Thanks for the link, I read it later this evening. I wonder how it compares to the other neighboring states----PA, WV, NY, MI. I know they want to be classified in the Midwest group but they have a lot in common with the 4 I mentioned.
I'm a life member---I just voted for the board of directors. I've been a life member for 25 plus years. I like it because my local gun club can get liability insurance plus apply for grants for range improvements.
Rumor has it that Ohio is thinking about raising the Non -Res license fee. Has anyone heard this & if so what kind of increase are they talking about. I went the the website but nothing was posted yet. I guess it doesn't matter to me because I go back every year to hunt deer with my brother & his boys. I'll pay it-----just kind of wondering.
I just checked in with Adam------he's in Harrisburg's Expo right now but he says the turkey came thru winter in good shape. He's seeing them everywhere. Let's hope we get good weather. Bob
We are going with Tim to SE Kansas. Rhino & I signed up last year. I think the outfitter could handle a group of 5. Tim & a friend of his, Rhino, me & a buddy of mine are the group. Hopefully, there will be another in 2015.
Guess, I'm old school. I still use my Remington 870 that I bought back in 1971 from money I earned delivering newspapers after school. It shoot 2 3/4" shells and I use a 30" factory full choke barrel. I used my old Federal 1 1/2 oz "baby Mags" in both #4's & 6's. I've killed gobblers out to 45 yards. My old lead duck loads finally got used up & now I'm using #5's in a Kent shotshell. Bob
Delete it. NAHC is a joke. I joined years ago, then they start sending you books, pins, etc------- I never ordered any of it but I got it just the same along with an invoice. I sent it back to them the 1st time along with a letter saying if I receive anything else that is unordered or solicited I'll consider it a gift. Next time I got something I kept it. Then the phones calls & letters came asking for payment----we went round & round.
I'll be dang if I'm going to pay for Bill Miller's hunting trips.
Stay away from NAHC. Bob
I bought a S&W 638 airweight for my CCW. I paid $399. I like revolvers----no safety, no exposed hammer and every time I pull the trigger it goes BANG.
FYI---I got it as a Christmas present to myself.
Jeff----I think I'm going to pass also. If you get drawn you still have to pay the license fee. Looks like it they want the money on both ends.
Every other lottery or raffle I play the license fee is covered by the raffle.
Guess I'll play the Colorado moose raffle again.
I heard that WY is having a super tag lottery. If drawn is good for any tag any species of game----that includes both moose & bighorn sheep. It's $10 a ticket. 10 winners I think. Have you heard of this Jeff or Steve?