So I thought we didn't have to leave until Monday for the DEC camp in the southern Adirondacks for joint staff training. Well the camp director today informed us we will be leaving tomorrow afternoon! So I'm at home right now, working on packing things and trying to enjoy my last evening home for a week. Got to put down 3 hours today towards my internship, all we did was introductions and clean up a bit. A little rough being that I'm use to people from a Christian college and the others at this camp are a little rough language wise and such. The camp director seems alright. At least I can take my fishing pole. I'll pretty much probably do all the training and on my free time fish, hike around on the trails, take some pictures, and read a book,lol I'll miss you guys for a week. Please say a prayer if you think of it because it is going to be a little hard experiencing the "real world", and pray we have a safe van ride to and from camp and no one has any bad intentions,lol. We are suppose to get back next Friday afternoon and I'll have the weekend off, so I'll try to check in