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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Great Night of Television The only hunting shows I can watch are on the Men's channel but at least ESPN is showing the Realtree programs again on Sunday mornings. Watched last week, gotta say Realtree has the best shows!
  2. Re: Proper way to field dress deer I always start with making a cut below the rib cage into the chest cavity then I work my way down. Just be careful you don't stick your into the stomach or intestines or you will have a smelly time, not too mention that stuff is not good to get on the meat and leave it on the meat over an extended time.
  3. Re: Giant Yellow Jacket Nest EEEWWWW! I really dislike bees/wasps/hornets. Man, those nests are scary...I might have nightmares now,lol!
  4. Re: Praise God, Praise God, Praise God! Wonderful news! It amazes how how many of us there are on this earth and that God loves each of us and knows all of our troubles and concerns. Great news!
  5. Re: Photo Contest ?\'s, Comments... Oh man, I don't stand a chance now with all the great looking photos in the contest.....hmmm... I'm either going to try for one this week or post one I took in May... Just gotta decide what has the better chance.
  6. Re: Help Identifying a fish! I agree with Buckee. In the creeks I fish for Brook trout, those stupid chubs are always there and some of them get like 6-8 inches. They eat all your bait that's what I know,lol
  7. Re: Attention Beman Arrow users \"FREE\" Coupon Darn, I bought 6 Bemans last fall and probably won't be buying anymore this year though.
  8. Re: Did anybody get the new.... One came a couple weeks ago. Pretty nice the drool in,lol!
  9. Re: Honesty pays off That's great! The Boss above rewarded you for your honesty. Remember, God is always watching over you! I hope things continue to go for the better.
  10. Re: Help Indentifying a fish! We have fish like that around here with those throny like things and we call them Horndays. Looks like some type of chub though and they are annoying,lol
  11. Re: Guess what I\'ve got!!!!! The good news is I heard/read somewhere that is you react to poison ivy, you have a good/strong immune system...supposedly,lol
  12. Re: 2006 deer contest???? Maybe for newbies who sign up, they can only sign-up if they've been a member for a certain amount of time for example "If you have at least ? number of posts and have been registered since 2004" or something like that. I dunno just an idea but I hope N2H can do this contest again, he does an awesome job of it!
  13. Re: Squirrel contest?? I can't wait for Sept 1.! The only thing is, the squirrels around here will sometimes have warbles or the botfly larva underneath their skin, which is really gross. When we get a frost, it kills them or around the first frost, they'll be gone. It won't stop me though; I just might be a little selected since I hate cleaning squirrels with big larva things under their skin, yuck! lol
  14. Re: 2006 deer contest???? But still, if you let whoever just sign-up then they never show up again, it is not fair to that team and they will for sure not have a chance of even coming close to winning. Sure, the contest should be more about fun, but each year, I have a bunch of people on my team that don't ever show up again and it is frustrating to be one of only a couple people active on a team. Just another of my 2 cents.
  15. Re: My midnite adventure! ROFLMBO!!!! That is so funny!!!!! LOL I'm glad you got that critter out and I'm sure it wasn't too funny at the time but it is funny now!!
  16. Re: I\'mmm BaaaAACK!!!! Wow! I think you need a real vacation now,lol, like one where you just sleep in a little and relax. Sounds like a good time though! Welcome back!
  17. Re: I feel so bad! well on the one side of the basement which is where we store wood for the stove and andy has his tools and the mower and stuff, we always have a few toads in there. They don't bother us, we like them anyway, and they take care of the bugs that come in to the light over the washing machine/dryer in the summer.
  18. Re: 4 more weeks if she makes it Congrats to you and your wife! I hope all goes well and ends well!
  19. Re: Hey Y\'all, Guess What? Wonderful news Chris! Praise the Lord! I'm very happy for ya!
  20. So I just got home from a visit over to camp which was a blast. Just came downstairs with my dinner to check Realtree,. I go over to check the laundry on the other side of the basement. I open the door inbetween to two sides and something stops the door for a second then the door opens. There lies a toad I just squished to death with the door; I feel so rotten! I was like "I'm so sorry little guy" and put him outside. And the hard part is we normally have a few toads each year living in our basement. Ugh........
  21. Re: 2003 Hoyt Supertec Left handed for sale Man oh man, I wish it was right hand....sweet bow!
  22. Re: Here\'s a good question I mostly hunt by myself. Andy really only hunt during archery and shotgun deer season, hunts rabbit every now and then. I actually enjoy hunting by myself, even though there are those times I wish I had a good buddy but oh well, less noise,lol. I enjoy it when I have a successful kill and come home and tell mom because she enjoys eating the wild food God blesses us with.
  23. Re: NewYork has NEW big game season dates Ok, I see it. The map wouldn't load for me yesterday,lol. I'm so happy archery starts on a Saturday this year because if I'm back in college doing a 40 minute commute each way, come fall, I'd hate to miss the first day:-P I'm pumped already for squirrel season to start!
  24. Re: NewYork has NEW big game season dates I got to the website, but I can't find the dates anywhere, I just get a link to another page, don't know how you found the dates???
  25. Re: Wish me luck Sounds like fun! Good luck!