Straight Shooter

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Everything posted by Straight Shooter

  1. I know that is the entrance:rolleyes: but you can see the exit on the left side of the photo; which is her right side. You might have hit the finger bones of the spine; but no spinal cord what so ever. She would have dropped. Like I said; I'm glad you found her:)
  2. I'm glad you found and congrats on the great tracking job. Looking at the exit hole you did miss the spine and only got the top of one lung. Another inch or two and you'd have missed her high. Great job none the less!
  3. I've got those loaded up too, just haven't tried them out yet!
  4. I did that the other day and I came up with me being a guide and some picture of dude that wasn't me in Maine! Buckee did you not realize how close I lived to you! LOL:D
  5. Hey you can't beat a 200 gr XTP being pushed out by a ton of powder and don't have to worry about the scope being knocked off, just what ever the bullet is hitting! HA Long live our bare barrels!
  6. Most definately accurate to what ever you want to shoot at. I shoot my broadheads out of mine at 50 yards and its just accurate. The speed issue isn't a problem either, shot several different types of fletchings through a chrono and had little to no variance in speed difference.
  7. Congrats on the anniversary:), that is one big advantage to working for the state. 30 years and your out, I've got 22 1/2 more years to go for full retirment and I've been with my company for over 20 years now.
  8. Straight Shooter

    I'm home

    Glad everything went well for you and you made it back safe and sound.
  9. 1. Agree with Tom2008 2. Agree with again- rule of thumb; measure twice cut once! Make sure you put them back on the way they came off. Also, remember to put twist back in the string. 3. Check the cam side to side play, bushings could be worn is the only other thing I would do with the bow compressed. New strings aren't going to help out much if the cams are worn. There should be a little play in them but not much. 4. Agree Good luck!
  10. Heard the Cardiac is coming out with a 6 1/2" brace height on the new ones. Short bow-short brace height=tough!
  11. Awesome buck and like buckee said. I wish my first one was that nice. He is ruined now; just be prepared for a life long hunting partner now.
  12. Congrats Tammy and glad to see you joined the troops here at RT! Very nice buck!
  13. Big thumbs Up! ;)Way'ta go men! I knew ya'll could over come this little bump in the road.
  14. Got both the spring and fall master catalogs in hard cover from them. Can't say I've ever had a problem with them. I do have an order on back order now, but no big deal it's a flashlight and don't need till next hunting season. Sorry you've had some bad luck with these guys, but its like a lot of things, I will never own a ford; I had to many problems even out of a new truck. Just the way I feel about them but that doesn't mean they are a bad manufacturer though.
  15. Well said Donnie and there's no need to defend what you feel is right and law obiding. Just keep thoe videos coming of you rhunts they are great to watch and tell Tammy congrats again and we look forward to seeing more harvest on video.
  16. Looks like those boogers clean that carcass pretty dang good, there might be enough for one of them to come back and eat.
  17. ATA is ATA and its all in preferance to the shooter. When they first started hitting the market, the biggest seller was its so compact and versitle in the treestand. I don't care if its a 30" ATA or a 42" ATA; it all comes down to the brace height. If you've got a short ATA bow with a brace height of 6 1/4", it'll eat your lunch and the same goes for long ATA bows. I've got a 39" ATA bow with a 6 1/4" brace height and its not forgiving at all, you bobble what so ever and the shot is histroy. Shorter bows with more parrell limbs allows for a greter brace; equaling a more forgiving bow to shot. As for a trestand bow, I can only think of one occassion that I needed a shorter ATA bow because it was hitting a branch, but that was a high risk shot anyway and I ended up not taking it on a deer directly behind me. Beside, if I would have taken the time to cut a branch out of the way ATA wouldn't have been a problem. Pesonally I won't own a bow under 37" ATA, there is no advantage in my opinion. The parallel limb concept is taking away rom the limbs are supposed to be used for and that is absorbing most of the shock from the shot. The risers are taking most of the shock now fromt he shot and the only thing the limbs are serving as is a holder for the cams or wheels. JMHO
  18. Congrats to Tammy on a great ram!
  19. And they say we are pronouncing "Flied Lice" wrong! LMBO That sign is great.
  20. Got all of mine in Rubber Maid Totes from Wally World loaded down with Earth Scent wafers in each one. I have no Scent-Lok clothing so I don't need the scent-lok bag. I've got six totes and they are still less than the cost of one from Bass Pro Shop.
  21. Got'em and Use'em, and have to agree with Ruth!
  22. Take one of your old arrows with you to have the new ones cut down or just measure from the end of the nock and remember that measurement to tell the person who is cutting them down. Now as far as shooting them, you'll slow down on the speed about 7-8 fps (3-4 fps for every inch of shaft or 8-10 grains) and them being longer will not hurt, unless it makes your arrows under spined. Shoot a few arrows and check out the arrow flight. If they look like a wiggle worm going down through there, save face and time; take them to the pro shop and have them cut to length.