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Everything posted by redkneck

  1. Can't tell, may have to get a closer shot. Watch for pointed leaves and helicopters flying over.
  2. It's gotten so commercialized I don't enjoy going as much anymore. So many booths selling junk with little or nothing to do with hunting. Chinese knives, cheap gadgets, you name it. I enjoy looking at the mounts on display. Mostly just go to spend a little time with Daddy.
  3. redkneck

    bow season

    Shot a little today, got a new target and broadheads, work to do still, just need a change in the weather!
  4. Seemed like really nice folks. Saw Preston Pitman, a few others at our annual wildlife show. I've hunted with Preston a time or two, he's a mess. Got a new layered target, broadheads, and some other junk. spent some good time with Pop at least. Any body else do anything worthwhile today?
  5. Good calibers, but not known as "brush guns"
  6. Got a pack of ramcats today at bps, will have to see how they do.
  7. Yeah it p!$$3$ me off too. Where's the outrage? Meanwhile DOJ is also blocking voter id. Can't have it both ways!
  8. 45-70 or 35 whelen in a handi-rifle would fit the bill.
  9. Cool. I use both of them, still amazing to me where technology has gone to.
  10. I think your going backwards, find a rifle you like then pick a caliber. You may find a shorter action WSM to your liking. Pick an action then find your caliber. Just an opinion Welcome to the forums!
  11. Try bing maps. Zoom in and use birds eye. Imaging on our lease is much better than G.E.
  12. Welcome! Phone autocorrect is bad, mine usually says "fools" instead of folks lol
  13. redkneck

    Almost done!

    Softball starts again tomorrow, girls play at 12 and 2. That sucks. And next sat too. Games or practice every day between now and late Oct.
  14. One thing I've learned is to watch them I until your sure they are dead. Shot one a little low with a rage 3 years ago and she piled up 20 yards away. Went to get her but she lifted her head up. Backed out, came back in 30 min and she was gone. Same thing happened to my buddy last year. Hammered a doe with a G5 T3 and she staggered and fell, staggered and fell. Blood trail was incredible. But she staggered out of sight. Backed out and called me to help drag. We never did find that deer.
  15. Yep, I like them tracking jobs.
  16. Yeah, I just read that. I like the way they open, but think I'm going to stick with fixed blades this year. Still got a NAP bloodrunner left over I'll prob put in a doe. I'll probably get either slicktricks, phatheads, or ramcats. Al I wouldn't quite say I'm a "gadget" person, per se, just trying some different things out, not saying there's anything wrong with my old stuff, but its a matter of personal preference I suppose with so many companies making superb quality broadheads. I've never lost a deer (to my knowledge) due to a broadhead, always blamed other things when I failed to connect or didnt recover it.
  17. Beautiful spot, never caught a cat in clear water lol!
  18. Don't watch a whole lot of anything anymore, always enjoy the Drury's and RT Roadtrips.
  19. redkneck


    We start on 9-30, but only when 10-1 falls on a Sunday.
  20. redkneck


    Same as always in MS 10-1
  21. Soooo, why wouldn't you be trying the #1 ranked broadhead from that test instead of the #2 and #8 ranked? I picked up 2 packs of the VPA Vented heads last spring, before this test came out over at't wait to try 'em out. Cuz I like underdogs. Seriously I read a lot of the countless pages and found it interesting. Regardless of what the anecdotal scores were, it did make me look at several new companies. Ramcats also cut when pulled out, the matrix didn't account for that. Cost is also a factor as well as blade replacements, Mech vs non-mech etc. Plus I'm just weird about stuff.
  22. Results of the AT tests were summarized on a spreadsheet if anyone likes to look at that kind of junk, your montecs ended up pretty high on the list as well.
  23. Hahaha! Is that good or bad? I've actually enjoyed trying new things last few years. If the old saying of "if it works why change?" Were all I lived by, I'd still be shooting a whitetail hunter bow lol I know you're a Montec man now, I kinda like the replaceable blades though. The phatheads got me interested after that AT BH testing thread, but the replaceable double edged blades on the ramcats are pretty cool too.
  24. Got a few left over from last year, picked up some Muzzy MX-3's as my reliable standby. Looking at new fixed heads though, who's shooting these: Buy The Ramcat Broadhead - The Ramcat is the next step in broadhead evoluton. Or these? STEELFORCE BROADHEADS PhatHead Series