Straight Shooter

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Everything posted by Straight Shooter

  1. There's not a thing int he world wrong with a buck like that. Congrats on your first bow buck!
  2. Very nice buck! Congrats! I've killed 1 deer with a Tekan and 1 with a Rage, all the rest have been taken with ~Muzzy~!
  3. I'm with you on that! I had my new Nissan Titan SE for 5 days and got a dent in it here at work. What sucks is that is was my manager that did it and hasn't said or done a thing about it.
  4. If he bedded down within 150 yards then he's hit pretty hard. I agree about going above the lungs becuase I've done on a shot last year and seen the buck the next day. However, mine didn't bed down and found almost no blood. Your dads buck is probably dead in his bed now, sounds like to me.
  5. there might be something on Youtube but if there is, I haven't seen it. My hunting partner and I had to fashion up a wooden block and use a punch to change the blades. I think he used a drill or router to make a channel in the block to hold the head and drilled a hole to punch the pin out. Simple but works.
  6. It's not the string spliiter, but is the same style with no circular sight to look through. Personally I haven't used one, my neighbor has and I believe its the cause of him missing several deer this year. Granted it allows for easier sight of your pins in a fading light situation, it doesn't however, allow you to know if your anchor point is high or low in the heat of the moment. Follow me on this, with a round peep you can see if your off by the orange ring on your sight cage not aligning behind the peep. Using a string splitter type sight, you can't tell if your off or not and throw in a raised blood pressure in a heat of the moment situation. If your off of your normal anchor, you will shoot high or low and in his case he is shooting high. Yes, he's got string knots tied on his string for anchor points. Now, if your a calm, cool cuccumber during a shot, I'd recommend one. I've been bowhunting for nearly 20 years and would take the chance on missing a buck of the life time because I've got my strings split enough to let the sun travel through. I'll stick with my round peep and give up a few minutes of shooting light.
  7. I hope you get a crack at one of those good bucks, Ruth. Hang in there and you might get your chance. Besides, these guys are getting ready to start going nuts; so you might start seeing some different bucks as well.
  8. Helping the herd and geting practice before the buck shot, Congrats!
  9. That would be pretty cool if you had a flat line at the top! Isn't that what you shooting for?:clown:
  10. Sorry for the loss of the meat, but at least you got your trophy and he's fine buck, Congrats. Just got a report fromt he guys property I hunt in Ohio that one of the guys hunting shot a buck and didn't find until the next day and coyotes had eaten that one as well.
  11. I'm heading up your way this coming Saturday and wanting to get and update on buck activity. I'm hoping we hit it pretty good this week and have gotten a report of a monster buck chasing Doe's 2 days ago. What kind of activity have you guys been seeing and predictions of when the rut will be in full swing? It's also looking like it's going to a little wet next week but I can live with that. Thanks for any information.
  12. What release are you using? It sounds like what buckee said about the trigger being set to light. That's an easy fix by adjusting the trigger screw.
  13. Awesome buck and Congrats, that was a great story.
  14. Way to Go Guys! Congrats to both of you on some great kills and more points for the team. I'm hoping to get us some more as well next week when I go to Ohio. I'm glad to hear our team is doing good.
  15. It's the October Lul, just before all H E Double Hocking Sticks breaks loose in a couple of weeks.:bat:
  16. I've called in several bucks with "the can" and don't go into the woods without one. When it works it works.
  17. HOLY COW! that is an awesome buck and even greater first kill for you! Congratulaitons and may you kill many more in the future.
  18. I had bucks opening week here in NC under my stand, got video on my cell phone to prove it.:clown: It is great to practice QDM but stinks when the season is over and your "buckless"; thinking whether or not you should have taken that 15 yard shot.:oops: