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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Congrats to your cousin! That's a great buck...nice brows and 2's on him.
  2. It's unbelievable. Jimmy is in some pretty good company in the record books. Isn't that like 6 championships in 8 years? I don't follow NASCAR like I used to, but did catch the end of the race.
  3. We just missed it here. There was some pretty bad storm and tornado damage north and south of us. You could almost feel it in the air with 80 degree temps and 60 mph winds....not a good combo for November weather.
  4. Congrats everybody! Man, it must have been a good weekend for team 8! I took off work and hunted all day Friday. I shot a doe about 7 in the morning, and an 8 point buck at 3:30 in the afternoon. Not the best picture. Normally I like to get a nice field photo, but it was late Friday night when we got home so had to take the picture the next morning. He's not a giant, but with the year I've had I am pleased with him.
  5. We've been seeing next to nothing in Illinois also. Been seeing deer driving to and from the farm, but once the sun is up they seem to disappear. My buddy has been hunting all day for the last three days, and has only seen 4 deer. Normally this time of year you can see 10-15 deer on a morning sit, but this year been lucky to see anything.
  6. Nothing at all wrong with that deer...congrats!
  7. He's a nice one...congrats!
  8. Sweet! Congrats! Looks like he has a nice beard. Deer hunting's been slow here too.
  9. Same here. I usually don't rattle much unless it's really slow just to try and get things going. Majority of the time I get nothing. Bleating and grunting have been my best calling tactics.
  10. Congrats Ruth! It looks like you got to hunt in a little dusting of the white stuff.
  11. Congrats TG! It's a good feeling to get that first deer in the freezer. No luck for me over the weekend. I hunted all day yesterday, and only seen 1 deer during shooting light. A little 1 year old 9 pointer that should be nice if he makes it another year or two. I had a big buck right under my tree at 5:30 am, but it was to dark to get a good look at him. For November 10th in Illinois, movement and rut activity has been really slow for some reason.
  12. Man, that thing is a stud. Don't know if he would make 190", but still the deer of a lifetime.

    My bro

    Best of luck to your brother and the rest of your family. Prayers on the way.
  14. Great buck! Congrats to your buddy! That deer has plenty of mass.
  15. Great buck! Congrats! It's always cool when you can call one in like that.
  16. Man, that's a great buck! Congrats!
  17. Sweet! Congrats to the young men! Looks like they had a heck of a time. I finally made it out this weekend. I only seen two deer, but one of them was a nice 3 1/2 year old 8 pointer that I missed. I shot him for 30 yards, and he ended up being 35. On top of that he didn't drop at all when I released or it would've center punched him. Shaved a few white hairs, but that was it. Next weekend should be good.
  18. Congrats! Nothing wrong with that buck. He's got great character. As long as I'm feeling good enough I'll be out this weekend. It seems like I'm fine for a few days then sick again. I have a couple of doctor appointments Thursday, so we'll see how those go.
  19. Congrats to her! That's a great buck. I would guess a little north of 120".
  20. LOL I was thinking the same thing. She's a cutie. Congrats!
  21. Still couldn't get out over the weekend. I ended up having a bad bacterial infection and have been sick for about 5 days. I'm starting to come around today, so hopefully I get some strength back by the weekend.
  22. I think one big problem on both sides of the coin is lack of accountability. The consequences for doing bad stuff these days is almost non-existent. Kids get away with way too much, and with no worries about the consequences they just keep pushing the envelope. If these problems are dealt with at home and at school when they first arise at an early age, things might not get be so far out of hand when they are teenagers. I also think that it's the parents responsibility to be aware of what your kids are doing online.