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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Re: Big NY buck still packing antlers (PICS)... Talk about yarding up! Amazing that antlers are still on.
  2. Re: Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers Thats Great news Joe! The anti Grannis movement is picking up steam! Every facet of our sport is under attack. His appointment cannot be taken lightly.
  3. Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigun Forget the business perspective....its ALL politics. Always when it comes to guns. Should Chevy stop selling trucks because some will drive drunk with their trucks/cars and cause damage and kill? I think not. How about they don't mop either, floors won't be wet, no one could slip. Where does it end with "what ifs"? How do YOU know its not part of a gun grab scheme? K Mart stopped selling guns due to pressure from the antis, so whats to say Walmart isn't doing the same? With the way guns are being treated today, a gun owner can ONLY think that it is something negative is happening towards his sport and hobby. Wally world has made untold millions from selling guns, now that they have your money...they can change direction. The info Wally world gave a while back when they announced they they were gonna stop selling guns in some stores said it was only in about 100 stores nation wide, so how did 3 within 50 miles of each other get rid of firearms? I sent an e mail to Walmart asking about the gun issue and the gay issue I will pass on the info when I get the response. Until then...They do not get a dime from me or my family. That means Sams Club too. The power of the comsumer should NOT be underestimated. Everyone should contact Wally world and ask the questions, as someone said earlier, if we put the same energy into complaining...we should be able do make a difference.
  4. Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn I'm gonna shoot an email off to Wally world and see what up. I have bought many guns at Wally world and got a bit depressed when I saw the gun racks gone. I know walmart said a while ago that they were gonna stop selling guns in certain stores. OK...maybe some stores had problems with the know guns missing and bad sales practices. Thats possible, but in ALL the stores? I agree there must be some kind of agenda here. We have to remeber that WalMart is based in Arkansas...home turf of the Clintons...rabid gun control people.
  5. Adjam5

    House burned

    Re: House burned Sorry to hear it..I'll keep them in my prayers.
  6. Re: any mower or small engine experts around I agee single weight oil is the way to go. It is much more of a heavier duty oil.
  7. Re: TURKEY TEAM #7 The teams are cool and I can't wait to get out there with Joe. The turkey countdown has begun and we are all ready to go! Good Luck Everyone!
  8. Re: What made you want to start deer hunting? My dad and uncles never hunted, they were 1st generation Italian /Americans. My grandfather came over in 1910 on Ellis Island, bought a country property for $50 back in 1939, 75 miles outside of NYC. Gramps got himself a single shot Crescent Victor in .410ga and nothing was safe in those woods. I always heard the stories on how my dad,aunts and uncles HAD to eat what ever Poppa brought home. They were depression era kids any meat was a delicacy. That property has since been sold, but I got that old .410 that was Poppas!( one of my MOST treasured guns). Fast forward...late 80's. Had a cousin who married a avid outdoorsman who had hunted all over the US and was a gun collector too. We became good friends and he started taking me hunting with him. He showed me nothing as far as hunting goes... I learned eveything on my own. I hunted for 6 years before I EVER even seen a deer Since I shot my 1st deer, a 4pter. I have been successful every year since then and have become very educated concerning the ways of the whitetail and turkey. I have 3 sons( 15,13,10) who all have been coming in the woods with me since they could walk. 2 of which have taken thier hunter ed courses and have lifetime their Dad The little guy will get his too once he takes his courses. Big guy has 3 turkeys and one bow killed doe under his belt. I am soo greatful that I am in this sport. I have learned soo much about life, death and nature. I grew up in NYC, so very little opportunity for shooting and hunting there. I made sure I moved to a wooded area...( teaming with game) OUT of the city to give my kids a BETTER place to grow up than I did.
  9. Re: shell/choke suggestions for 835!!! I have a Undertaker choke tube(.675) in my 835 and shoot winchester Supremes 3" and 3 1/2" and it shoots real good with it.
  10. Re: New Black Rifle Owner Nice purchase...You'll thoroughly enjoy shooting it and seeing what kind of accuracy it is capable of. Stock up on some SS109 ammo too! Good Luck with it!
  11. Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!! [ QUOTE ] Do you really think this man is against guns and hunting and the outdoors or the outdoors person? Give me a break folks and think for a minute. [/ QUOTE ] Zumbo may not be anti gun, but tell that to the anti gun pepople who are using his statements to further their gun ban agenda. Sarah Brady and Committe to stop gun violence has his statements on their website...go look it up. What he said was ignorant and the man is paying dearly for it, but people in the public eye they need to be soo much more careful. The shooting /hunting world don't take anti comments of ANY kind too lightly. An attack on any gun is a attack on all of them. I forgive Jim Zumbo, but the ball is in his court now. He needs to use his persona and influence to promote the 2nd amendmant and all it stands for. There is nothing rediculous about discussing current events...especially when the words terrorist, banning and assault weapons are used in the context of hunting , and thats what this site is about...hunting. Family, Friends and the outdoors. There should be no topic on this board that cannot be discussed in a civil fashion. Well maybe not the crossgun issue Whats next? Burning books? I enjoy listening to different points of view and I have learned much from others here on this board. Discussion is good and the Associated Press is not taking quotes off the Realtree bulletin Board...YET
  12. Re: NY Harvest Numbers are out Thanks for the #'s there Doc. Important info. The next few years are critical...especially with the pending commisioner . How about that...302 deer killed in my WHOLE county 3R. Talk about how we have a deer problem here, the #'s say it all. With severe hunter access it is no wonder they cannot establish a Buck Take Objective for the area. I am putting together a presentation to the town supervisor about putting together a group of hunters with permission to access remote town properties to bow hunt. They pay people now to have dogs run around the town parks to scare deer and geese away so the kids could play. My town also pays to have goose eggs addled so they don't hatch. We need animal control that don't cost the town.
