I saw somewhere that they have enough signatures to put the banning of bear baiting on the Maine ballot. That's not good news, game management should not be in the hands of the general public but in the hands of the game department.
I know from experience that a the public votes with their hearts for a mama bear & her cute cubs anti-hunting commercial. That's how they did it in Colorado.
Hoping for good weather-------4 strutters in the 2nd photo. Those are nice beards compared to the Merriams here in Colorado. They get long but they are thin like a pencil----but they do like to gobble.
Our local chapter's banquet is Saturday nite, March 8th. This is my 12th go round on the banquet committee. I would like to become less involved but like all volunteer organizations it's hard to find a replacement for yourself. We're a small chapter, we'll have about 125 to 150 in the local Elk's Lodge for the banquet. Bob
I heat my home with wood. It's an Earth Stove that's about 30 years old. It should last another 30---or till the end of my time here. I burn about 4 cords a winter-----got a nice hot fire burning as I type.
Rhino-----Non-Res turkey here in Colorado is $101 plus $10 habitat stamp----That's for 1 bird. Colorado non-res deer tag is $364 plus you get a fishing license.
I just wished Ohio would offer an anterless tag for 1/2 of what the either sex tag is. That way the guy who comes back for Thanksgiving & then decides to hunt down at Uncle Bill's farm could go have fun with the family. Shotgun season is 1 week--lots of guys I know push deer-----and whack the 1st legal deer that's pushed to them. Usually it's an anterless deer.
I use my vacation time on hunting or fishing trips. KS turkey hunt in April, 2 weeks in July for Reds in AK, a week in October for elk in CO, deer hunt in OH in December.
I'm in the planning process on a dove hunt in Argentina next year.
I guess it's my turn in the barrel, I just wanted to whine. I hear about Non-Res license costs every year here in Colorado. Actually the cost of the tag is usually the cheapest thing in out of state hunting adventure. Rhino how much were the KS turkey tags?
Rhino----I agree & disagree. Southern Ohio along the Ohio River borders with WV. There are alot of deer but the not the mature midwest bucks that everyone likes to talk about. It's a healthy deer herd & has good numbers. The part that runs up along PA is in the same class. As you get farther west & I think the deer get to be a better.
The increase is only $100 or so-----I'll pony up & pay. Hunting with family is more important to me than a "Ben Franklin". My brother has a cabin on Piedmont Lake, we hunt deer every year. We hunt public & private land-----we see & kill deer. Mostly basket racked buck or antlerless deer. Little Egypt wildlife area is a big public hunting area down there. That's part of the reason why he bought the cabin-----there would always be land to hunt on.