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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. very nice. I've got a double banded Ross at the taxidermist right now. I love your set up Doc.
  2. good shot partner---that slick trick did the job!
  3. congrats on the new bow--can't wait to see pics!
  4. wow--your plots look fantastic. i bet the deer think they have died and went to heaven.
  5. 3 seconds or less now--WOW! Thank you mr webman! todd
  6. I wish you and your family the best. I hope it is nothing serious. prayers todd
  7. Then why are all the other forums I visit running just fine? It is faster tonight but it took 8 sceonds to load page 2 of this thread for me.
  8. your plot looking great---good job todd
  9. awesome---i bet it will really take off now.
  10. Steve---is it too late to send money in. I wanted a dozen and totally forgot to send in some money. PM me and let me know thanks todd
  11. those antlers are growing fast! nice pics todd
  12. i can tell you one thing---ain't no crows gonna hit that corn field
  13. i can't help you but check out this site. There are lots of "How to's" on modifying boats/blinds. Check out the sticky posts on the top. Lots of info.
  14. sounds like a bargain to me--just make sure the bow fits you well.
  15. man-o-man are we wet. The ground is so water log there is no place for the water to go. I want to complain a little to the man upstairs but I'm afrain he'll send another drought so I'm not complaining at all. However I really need to mow my clover plot so---I would like a few days to dry out before the next wave hits us....please:)
  16. awesome--can't wait to see the progress pics. Take pics before, along the way, and after. have fun todd
  17. dogdoc

    Im Hired !

    congrats and best of luck.
  18. Here is what I found out for you: "Basically, there is no difference in difficulty or distances in a Regional event. Regionals are for Started and Intermediate levlel dogs. If you get 4 passes (title) in a certain timeframe, you will get invited to run in a Regional. Example : You get 4 Started passes and thus your Started (SR) title in a certain timeframe. You will be invited to run in the Regional IN THE STARTED DIVISION. This is regardless of whether you have any Intermediate passes or not. You will run under Started Rules. Many people who have a Started title and are invited to the Regional will have already gone on to Intermediate. For this reason, they will not take advantage of the Started Rules (having the dog on lead) and the dog will break ==== No Regional Ribbon. They need to take advantage of all of the Started rules.. ... Same goes with Intermediate (no lead etc), but they should USE THE RULES to their adbvantage -- that's what the rules are for. The Regional Ribbon is a vey cool Red - White & Blue Ribbon and a cool "Brass Band" instead of "Aluminum"."
  19. I have no idea as I don't run NAHRA but I can find out for you. Have a buddy that does---i'll get back at you. todd
  20. great to hear from you partner. travel safe. todd
  21. are the animals arriving yet--two by two:)
  22. awesome back yard--all i see in my backyard is the neighbors roof:(
  23. big bodied buck--mature for sure. time to pull out the predator call.