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Everything posted by redkneck

  1. Won't be long, I know some have openers in September.
  2. I may have one lumenock left. Have to remember you can not enter the deer in p&y of you use a lighted nock
  3. redkneck

    The fridge

    Haha good one Joe!
  4. They do and that's baloney. The magnet is the size of an aspirin, most broadheads are made of aluminum and stainless steal, neither of which are affected by magnets.
  5. redkneck


    I'd like to try it. Got to close in my man cave first to have a place in my house for a power tower and weights. Keep us posted man and good luck with it!
  6. Food sources and trails. Find a good acorn tree this time of year. Should be doing soon. What part of AL you in?
  7. Brought a tear to my eye reading that. I can't imagine what you've been through and what pain and loss you still deal with every day. I have twin daughters that just turned 13 and I can't imagine losing one. Keep your faith in God and know you will be with her again one day soon. God bless you.
  8. I used tracers a couple years ago, I like the activation, works flawlessly. Be sure you deactivate them per instructions.
  9. Down here it's best to do it around turkey season, mid march
  10. Same here, but I'm thinking less than that. Wide angle lens can trick you. Forget the score, he's nice, good width, if you would be proud of him, then give him a good chase and good luck to you.
  11. redkneck

    Need help

    Just click on "forum actions" above and then "edit profile". From the full site anyway, not the mobile version.
  12. Pretty good I'd say. Will definitely stay in the SEC, just ask Muff, he's a big time SEC fan.
  13. I don't watch too much of anything anymore honestly. I think I've gotten fatigued on watching bow kills of deer in the 6.5 y/o 180+ category. I still enjoy a few shows from time to time, but certainly nothing on my DVR timer. Many years ago when VHS was getting started you could go out an rent/buy hunting shows that generated income strictly from the sale of the video. Sure they were cheesy, in comparison to today's highly edited show, but you can believe when a guy told you what he really liked, he truly believed in it. And when they killed a 130 class buck on public land it was more enjoyable to see IMHO.
  14. So where do you stand to write the check to pay the land taxes every year?
  15. I feel the same way. Thinkin bout goin to shoot my bow now. I should, but l leaving at 5 and coming home at 6 makes you sorry. ESP when you know your groups are ok anyway. I hate August, back to school and my twins turned 13 a few days later. Most expensive month of the year. I dread the little punks that will be calling soon!
  16. Sometimes my posts get that "not so fresh feeling". Got to get in and post up some new stuff. :toot:
  17. Amen to that. Don't think about it so hard, if it were all down to a magic formula we'd all have booners on the wall. Just give it a solid effort and go for it. There is rarely a perfect hunt, with perfect wind, it almost always blows from all directions at sometime during the hunt, no matter what the weather man says (at least here in the southeast it does). Good luck.
  18. Nice Dan! Shaun you don't need a fish to mount, take a pic and measure him and you can have one made any time you like, most folks I know are going that route.
  19. I live in Mississippi and it's illegal here. Game laws here are decided by the legislature and go into effect July 1, no rumors to so speculate on.
  20. redkneck


    Personal choice. How well do you group at 40+ yards? What arrow weight are you shooting? the question is almost more about who you are as a person than the bow you shoot. The further the shot the less chance for success.
  21. I'll dry you one if you want Don next time I cross paths.
  22. Made some last year and peed in them myself. Had bucks in there that night investigating them. I don't think they're all that picky lol.
  23. redkneck

    deer feed

    If your just talking about supplements, look at dairy pellets too. Corn does little for them than provide calories.
  24. Yes it would be. I'm worried he may not make it though, I'll do my part to get him there!
  25. redkneck

    Muzzy MX3

    If your bow is tuned right, and you shoot a good head, you do not need to adjust your sights at all.