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Everything posted by redkneck

  1. Still got y'all in thoughts and prayers Chris. Glad your checkup went ok.
  2. redkneck

    One more day!

    Good deal Cody, I've got a 5 day weekend, but would rather be working than scraping linoleum!
  3. All I'm saying is in these times when fire fighting resources are being used beyond capacity, any risk control is good measure. People are losing their lives due to wildfires. Nobody said you couldn't hunt on federal lands, nobody is saying you can't target practice. I don't like my rights taken away either but when the county issues a burn ban I understand why I can't shoot fireworks even on my own property.
  4. New Yorker just a hunch but I'm with William; try some fungicide. I have to spray my shrubs in this heat, immune systems break down. maybe next time try some more resistant varieties. One thing I've learned about tomatoes, when you think you know them, you find out you don't lol.
  5. In this weather it sounds like a prudent decision.
  6. Good advice above. What variety are you planting?
  7. Sounds like fun Dan. Never tried myself, maybe get these remods finished I'll have more time to play.
  8. I think William uses them, don't know if he makes them. I've seen some amazing pics from them for sure. Send wtnhunt a pm if he doesn't reply in this thread.
  9. Not sure what you mean by "there was no reason to kill them"? Cleaning hogs is hard work no doubt. Used to be fun though. I remember stirring cracklins in a big black iron pot with a long oak stick we'd whittle down into a spoon. Then we'd spend the next day making sausage. Those were the good old days. Now when we kill wild ones we just skin them out like deer lol.
  10. redkneck


    Sounday like you been listening to coast to coast AM. Does that still play?
  11. Sad, but he lived a good long life for sure.
  12. That's going to be some place Al. I'm still waiting to get hit by a drunk FedEx driver or something so I can afford something like that lol. Seriously I know you two will enjoy that property to the fullest and I know you will make every effort to help develop it to the fullest. I wish you both the best with it! I know you'll have lots more pics to come..... good luck!
  13. Pretty interesting clips there Martin. Not going to be a surprise though when we put this guy back in for another term though sadly.
  14. Sounds like you did great Tim! I wish you the best with it.
  15. redkneck

    Back to order

    I really feel for you guys w/o power in this heat. I remember the weeks without power here after Katrina with no generator, some very miserable nights to say the least.
  16. I can't post as fast in this heat. :48:
  17. First time wife ever made that one. Surprised me, I've gotten to where I really don't care for eggplant that much. But lightly battered in bread crumbs and a quick saute in olive oil and they don't soak up so much oil, not to mention they get finished off in the oven. Just one 1/2" slice and I was feeling full.
  18. Still wish we had a yawn smiley.
  19. Been super slow in here. Eggplant parmesan easy to make and I'm stuffed!
  20. Congratulations on a healthy baby boy Kyle!
  21. It's just plain hot. Supposed to hit 105 here today with heat index over 112. Used to be temps you saw in south TX or AZ. awful.
  22. That will make a fine meal! Enjoy Leo!
  23. Par for the course. I'm waiting for the rice still, but I bet you gotta have an EBT card.
  24. Have a good one old man!
  25. Absolutely Chris. Continued thoughts and prayers for your whole family.