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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. I don't get the whole cyber bullying thing. If somebody on a forum or Facebook says something about you and you don't like it, then don't go to that sight. It seems like a simple solution to me. The majority of today's younger generation are so out of touch with reality due to computers and smart phones, that they don't know how to handle negativity. All of this technology seems to make kids more vulnerable, and they put themselves in bad situations. Did I get bullied when I was a kid....yea. I went to about 8 different schools, I was skinny, had big ears, thick glasses, wore hand-me-downs, and we were poor so I was an easy target. As I got older I'm sure I bullied a few people myself. I don't remember ever going out of my way to bad-mouth anybody, but I'm sure I offended a few people. I guess to me it seems like part of growing up to a certain extent. You learn to deal with it, to fight back, and that it doesn't matter what the cool kids think of you in the grand scheme of things.
  2. My most successful calling tactic by far is a long bleat followed by a few grunts. I use a can call for bleats, but blow into it instead of turning it over. My favorite grunt tube in a good old True Talker. I also have a Primos Buck Roar for growls and snort wheezes.
  3. Congrats! Man, must have been something in the air January and February....babies are popping up everywhere the last few weeks lol.
  4. That should be sweet! Nice and cozy and easy to get to.
  5. Congrats! Nothing better than a daddy's girl.
  6. Looks like next weekend will be my first time out. The weather looks decent as of right now, and I can't wait to get in the stand.
  7. Man, that is a load of birthdays. Happy birthday everybody!
  8. For around the 40 degree mark I wear a merino wool base layer under Predator fleece jacket and pants. I think I paid around $150 for the fleece jacket and pants after the season was over a few years ago.
  9. That's a pretty good afternoon...congrats! They look like a couple of hefty ladies.
  10. I don't know much about antelope, but that one looks like a dandy! Congrats to the young man!
  11. Congrats! It's always nice to get that first one of the year down.
  12. I have thought about trying out a recurve myself. Something about it appeals to me, even though I've never even shot one.
  13. Congrats to your son! Looks like he made a great shot.
  14. Here is Tyson Andrew. Born September 29. 19" long and a hefty 9 lbs. 11 oz. It's our third ( and final lol), but by far the scariest. His shoulders got stuck coming out, and he was stuck there for over 2 minutes. They got him out and had him out of the room so fast we hardly got to see him. he was born at around 1:45 in the afternoon, but we didn't get to hold him till around 11 at night. He was having trouble breathing at first, and was on oxygen for about 8 hours. His blood sugar was low, so his little foot had to be stuck about 20 times. Plus he had an IV in his little arm for 3 days. Thankfully all of the doctors concerns went away and he improved pretty quickly. His right collarbone is broken, but other than that he's perfectly healthy.
  15. Thank you sir! My wife's water broke on Saturday night, so he ended up being born on Sunday. He weighed 9 lbs. 11 oz., and we did have some complications due to him being bigger than they thought he would be. Thank the Lord everything turned out good, and the two got to come home on Wednesday. I'll try and some pics of the little buggar up next week. Needless to say this weekend is a no-go for me, but hopefully I can get out for at least a morning hunt next weekend.
  16. Get after 'em boys! I'll be MIA for a week or so. It looks like my wife will be induced on Monday morning, so when I come back next week I'll be a daddy for the third time. I may miss the first week or two of the season, but should be good to go be the middle of October.

    Girl Scouts?

    Surprisingly, my daughter has never even brought any information home from school to join. Scouts don't seem the same as they were when I was a kid. She does select softball and soccer, so she probably wouldn't have the time for it anyways.
  18. We still have eight more days until the season opens. I'll probably miss the first week or two. The wife goes to the doctor this afternoon to find out if she will be induced this week.
  19. I'm interested in this myself. I was thinking about getting a 20 gauge Slug Hunter for the kids next year. I was wandering how the recoil is on the 20 also.
  20. I made it to the farm over the weekend. Man, the food plots look bad. I ended up over seeding what was already planted, just need some rain. I got some lanes cleared and stands moved around. Had a few pics on the trail camera of does and young bucks, but still nothing big.
  21. Looks like a good time Fly! I have some buddies that have been trying to convince me to run a TM with them. I lift a few times a week, but not much on running or training for a TM. They're a little younger than me, and mostly do it for the after party anyway lol.
  22. We finally got some cooler weather here! I'm heading up to the farm this weekend to move some stands, trim some lanes, fertilize the food plot (if the drought hasn't killed it), and set up a ground blind. 58 degrees here this morning....getting me in the mood to sit in a tree!
  23. Some of the smaller, rural school districts around here used to get off for shotgun season. I doubt that they do anymore though. Attendance definitely drops for the Friday of youth season and shotgun seasons though.
  24. Sharp looking mount. Is that a full sneak?