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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Some things just make your day That is awesome! Gee Buckee, when are we gonna play? hmmmm??? lol!
  2. Re: Finally Got Her! Wow, that thing is not a truck.....it's a hog! lol
  3. Re: could use some help Yeah, kinda looksl ike a class ring, though it is a neat find!
  4. Re: Hows Everyones Gardens? Wow, nice crop! We have a few baby summer squash, onions and such in the main garden, then of course my pumpkins, carrots and potatoes I planted. Several potatoes rotted and didn't come up so I've got to replant, and the pumpkins are a little behind, my fault, but other than that, the gardens seem to be doing well
  5. Re: ARCHERY ITEMS F/S How much are you asking for the 125 grain Thunderheads?
  6. Re: My Personal Battle Good luck and stick with the quitting man! It's better for you in the long run!! You can do it!!!
  7. Re: ESPN Hunt Sunday I used to watch the hunting on ESPN on Sundays, they'd show like 2 hours of Realtree shows, then they decided to change the times and put on the Cindy Garrison show which if you ask me, is more for the looks than the hunting. I don't watch it anymore because they show the Realtree shows too early now...
  8. Turkeygirl


    Re: CHAT POLL I was always in the chat, and once college started and ended, well I haven't had much time to go in, besides the chat wouldn't load on the previous computer.
  9. Re: Im so proud of my mom That's awesome! I know alot of girls at my college would donate their hair when it got long enough.
  10. Re: A nice ending... Thanks guys! LOL @ Buckee! Yes, you can throw your stick in the fire, lmbo
  11. Re: Happy B-Day Dakota Happy Birthday Dakota! I hope you have/had a great day!
  12. Re: Just got a great deal! Don't you just love getting your Christmas shopping done early? LOL
  13. Well friends, yesterday was my last day of my internship at the DEC Environmental Camp. It was a great experience and while I'm glad to be back at home relaxing and starting working custodial again on Monday, I will miss the camp. It was all fun, working with the campers and working with fellow staff. After the first week which began kind of rough being away at joint staff training and being homesick there, I never though camp would grow on me but it has. Last night was the closing campfire where the kids do skits and we all sing songs. Then there is a point where each staff and kid takes a small stick, says their name and a favorite thing about camp then throws it in the fire. When I went up, I basically said my favorite thing was the wonderful experience I've had to work with everyone and I got kind of choked up. Everyone whooped and hollered,lol, then the camp Director, she came over and told them it was my last night and gave me this certificate and a big hug which I almost really cried then,lol. Saying the good byes was the hardest, even though I'll know I'll be back to visit, but when I got in the car, I cried all the way home Anyway, I'm back now
  14. Re: Proof that RyanH shows up SOMETIMES... Congrats Ryan,lol!
  15. Re: HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!! Happy 4th. everyone! I spent my 4th. at camp working, just got home a little after 8pm for about a 2 hour 4th. before bed,lol!
  16. Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY too_pointer Happy birthday buddy!!!! I hope you had a wonderful day!!!
  17. Re: Look where I found this tick... Good thing you found that; may not have been good if unspotted. I hate ticks, they are so creepy,lol
  18. Re: End of the line for me Congrats!!! Take it easy and enjoy your fun times ahead!
  19. Re: Can\'t believe he\'s gone... So sorry for your loss buddy. Will keep you and your family in my prayers. He's up there with Jesus now:)
  20. Re: OK who would kill their wife if.... LMBO! Sorry, it's kinda funny. Try SOS pads. They will get alot of stuff off and I've used them before to clean the black stuff off the bottom of pots.
  21. Well this last week was the first week of campers at the DEC Env. Education Camp I'm doing my internship at and I must say, it got better each day. I really felt God working in me to be Christ-like and spread His love to these kids. Thursday I helped lead Fly tying/fly fishing and while I won't go into alot of detail, there were a few kids who don't come from the greatest homes, so just to be able to help them learn and tie a fly and encourage them was awesome! Hopefully this coming week, which will most likely be my last week and finish up my 200 hours, will be as awesome. Thursday I puti n about 13 hours, yesterday almost 15 hours. Yeah, camp is tiring, and it is basically your life,lol, but there are rewarding aspects of it, even if I don't get a paycheck I've got this weekend off though and then it's back to work Monday. Going to try to finish planting my garden, a little late I know, and try to fish a little. Oh yeah, and it rained every day this past week, we had to cancel/change so many activities it was rediculous!
  22. Re: How many of you have to work Monday? I do. Since I'm doing my internship at a camp, gotta be there for the kids, all week....and I don't even get paid because it's an internship...
  23. Re: 3 words. Camp...was...AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back Dakota and I'm glad to hear you had an awesome time! Sounds like you had a ton of fun and I know you deserve it. God sure is great, He has really been teaching me alot of things at the camp I've been working at the last two weeks:-)
  24. Re: Dakota at Camp! Glad to hear he is out in the great outdoors and having some fun! His knee will heal up soon enough, just make sure he is icing and rests it. Great news though that's he's out being normal!
  25. Re: First trout on a fly rod! lol @ muggs! thanks guys! Actually the kid who showed me the spot, he said he thought they'd be going more after nymphs or wet flies so I guess he was right,lol!