Straight Shooter

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Everything posted by Straight Shooter

  1. Does it apply to 3-D shooting as well, we do this to make better shots on the real thing, the deer or what other big game animal we may be hunting. I always shoot for a 10 or a 12, I missed my impact point, but didn't miss the animal, because my 5 or 8 shows that I hit it. Now if I miss it; my score card shows a big goose egg. If I miss my mark on a deer I still got blood, if I miss the deer I've got dirt. So is it a miss if hit the animal other thant the kill zone, NOPE. IMHO
  2. I'm put on the porch right now for shoulder and elbow surgery, but I am anxiously waiting for June to get here so I can start back. I usually shoot 5 to 6 days a week; one of those days being a tournament on the weekend.
  3. I'm 6' 2" with a 30" draw length; I use my index finger and thumb to make a U shape and anchor this on te side of my jaw. No loop either. If the string is coming down the side of your face beyond your nose then that is a good indication that your draw length is to long. You want to be able to have the string just touching the tip of your nose when at full draw and looking through the peep. Not off to the side of it or touching your cheek.
  4. 129 2/8" 10 point taken in 2003 112 5/8" 8 point taken in 2006
  5. Its a toss up between the critters screaming on the Bridgestone commercial or the dancing SOBE lizards to "Thriller", not because I like Michael Jackson either. Pretty cool commercial.
  6. You get what you pay for, especially with arrows. The FO?C is the Front Of Center balance on the arrow. You want your weight to be forward but not to forward. If your weight is rearward then you have the fletched end of the arrow trying to out run the front end, cause bad arrow flight. If the front end is to heavy then the fletched end can't do it job and stabilize the shaft in flight, causing bad arrow flight. Basically, if you take your arrow and try to balance it on your finger; you want about a third of the shaft on the broad head end when balancing. Some arrow manufacturers are making their arrows to FOC, so you don't have to worry about it when you set up with their shafts. You will pay substantially more for these shafts, but you get what you pay for. FOC is easy to obtain if you do your homework and follow the guides.
  7. Nope, Mathews holds that market. Pretty soon, they'll have to run two commercials to enable them to get all the celeb's on the screen. LOL:p
  8. WOW! Yes, all those specs do apply to your arrows and I'd bet my next paycheck you are way under spined with your arrow that long and shooting a 125 head. Yes, longer arrows shoot better but primarily for field archery. These guys shoot full length arrows just for that reason, but not hunting. I've got a Martin Slayer extreme set at 67# and shoot the 5575's at 27 3/4" long with a 75 grain head and they perform great. Do yourself a favor and cut them down, it'll improve your bows performance and increase your confidence. Your FOC (front of center) might go forward a bit with the 125's, more than likely you'll need to drop down in head weight.
  9. Here ya go, its the one on the bottom row, second from the right. The "sure vision peep".
  10. It sounds like your using a Tru-turn peep and yes those are a pain to get aligned at full draw, especially on a new bow or string. Like Randy said, it'll take a couple of hundred shots to get the string to settle in. You can get a peep that sits horizontally in the string and able to viewed through without any twisting of the string or any tubing. I'll have to find the link to this peep and post it here. Other wise you'll need to have your peep turned to reset it with the set up you've got now.
  11. Straight Shooter

    1st Post

    Welcome to the forums and those are some nice trail cam photo's.
  12. CONGRATS! It's great to have a great friend to hunt with!
  13. :D:DLMBO Sorry that is just to funny of a story not to laugh at. Don't give up, persistance pays of sometimes.
  14. If he lengthens the d-loop any more he'll be around behind his head at full draw. You've got better eyes than I have to see that he is torque the string in the pictures on here. Like I said before if he shortens his draw length just 1/2" it would make all the difference in the world. ;)
  15. We had our blizzard here in NC in 1993, had 3 to 4 feet of snow and totally shut down this area for over a week. Ten foot snow banks on the side of the roads, it was awesome, I'd love to see another.
  16. Looks great, I started doing mine last year.
  17. Yes, your mixture will work or I'd just apply the peroxide only, directly to the skull for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse.
  18. Heat "NO"/Cold "shouldn't matter" Main thing to worry about is heat on limbs. Excessive "confined" heat for long periods of time will cause the limbs to explode during shooting. I would worry to much about it this time of year, but I wouldn't make a habit of it during the summer months. Cold weather just makes them stiffer and maybe create an extra creek or two during the draw, but you get that as well; after sitting in the tree all day and then drawing.
  19. Straight Shooter


    I've used the HS scent for years and not had a problem with body odor. It must just be a chemical imbalance with your body type, and i'd do what some of them said to try a name brand unscented version.
  20. The d-loop is designed to take the torque instead of the string, the style of release he is shooting will put a twist on it and there is no getting away from it unless he goes to a pivoting head release. I do agree with the draw length being to long, if you shorten it up by 1/2" it'll make all the difference in the world. You could very well be torqueing your bow by compensating for the draw length. It does look like your putting a lot into your grip. Ensure that the whisker biscuit is squared/level to your string, these things can be a bite in the butt if out of alignment to the string.