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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. an acre is a nice size food plot for a 40 acre parcel of land--especially since you don't have a high number of deer in your area. The buckwheat will help choke out weeds during the summer and your fall planting of clover should do well. However--if it was me I'd skip the spring planting of buckwheat and concentrate on killing off all the vegetation in your future plot with the use of glyphosate. That way you will have a clean seed bed in the fall. One option is instead of planting buckwheat (which does do a good job on choking out weeds) is to plant roundup ready soybeans. This way you will still provide a great forage for the deer during the antler/fawning months but you can also spray with roundup (glyphosate) during the summer and keep the weeds and grasses under control. best of luck todd
  2. i'll be waiting for one with Pistol Pete.
  3. I have an ATV flip over disc. It does a great job even on tough soil: However I do like the looks of the King Kutter ATV disc. I was just looking at them the other day at Tractor Supply
  4. I haven't done a lot of field hunting but this is what I have observed while field hunting: I have never had geese come into a spread with only duck decoys I have had ducks come into a spread with only geese decoys I have had ducks and geese come into a spread with both.
  5. i've never used the floating mojo but if you are hunting deep water i think it would be the only way to go.
  6. dogdoc

    Happy B-day KTMMIKE

    have a good one partner!
  7. congrats--still have a month to wait--which is good since there are no ducks down anyway. Hopefully a couple strong northern cold fronts will blow in and get the geese heading south.
  8. ...but the paper is standing by their girl--as well as the Sports Editor. I'll stand by my Coach.
  9. glad your plots are doing so well. Hope the P&Y buck finds them! todd
  10. glad you are doing better--the staples will sting a little when removed but not like anything you've already been thru.
  11. dogdoc

    Randy Moss

    Moss is a new man in NE. He's playing like a young player with lots of enthusiams. Still a very good receiver.
  12. i had that happen to a plot of mine several years back--and this was MY property. The neighbors lost all rights after that!
  13. no teal around my place. Went out once and didn't see one bird.
  14. yep--they will work just fine. If you have them where the ducks want to be--just like any decoy they will work just fine.
  15. dogdoc

    Dog stitches??

    I usually keep all stitches on legs covered (or keep an e-collar on) until they are ready to be removed. I change the bandage every 72 hours just to make sure the sutures are holding and there is no infection. Dogs hate anything on their legs and will usually chew/lick the stitches out if they are not protected. good luck todd
  16. dogdoc


    yep--it is out of order right now. Scott has been made aware of the problem. todd
  17. Hey guys--looking foward to hunting with everyone this season. Lets throw out some names for the team. good luck to all todd