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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. Now this is coming from a loyal viewer who has watched every episode of the sopranos. It was absolutely horrible. I have never been so disappointed in a series finale in my life. It was the most boring episode of the entire series. A waste of an hour.
  2. over seed in the fall right before a good rain--that will hekp thicken it up. I wouldn't do the light discing since the clover is in it's first year--I would be worried the root system isn't quite deep enough yet to handle that. I would over-seed in the fall--mow right after over seeding so the clipping can act like mulch for the seed and pray for rain!
  3. thanks for the update---hopefully now with a little soil moisture it will take off!
  4. i'd also like to see cleveland win but if the next 6 games are as boring as the first one I won't be watching much
  5. very nice William. I'm anxious to see how SoybeanMan's beans work out for you--bet the deer will love them!
  6. can you tell me the concentration (percentage) of active ingredient (glyphosate) on the bottle. If it is 41% which I believe it is since you are mixing at a rate of 1.5oz/gallon--when I apply it with my boom sprayer it takes about 1.5 to 2 quarts per acre of the 41% roundup. I mix the desired amount in 15 gallons of water and that will cover right at one acre. You can buy the generic roundup at most any farm store much cheaper than the name brand---usually around 50 to 60 bucks for 2.5 gallons.
  7. sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Prayers for the family. todd
  8. dogdoc

    Wedding Pics

    awesome video my friend. You have a beautiful family! todd
  9. dogdoc

    Back To Jail Paris!!!!

    I think you are correct--probably happened to Buckee more than once:D
  10. Here are a few daytime pics with the IR.
  11. dogdoc


    What a heartbreaking tragedy. I'm sitting here at work fighting back the tears. David was such a great member here and part of our family. I will miss reading his posts and his knowledge here on RT. I feel like I just lost a member of my own family. If there is any positive side to this story it is his personal relationship with Jesus Christ and knowing that he is in heaven right now. I look forward to meeting him there one day. David--you will be missed. I will pray for your family and hope they find peace knowing you are with the Prince of Peace. God Bless todd
  12. Why? Questions like this can never be answered on earth. When Timothy McVeigh set off the Murrah building bomb here in Oklahoma I just kept asking myself WHY? I finally realized--that question can never be answered and that God will take care of the ultimate punishment. Prayers to the family and I hope the young girl is wrapped up Christ's arms right now. with tears todd
  13. congrats on the 4k--you are a great member of this forum.
  14. man that's some good lookin' soil! Can't wait to see the finished project.
  15. i'm seeing lots of little geese waddling around the parks.
  16. depends on what you are hunting. For me nothing but a labrador.
  17. sorry i missed it Dale. I'm glad everyone had such a great time.
  18. I've seen that guy before--America's Most Wanted maybe?? congrats on a great trophy. todd
  19. great lookin' plots and nice lookin' pup also.
  20. That's new news to me--I had no idea that 2-4D had any pre-emegent properties
  21. i've never used that particular product but Evolved Habitats does make a good product. Good luck with your plot todd