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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. I guess you Tilapia eaters didn't see that Dirty Jobs episode huh? They use Tilapia to clean out sewage tanks at pollution plants to fatten them up and clean out the algae in the tanks. I'll stick to flounder, cod or fluke. Tonite...fresh Ravioli with my wifes fresh gravy( everyone else calls it tomato sauce). If its made with meat, we call it gravy. Made without meat...sauce. We should of had this for Sunday dinner, but we had our nephews b day party to attend. So a treat during the week.
  2. Great to see you around again! Congrats on the degree and the engagement. Wish you guys the best! That is one heck of a season you and yours had huh? Thats the way to knock 'em down!
  3. Our family's first name intials put together. Anthony Dawn Joseph Anthony Michael...5 of us. ADjam5
  4. I have to go with the stick n string. Bow hunting gives me the rush and shortness of breath I don't get when the animal is 100yds or better away. I love the challenge of having to draw my bow in the animals prescense...making scent control a factor...watching behavior that our deer not do do in gun season. Bow hunting all the way.
  5. Happy Bithday pal. May you have 100 more.
  6. As with most manufacturers of arrow shafts. The number of the arrow almost always designates the spine strength. For instance the 3555 GoldTips you are speaking of can handle a range of draw weight from 35lbs to 55lbs this is to ensure that your arrow will not shatter upon releasing that energy into the shaft. AND THEY DO SPLINTER! Be so careful with carbon arrows. Flex them, and look for splintering each time, before and after you shoot them. Good Luck!
  7. Good job guys and gals...Congrats!
  8. No I do not belong, and do not wish to belong. I like how John(Redkneck) described it a few months back. Opening up a facebook acct will be like making a scrape...too many would come by and pee in it. Way too many misinformed youth on that facebook that post lots of anti hunting, anti conservative and Pro Liar in Chief things. I see my son Joes facebook page, and he is always trying to educate his peers about hunting, conservation and gun ownership. But it seems that he is rowing up stream. No thanks.
  9. Happy Birthday to the both of you guys. Hope it was a good day.
  10. I just don't get these folks...A lot of twisted minds out there.
  11. Adjam5

    Pikes Peak

    Beautiful scenery. Good luck with the interview. Remember to shave ...OK?
  12. Betcha you were back in Florida huh Lewis? Winter has been pretty mild for us. I hope it goes easy on you too.
  13. Adjam5

    Isnt it ironic?

    I agree 100% Cowboy. Thank you for your service and please be safe out there. The agriculture dept runs the food stamp program, and they also run the Nat'l park service. Don't they tell people not to feed the animals in the parks because they will forget how to forage themselves? Yup John...Isn't it ironic?
  14. Oh man...I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord comfort you and your family. Prayers on their way.
  15. Always bud...I always want something new. But family, bills and life always get in the way. I think if you buy whatever you want and whenever you don't get to appreciate what you have. Doing good in school and behaving is usually a way to get what you want from parents. Within reason. Thats the rule in my home with my 3 sons.
  16. I agree with Chris. My condolances to the families involved. Very sad.
  17. You have a knack for this video thing...I think Waddel can use you on his team . Nice job Mike...I watched them all.
  18. Welcome to the forums Pinkcamo girl! Congrats about getting into archery. have a 25" draw. Usually depending on the arrow rest the arrow gets cut 1" after where the arrow meets the rest. Before you order arrows and have them cut, you need to get a longer arrow than you need. Nock it to the bow string and draw it back in a safe direction. Have someone mark the arrow 1" beyond where the rest touches the arrow. That should be your arrow length. You really should have your arrows measured by someone who knows what they are doing. Once you order arrows and have them cut, there are no returns if they are the wrong size. I hope this helps you. Good Luck.
  19. Adjam5

    My new ride

    Very nice Ross. I like it! Good Luck with it.
  20. I have shipped bows before. Do NOT dissassemble it! Like the previous poster said. See if you can get a box from the local archery shop or get a large cardboard bow and make one on your own. Pad the corners well, wrap bow in bubble sheets and be careful what you put in the box as filler. Newspaper is heavy. Those styrofoam peanuts work well. It cost me once $38 to ship a bow. Which I had to eat with the sale. I undercharged. They charge by weight and size. Make box as small as possible. MUCHO IMPORTANTE... insure your item for its full value. Good Luck.
  21. Adjam5


    Welcome to Realtree...A great place. You will like it here.
  22. Thanks for the info...I popped into that site and WOW! Thanks again. Hope you have lots of success with your 6.8
  23. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk.....Good one Steve.
  24. Welcome to the forums. I'd say get started by visting a Archery pro shop and get properly fitted for the bow. Too many folks get one from a gargage sale or a buddy and they think it fits. Then they develop bad habits in form and shooting. At 18 I don't think you'll have anymore growing to do height wise, or draw length. So what you purchase should carry you into the next few years or until that Archery bug gets you...bites you and don't let go. Then you will be in the poorhouse like many of us with our $1000 Matthews and Hoyts! The lesser costing bows work fine and you can kill game all day long with them. Just get fitted properly for the bow. After that your home free.
  25. Welcome to Realtree Randys vids and many many other ones are posted on you tube. Good Luck