winds howling 20-25 mph, gust higher. unreal!"
  3. Some pics from Tim's stand....
  4. Tim says, "1st day, winds South 20 - 25 mph High of 50 and 32 now. Hoping for the best."
  5. With all my family celebrating Thanksgiving in South Carolina and me being stuck across the country, I will be hitting the woods for my late season archery season Thanksgiving morning. The dog and I are headed up Wednesday night and going to stay till Sunday. Looking for an upgrade. I will be cooking something Thanksgiving day for the dog and I trying to keep my mind off of being 3000 miles away from all my family...sucks...but thats life. Hopefully a monster will walk out in front of me and I can add some points. I will give it my all, team.
  6. From Tim, "Made it to Illinois last night. Headed out now to meet John and hang cameraman stands. Real windy and cold, gotta love it!"
  7. Once JM gets his deer posted and JCWA counts the score for Corey's doe we should be at 95 points so far. Nice job girls. Someone send JCWA a PM to change our name to Butter, works for me.
  8. Good luck Timbo, Looking forward to the text and pics.
  9. 92xj

    Your opinion...

    Lows around 8-15degrees with the highs in the low to mid 20s, might hit 30, snow should be falling as well as 3-6" on the ground. New moon on the day I will go into this stand, the 25th. I would say the deer shall be moving, well, I hope anyways. From the weather to the moon to the time of year and the late November Rut that seems to happen here, it looks to be a good deer movement day.
  10. 130-135" main frame 8 with 13-15" of added junk. I would say 145-150" gross.
  11. Let's say you had a stand location in an area with good buck sign and pics from early season of good size bucks within 10 yards of the stand. The stand is in a thick ravine at the base of a large mountain. Your longest shot is 25 yards because its so thick. You havent been into this stand in 2 months. The rut is on. When you finally decide to sit in this stand for the first time would you go in planning to grunt and rattle some or would you not and just sit and watch the movement of the deer. Remember you took the camera out so you dont know whats been walking down there the past 2 months or when they are walking, you just know there are does and bucks that travel it at some point during the day. Would you sit a whole day and just watch quietly or would you sit some and then rattle and see what happens?
  12. Goodluck Shaun! They are calling for snow for the next 7 out of 10 days at my hunting land in Wa. Hopefully it sticks around till Thanksgiving when I am able to get back out in my stand for my late archery season. Be sure to take pics to show us your week long hunt when you get back.
  13. Hope the kid doesnt come out with silver hair....:ninja: Congrats buddy.
  14. Dang you old fart, not sure how I missed this thread. Glad you are alright and alive. I cant imagine going through that and I hope I never do. Glad you're stick kickin' and here to post. As far as people not posting; there were changes that needed to be made that never happened so people went buh bye. Oh well, easy come easy go. You are your post are important to me and I enjoy them, so continue on Sir.
  15. It's about time women. My back was hurting carrying all the weight. Congrats guys on the kills. I missed your post Corey, congrats on the long nose! Anyone heard from AceArcher?? I dont think I have seen anything posted from him and wouldnt mind an update to how his season is going. I think we as a team have done a great job staying active and checking in. I have two more weeks before I can get out again. My late archery season opens up the day after thanksgiving. It's kinda hard going into the woods knowing my 15 pointer is dead, but there has to be more bucks like him around. Hoping for an upgrade from my little baby. Goodluck the rest of the season and nice killing these past two weeks.
  16. He was killed last week during the rifle season that I couldnt hunt because this state only allows you to hunt one weapon and only during that weapon's season and I picked archery this year. The guy does not have permission to hunt where I have been getting the pics of the deer and he would not give up details other than the county he was in when he killed him. I saw his picture on the board at the outdoor store and my heart sank and almost shed a tear. The guy at the store said they quick taped him in the high 170s to 180s. I've never had any sort of land that has a deer that big and I was really looking forward to seeing him on stand. Hopefully he has a brother or father walking around in the woods. This is the first time in my life I have ever been depressed by someone else's kill. I will be back in the woods when out late season starts on Thanksgiving day to Dec 15th.
  17. What an amazing deer Al. Congrats to you!! I'm jealous.....
  18. Thanks Dude, congrats on your does as well!
  19. 92xj

    New home decor

    I did kill the largest deer of my life this year and he is at the taxidermist as well as my antelope I got in Wyoming this year. I havent figured out where they will go, but the ducks are staying....no basement.
  20. Tim called and left a message but my phone is not working real well and I dont have a land line to call my phone to check the messages. Been in the duck blind the past 3 days and I believe it got a little wet. Someone that has his number should give him a call. I think today is his last day to hunt and I have dropped the ball with the phone trying to die on me. Sorry.
  21. From Tim, "Well, I knew my day would come....I missed..ugh...132 yards looking into the sun. Should have waited for a better shot but I got caught up i....." Waiting for the rest of the text to come in....