  13. Re: Mossberg 835/935? Cool! Good Luck with it and be safe out there!
  14. Re: WTB cheap arrow rest Hmmm 23" draw or longer...might have some older carbons that the kids out grew...lemme see. I'll get back to ya
  15. Re: Selling an 870 2oga. Brand new it goes for $269.99, so that sounds like more than fair to me.
  16. Re: pretty proud-update Congrats to you and her! Well...did the apple fall far or close to the tree?
  17. Re: the folks on this site!!!!!!!!! [ QUOTE ] No doubt about it......great place with lots of great people! [/ QUOTE ] Here here....ditto...what he said
  18. Re: Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo Nice pics there... Those 2, Ralph and Vicky are 2 of my favorite hunting personalities. I love the way she constantly ribs him and out hunts him too. They are very funny and it seems they are VERY down to earth people also. Cool that they spent some time with you.
  19. Re: ? About Crow Decoys? Oh more good source of crow info is Good Luck!
  20. Re: ? About Crow Decoys? My son and I do alot of crow hunting here in NY. We have about 9 dekes and one mojo type deke that moves its wings in the wind and a old wig, that has ketchup squirted around it. In the snow its awesome. We use a FoxPro FX13 Here is one of our set ups. [image][/image] Locate flyways and run and gun using as many dekes as you can. Shoot the sentry as it flies out to investigate, the rest will come looking for him. Set the dekes up in a fashion that you have seen the crows in the past. We also have a few foam crow dekes that clip to tree branchs for the realistic look of not just having crows on the ground. Spread them out, hide good and start calling. The owl decoy works well too. Crows are bitter enemies with owls. Most raptors are on the crows harassment list. The blue jays go at it good with the crows also. Our calling starts out with a crow gathering for a sequence of about 3-5 minutes depending on the response. Hit the hawk/crow fight and get your gun up! If that don't work, go into the wounded crow and that will surely bring 'em in. But don't over use the wounded crow call, they are EXTREMELY smart critters and wise up fast. [image][/image] [image][/image] Crow hunting is a ball and a good way to tune up is to shoot some skeet or clays. Have fun and good luck!
  21. This is an update on the so called friend of wildlife DEC Nominee elect, Alexander Grannis. NYSCC LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION ALERT 2.27.07 At the request of the New York State Conservation Council, Assemblyman Peter Grannis was asked to pull two bills as follows. The following action was taken yesterday on Assemblyman Grannis's instruction. A3006 Grannis (MS) No Same as Agriculture and Markets Law TITLE....Relates to prohibiting aggravated cruelty to wild game and wild birds 01/22/07-referred to agriculture- 02/26/07-enacting clause stricken A 3009 Grannis (MS) Environmental Conservation Law TITLE....Relates to limiting, restricting or prohibiting trapping 01/22/07-referred to environmental conservation 02/26/07-enacting clause stricken. Many are worried that his bunny hugging ways are gonna ruin hunting and trapping in NYS. I guess this was his way of showing faith by dropping the 2 bills that are giving him the most grief over his potential position as DEC commisioner.
  22. Re: help, mossberg 835 or 535 I agree the 835 would be my choice also. I have 2 of them and they are workhorses!
  23. Re: This may be you someday!! As long as my wheelchair has gears and a clutch I'll be OK...
  24. Re: Ordering my AK Good Luck Harv! Start stocking up on those mags too! $10 ea is a good price for 30 rd mags. I see they have the pistol grip forend on one of their models. That is a good feature when rapid firing. I remember having to use a oven mitt to hold my AKM when dumping a mag. It got super hot and harder to control the hotter it got. The dissembly of the gun is soo simple. You should tackle that before you shoot it, it will make cleaning after shooting a breeze. It is really amazing how Kalashnikov used just sheet metal stampings to make a very durable and reliable weapon. HK took that idea and took it to the next level. Once again Harv....Good Luck. And welcome to the "terrorist rifle "club
  25. Re: North American Hunting Club Stay away...they are NOT A CLUB. It is a business that you pay to be on their mailing list and they try to market you items constantly. They send you items without asking for them and the burden of return is on you. The field test thing is just about the ONLY good thing they have. But the good things to field test are few and far between. I have been a lifemember there since '92 and thouroughly regret spending the $ to do so. They are owned by Europes largest private equity fund Doughty Hansen LLC. It was at one time owned by an individual, Peter Burke invented the organization for like minded hunters, but it has become a multi million dollar business with no interest in hunters, but just hunters money. Thats Sad. Do a thread seach on the topic and you'll read for yourself STAY AWAY FROM THE NAHC.