Re: Biggest buck you\'ve ever missed.
Well it's not exactly a miss but counts as it I'd say,lol. This past fall, was hunting in one of my stands in a hemlock tree overa deer trail going to and from a bedding area. I'm on the edge of an old logging trail that goes behind me out into a field and to my left are some hardwoods. Well it's morning and i'm sitting there. I turn to my left and see this wide racked buck, biggest one I've seen in the wild around here, coming right down the hill towards me. He wasn't massive like a Canada buck,lol, but he was theb iggest one I've seen so far. Well he walks right now, under me and stops about 5 yards from the tree, quartering away. I stand up and draw my bow, no noise, but he shoots forwards and stops at 20 yards with a small hemlock tree blocking his vitals. I couldn't get a shot off! Andy said I could have probably snuck the arrow through the few hemlock branches, but I didn't anyway. So while i didn't get a shot off, that was an experience I won't forget.