I have been hunting for about 22 years. Started with the gun and worked my way backwards. The compound and now the recurve. When I bought my first hunting rifle( Marlin 336 in 30/30) it came with an inexpensive Simmons deerfield scope. I used that gun and took 11 deer with it. Early this summer I took the gun out of the safe to clean it and I noticed the scope looked a bit foggy. Well I went out and bought myself a
Redfield 2-7x32 and put that on the Marlin. All I can say is WOW WEE!
What a difference! What exceptional clarity and focus.
Leupold now owns Redfield, made in same factory.
Where I hunt in NY's southern Catskills we have antler restrictions that say we have take bucks with only 3pts on one side. I have been buckless for with the gun for 10 years. Weds afternoon, a buck stepped out at 92 yards. I cranked up the magnification and I could see each and every point on that bucks head. He was a shooter. A 6pt. Something that would have been a task with the old Simmons. He dropped where he stood. Ending a ten year drought.
The point I am trying to make is...
I have always a bit cheaped out on scopes...rule of thumb was to put a scope on the gun that costs as much as the gun. Now with modern manufacturing techniques...Good scopes come alot cheaper than the cost of a gun. Spend the dough on a good glass. I am learning this way too late. I've killed game with cheap scopes and they did their job. But when you look into a good quality scope...You will know where that extra money went.
I am so enamored with the Redfield I just bought another Redfield Revolution for my 7mm mag. A 3x9x50...Got it for $150 on Ebay.
Give Redfield a look if you are in the market for a new scope.
You will not be dissapointed.