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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Release question That's the only problem, no one has the release I want, gotta order it from Basspro. I think I'm going to like it though. I asked on another forum and a lady said the strap adjusts quite a bit.
  2. Re: fletched up with yellow wrap Nice looking arrows to the both of you!
  3. Re: Release question Buckee...is there any way to tell if a release is too big or not or you don't know unless you try it? Basspro is theo nly place I've found to have that release, it does have some adjustment but that is my only concern- if the reach would be too long...hmmmm....
  4. Re: Release question ttt....
  5. Re: Ladies doing the field dressing... I don't mind doing the field dressing, but sometimes Andy will come and just take over and i'm like grrr...I can do it myself even if I am slower than you,lol. Usually though I'll help him with his deer, him with mine with field dressing in the woods then taking the hide off and such back home.
  6. Re: Bucks with no velvet!! Wow, I haven't seen any de-velveted bucks yet and I'm in western NY. That's cool though. Most should be shedding velvet soon.
  7. Re: Finally, A First Place Finish.......... That's awesome! Congrats!
  8. Re: never so exited!!! Wow SS, I'm very excited for you, GOOD LUCK! I hope you get to bag a real trophy, can't wait to see some photos! By the way, tell some of those bucks to migrate to western NY,lol.
  9. Re: Update on new bow search Ok friends, this is the bow I've finally decided I think I'll go with: the Rintec XL Going to try to stop today and order it at the bow shop. http://www.hoyt.com/products/rinTecXl.tpl
  10. Ok, not sure if I asked here or not, but on my current bow I have an Ultra-Nok XL and use a Trophy Hunter Release. I wouldl ike to upgrade to a new release and I like the specs. of the Tru-Fire Hurricane Extreme web release. Will this release work well on the type of nock I'm using? Basspro has this release for $35 so I'm trying to stay around that price range or lower. Any opinions or suggestions on other releases? I like the releases that close automatically when you let go of the trigger.
  11. Turkeygirl

    prank wars..

    Re: prank wars.. Oh wow, alot of you have great ideas! lol I was told of this one prank where one of my professors bought Saran Wrap and totally Saran Wrapped the other professors pick-up truck-like the doors were totally Saran Wrapped shut.......... sounded pretty cool to me,lol.
  12. Re: well i missed out this morning ! I was out for a hike last night, saw and heard a few squirrels and had a few nice encounters with some decent little bucks. Bucks not huge but I wouldn't pass on either one! Can't wait for squirrel season next weekend!
  13. Re: Squirrel Contest Question Thread LOL @ RangerClay.....I think the bushytail banquet food plot might entice a few squirrels,lol!
  14. Re: Fun question... Geesh, guys really are nosey aren't they? lol. I don't have a choice - don't watch the show and frankly, I'm not that interested in boys,lol. but it is fun to see how many guys respond to this:-P
  15. Re: A bunch of NY bucks (photos)... Wow, those are really nice NY bucks! Good luck to ya! Looks like an exciting season ahead for you.
  16. Re: Update on new bow search Thanks. I thnk I'm going to go with the Rintec XL. Heard it is as good as the Selena and when considering the draw weights, would actually be the faster bow. It is also cheaper:)
  17. Re: Update on new bow search Yeah, I have considered waiting, but I don't think I can take one more season with the bow I have right now. After trying other bows, I try mine and i'm like oh my gosh...I am leaning now towards the rintec XL because it is cheaper and some people on archery talk said it is about the same as the Selena....
  18. Re: Squirrel Contest Question Thread Only 1 week left starting tomorrow will NY season! I haven't heard anything from littlered? Another no show? Oh well, will see if I can do it all by myself:o) Sometiems I think people are afraid of me,lol
  19. Re: Update on new bow search The one shop I was at had a Buckskin but it was too much poundage. I did hold it, not bad, but I really like the Hoyt feel, besides the Selena is just a little over 3 pounds, and it is for women,lol.
  20. Re: Update on new bow search Yeah, I didn't like how hefty the Reflex was, and the A-A seemed big to me.
  21. Re: High Rack, No Brows & Fawns Nice photos! Couple weeks ago, I saw a 6 point in velvet with a rack higher than that! lol
  22. Well friends, I've it it narrowed down to two bows. The Hoyt Rintec XL and Hoyt Selena. I tried out a Rintec the other night and it felt great so I know I'll probably like either of the 2 above. The only problem being I've been in contact with a bunch of shops and no one carries them and they are selling like crazy. One shop told me the Selena is special order. So I'm going to have to order my bow but which one I'm not sure. The Rintec XL is more for growing teenager, the Selena for women, but on archery talk, several women shoot the Rintec XL and Selena. The XL runs about $350, the Selena about $450. My dilemma is, if I save money and go for the XL, will I be sorry I didn't go for the Selena, or is their not that much difference that I would be sorry if I got the Selena and didn't save $100? Some said the Rintec XL seemed more like a youth bow. Any one have any advice? Anyone shoot these bows or anything? I need to order soon so the dealer can get the bow in soon. I'm not getting a ton of feedback from other forums so help me if you can
  23. Re: Be careful with you Broadheads Ouch! Glad you got it to stop bleeding, but I agree with the others, get it checked out. You may be fine now, but in a few days or week, things may not be so good.
  24. Turkeygirl


    Re: PMs Geesh Buckee, initally thought your post title wasn't about private messages but on PMS, lol! I was like ummm..........
  25. Re: i had a bad afternoon and i am sore ! Ouch, careful there buddy! glad you are ok though and just sore. Take some ibuprofen!