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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Worth the wait William...They all look Great! It could be dangerous have lots of room for many more .
  2. Congrats on the doe. She will be good eatin. Don't sweat the missed shot.
  3. Neat pics...Congrats onthe deer. Funny how we get excited of catching mice at camp:clown:.
  4. I have been hunting for about 22 years. Started with the gun and worked my way backwards. The compound and now the recurve. When I bought my first hunting rifle( Marlin 336 in 30/30) it came with an inexpensive Simmons deerfield scope. I used that gun and took 11 deer with it. Early this summer I took the gun out of the safe to clean it and I noticed the scope looked a bit foggy. Well I went out and bought myself a Redfield 2-7x32 and put that on the Marlin. All I can say is WOW WEE! What a difference! What exceptional clarity and focus. Leupold now owns Redfield, made in same factory. Where I hunt in NY's southern Catskills we have antler restrictions that say we have take bucks with only 3pts on one side. I have been buckless for with the gun for 10 years. Weds afternoon, a buck stepped out at 92 yards. I cranked up the magnification and I could see each and every point on that bucks head. He was a shooter. A 6pt. Something that would have been a task with the old Simmons. He dropped where he stood. Ending a ten year drought. The point I am trying to make is... I have always a bit cheaped out on scopes...rule of thumb was to put a scope on the gun that costs as much as the gun. Now with modern manufacturing techniques...Good scopes come alot cheaper than the cost of a gun. Spend the dough on a good glass. I am learning this way too late. I've killed game with cheap scopes and they did their job. But when you look into a good quality scope...You will know where that extra money went. I am so enamored with the Redfield I just bought another Redfield Revolution for my 7mm mag. A 3x9x50...Got it for $150 on Ebay. Give Redfield a look if you are in the market for a new scope. You will not be dissapointed.
  5. Very cool unique rack. I like non typicals more than typicals. Congrats on a good buck.
  6. This is a old post(8/10/10)...I have since met with the town supervisor and everything was cleared up. Since we are not full time residents there. It was thought it was gonna be no big thing. Little do they know that I am up there EVERY weekend and pay close attention to the environment and our land. There have been no beavers on our side of the swamp since this occurance. BTW Steve...I did speak to a local newspaperman regarding the actions of the town. He was interested, but decided against going with the story. Didnt think it was big enough news.
  7. Way cool Christina...I gotta tell ya...Atta girl! Cut from the good stock you are...I expect nothing less. Great shooting!
  8. Talk about a story to be told around the water cooler at the station house. On video cool.
  9. Never understood all that junk. I will be in a treestand because there is a good buck still out there. Forget about the sales...I want blood on my hands and pants
  10. Have a great one Tim...Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you Scott and all of the Realtree family.
  12. Happy Birthday Luke...may you have one hundred more.
  13. Very cool Shawn...I have pics like that with my boys also when they were young...These years for you are golden...Daddy Daddy Daddy...everything Daddy . He will be with you in the woods soon enough.
  14. Have a great hunt Tim and a safe trip. Looking forward to the story and pics.
  15. Great set of pics...Really neat to witness that. He did his business and now its off with the boys...:kiss: Thanks for sharing the pics.
  16. That is why we continue to do what we do...Pursue Whitetails. Hope you get to tag him. You know what he responds to. Good Luck.
  17. Glad all involved are OK. The chase phase makes em run all over creating road hazards. At least you can make some use of the meat and above all the family is fine.
  18. Congrats to you and the Mrs Kyle...Great great news. You better get yourself a deck of cards or a board game or something...something ELSE to do. I love that bow pic also with the two of you. Father and son. Congrats again my friend.
  19. Wow Mike...Ya know you always hear about incidents like this but you never actaully know the person...Until now. Glad you are OK and the Lord was definitley with ya pal. Phew!
  20. I don't like it...and the deer didn't get the memo either to change their clocks. The moon is off also. A new one on its way.
  21. Now that the Memorial Park is finished. None of the workers are allowed access to that area. It is set up for the tourists and families of those lost. If we want to visit the park we have to get on a list like everyone else. Our ID's won't grant access to the park entrances. We did have an hour to tour the park before it was opened to the public. We took a group picture and I was able to get a few acorns from the swamp white oaks that were planted there.
  22. Congrats to you Ruth! Lord knows you have put your time in. Thaings happen fast and I am glad you went into bowhunter mode and automatically got the job done. That buck has some awesome tines! It sure is a dandy. Again Ruth...congratulations and a job well done.
  23. Congrats to Joey and big ole Dad there for getting the boy out in the woods. The smile on your sons face says it all. Think he is hooked. Thanks for sharing.
  24. That is one heck of a first archery buck! Congrats! Keep rollin brother and hunt safe.