colorado bob

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Everything posted by colorado bob

  1. smo----Sounds like you were doing things the right way. My one piece of advice is to continue to hunt the same unit & same area. Learn it like the back of your hand. You'll learn were the elk go, where they feed, hide, drainages, trials, open parks etc. You'll find that you will kill elk in roughly the same area year after year. Also, I think the 1st rifle season is the one to hunt. It's 5 days but usually that's enough & the elk have not been shot at. They have had pressure from archery & black powder hunters---but there is a week or 2 for them to breed & have no pressure.
  2. Dog----Just remember that Colorado population is center on the front range, mainly metro Denver. Us folks on the Western Slope don't amount to a hill of beans. Now add in that we have buried our dead twice. Columbine & Aurora. Easy to see the mind set.
  3. XT---Just curious how many times have you hunted in Colorado.
  4. dog-----I think your best bet is to get your 3 points for sheep in Colorado & keep applying in Colorado. Eventually you will draw. I would put in for unit 15----Wolf Creek.
  5. I already did my OIL hunt for oryx. Killed a nice bull on the Stallion Range. That was back when NR got 10% of the tags. I drew in my 1st year. Antelope, I've already shot a dandy buck here in Colorado, They are a fun hunt but I doubt if I'll ever even try for another. I don't like the meat. As far as deer I hope I draw a high country buck hunt here in Colorado. Good Luck----Bob
  6. NM deadline is 3/20. I put my better half in for a Gila bull. Long odds but you have to have your name in the hat to get drawn. Anyone applying? Elk, deer, oryx?
  7. I guess the Luddite came out in me again. I filled out my applications this weekend & mailed them via the US Mail yesterday. I've been doing it this way for 30 years, why change.
  8. I bet he didn't even feel the "kick", when he was lined up on that Gobbler. Conglads Bob
  9. I use the Quads that God gave me. Bob
  10. Fly, those are some REAL nice whitetails. Are they all Ill deer? Also, point dogs rule was going to tell me when to apply for POW black bears. Pretty sure the plan is to stay at Steve's cabin/house there. Maybe we can all apply together. I like the DIY hunts. That's another reason the grizzly hunt is a dream. I don't want to pay a new pickup for a 10 day hunt---that maybe rained out.
  11. Check out - Mule Deer, Elk and Western Big Game Hunting Online Magazine Website Lots of info there.
  12. It will cost you $364 to apply. Then you will be refunded the money in June. Less $10 habitat stamp, $25 for the point since you don't have a Colorado license from 2012, $3 application fee. So, your refund will be $326. Each game management unit requires different points to draw a tag. Some units you can draw every year. Some units like high country rifle tags take @ 10 years to draw. For a velvet buck----your choices would be archery, muzzleloader or high country buck. These would be in Aug or early Sept when the bucks would still be in velvet. Hope that helped. FYI---I have not killed a mulie in 20 years. My wife & I don't like the taste of the venison. Elk is what we like. I' have 8 or 9 points for deer. I'm applying for high country buck in Unit 74. I not sure I even want that tag now. I'm getting a little too old & fat for a back pack hunt.
  13. It's really easy. Easiest way is for Colorado is to go to the You can apply online & the system won't let you make a mistake. the code for a deer point only is D-P-999-99-P You have to April 2nd to apply. I'm not sure if you can apply online for WY. I know you still have time to buy a point there. Bob
  14. That's the one I need to complete my slam. Someday Conglads on yours Bob
  15. I've got a cinnamon also. He's a 6'er. They are actually more common out here than a black. My next rug hopefully will be a big blackie from POW or my dream hunt of a AK grizzly.
  16. Decoys are a double edge sword IMO. I've had gobblers pitch right off the roost to them or come running across the canyon. Then I've had them come in until they see the decoy out there about 100 yards----get spooky & move off. I'm usually leaving them in the truck these days. Bob
  17. Good time to get out of the market.----It closed at all time high today. Bob
  18. I think I'm going to do my online this year.
  19. Sounds like it was good hunt. That "Indy 500" is something---LOL. It's really good meat. Hope you get drawn this year. I had my hunt on the Stallion Range. Bob
  20. I had one like this last month. Called the sheriff's office, they sent out a deputy & someone to take the deer home to butcher. You don't see to many deer or elk along the road anymore. People are picking them up & taking that meat home. Bob