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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. can't beat the price. i bought one this spring and absolutely love it. I have not had any problems with it and really enjoy shooting it.
  2. i used to use feathers--switched to the blazers just for durability reasons. Yes--if you shoot the 4" vanes you will gain a little speed if you change to the blazers.
  3. I've used this recipe now for about 4 years and still wear the same camo. I've had no fading at all with the hydrogen peroxide. I have no scientific proof that it works but it sure seems to do as well as the store stuff.
  4. Well--I deleted my other post. Steve--thanks for posting this. Thanks everyone for all the kind words. I can't believe the amount of work and training it takes to get a lab to this level--but it was worth it and a lot of fun. Almost like watching your kids achieve at a sport or a hobby. thanks again todd
  5. a hero indeed! Hope the burns heal quickly! todd
  6. very nice--i use to get stressed about weeds--now I just figure the deer can eat around them. your hard work has payed off. todd
  7. looks good! Did you pick a few for yourself?
  8. a little rain will get that up and runnin' quick!
  9. you might think about planting some ryegrain---it will grow a little longer than wheat as it is more cold tolerant. I'd also throw in some brassicas in the mix---they might not reach full potential this late in the season but you'll probably get some decent growth---try to get it out ASAP!!!!!!
  10. hope yo uget the rain soon! can't wait to see the pics. todd
  11. i tried the persimmon scent buck jam---never noticed anything with it.
  12. Yep---but the flooding is dependant on mother nature. It is very shallow so it doesn't take much rain to get it full. It was designed by the NRCS and the funded in part by the Federal Partnership program.
  13. This is my goose/deer plot next to my waterfowl pond. Mainly planted in wheat--with a little oats, rye, triticale, AWP, and turnips. Planted 10 days ago. This will be a perennial plot. The perennial blend is Hamann Farms Grower Mix--also planted 10 days ago--it also has some of the fall annual mix stated above: close up: This is my back plot that follows the contour of my creek. It has 50# of wheat and 25# of the annual mix: I planted this plot just a week ago and have a little germination--hopefully I'll get some more rain in the next week to get it up and runnin' for bow season. I planted 100# of wheat and 50# of the annual wildlife mix: Here is a pic of some clover that I planted 4 years ago--Hamann Farms Fall Mix. It pretty much all died last year with our severe drought so I think this is all new growth from seed. todd
  14. my cool season annual usually include wheat, rye, oats, winter peas, and a brassica mix.
  15. Most of the millet is maturing nicely and finally getting some seed heads from the milo that I planted along with the jap millet. The milo didn't do as well with the "throw and grow" technique but still got some good germination. All I need now is a little rain to start getting it filled. I disced up the wheat plot that will be next to the pond when full. Planted on Labor day and have had two small rains on it--the wheat is coming up nicely. I was out there today and had a flock of 32 Canadas fly over--hopefully they will stick around. Close up of the millet: Close up of the milo---lots of seed in those heads: The wheat plot--I planted 100# of wheat and 15# of a local wildlife mix that includes wheat, oats, triticale, vetch, PT turnips, rape, and alfalfa. todd
  16. what a bummer--hope the bones heal quickly.
  17. yipee--hopefully they'll make a long stop in okieland.
  18. hey WWH--great to hear from ya! I had a horrible hog problem on my 80 acres. The damage they caused was incredible. I spent a good 3 years and have eradicated the hogs in my area. Over the 3 year period I either shot (bow and gun) and trapped over 50 hogs. The trap was the only way I got the job done. I haven't seen a hog now for over 2 years. I'd set out several traps--it's not uncommon to trap several at a time. Have fun and fill the freezer with some good pork.
  19. i'd check with Martin but I probably wouldn't mow it this late into the season--your growing season in Michigan will becoming to an end very soon. When did you plant it? If you planted it this summer then for sure NO.
  20. dogdoc

    drought is over

    sounds like Oklahoma this year! congrats on the rain! todd
  21. We still have over a month of growing so I wouldn't worry at all about mowing.