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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. Tim is covered up in deer. No shooters though. Rain and wind and the cameras are covered up.
  2. Not my first rodeo.... I can let you guys take over for a while if you want! No biggie either way. I'm hoping he drops that bear. Bear hunting is such a rush!!! Not saying it's better than deer, just different. Im already wishing next year was here so I can go on another bear hunt. Sucks, I cant hunt them this fall since I got my bear in the spring.
  3. Tim is set and ready for the evening hunt. Sitting in the 6x6 stand!
  4. Where is your upcoming trip?
  5. This spot is not to far from the spot where Tim killed his muzzleloaded buck last year.
  6. Tim's going to sit till about noon at this spot. Depending on what action he see's he's either going to get down, grab a quick lunch and head to the set where the 6x6 is or he will continue to sit in this stand for the day.
  7. Wind is picking up 10 to 15 mph and gusting higher, partly sunny and in the mid 40s.
  8. These are from the new set this morning. 42 degrees and light wind.
  9. Please, for the love of God, tell me the first three posters know this is not a real person.
  10. Just hung great set in pouring rain in new area. Had a great 8pt in daylight on trail cam. Going to let it rest tonight and hunt it tomorrow. Also switching stands tonight due to wolves being close. Hunting were drop tine buck has been hanging out unless its pouring rain, camera and rain dont mix.
  11. What are you doing in here? Shouln't you be posting some pics of your adventures this weekend and monster bucks you have running around up there!!
  12. Please take a few alternates. We need to be able to kick people off the team that never show back up after signing up or go a month or 2 without ever checking in. Its pretty crappy to have team mates that dont contribute to the team, and I am not talking about not killing deer, at all.
  13. 92xj


    Glad I'm not a girl. Spoon it out and keep on using it. That thing isnt going to hurt you.
  14. Actually, opening morning was awesome. When I got to the stand it was in the high 30s and by the time I killed the deer and finished quartering it and hanging it in the cooler it was around 52 degrees. I couldn't have asked for better weather. Whats it doing on your side of the country? Cooling down any? Getting any rain?
  15. From Tim, Wind has picked up, stronger than last night and now to add injury to insult, the sky cleared after being totally cloudy all day. Bright sunshine and 70 degrees, was in the low 60s all day until now. Loving Manitoba, You never know whats going to step out, deer, bear, moose, wolf or elk. Talk soon.
  16. What's it feel like to be losing already? I would sweat that 9 point from Team 1!!!