colorado bob

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Everything posted by colorado bob

  1. My brother's cabin is in Guernsey County near Piedmont Lake. We killed a couple bucks. One was a 5 point & the other was a 4 point. We were hunting public land. We have fun & I plan on going back again next year.
  2. Actually, I hope one of my nephews gets a good one. I'm to the point I'd rather see someone else get the trophy, I've had my share. I'm just looking forward for the time spend with family. If I get a shot, that's a bonus.
  3. I'm headed back east to my brother's cabin in SE Ohio. It's somewhere near where I70 & I77 intersect. Plan on doing a little whitetail deer hunting with an 870 & slugs. Hope it doesn't rain. 1st time, I've been back to hunt with him & my nephews since my Dad passed about 7 years. Bob
  4. Here's my opinion. It will be close but Obama will win both the popular vote & the electoral vote. The Dems will keep control of the senate & the Rep will control the house. Nothing will change. We'll see on Tuesday night. I just hope it's not a repeat of 2000. We need to know the results, We don't need another trip to the Supreme Court.
  5. Good luck, I'm headed in for the 1st season. I leave in the AM. Bob
  6. colorado bob


    I've watched it. It's one of the worst hunting shows there is IMO.
  7. I use 180 grain bullets out of my Remington 700 LH. I've handloaded, I used 180 grain Nolser Solid Base and 180 Hornady spire point "interlock"-----I used those to kill elk, deer, black bear, antelope, moose, bighorn sheep & mtn goat. But as I've gotten older I'm using more factory ammo. I've been using Winchester PP & Remington core-lokts. They work just fine on elk & deer. They are also accurate enough for me. So when they go on sale, I'll buy them. That's the beauty of the 06---factory ammo is cheap & everywhere. My handloads were more accurate but factory loads are fine. My time is more important to me now than saving a few bucks on a box of ammo. Bob
  8. Get the best pair of binco's you can get. I'm talking Lieca or Swaros, You'll use them more than your legs. Cheap ones will give you eye strain & cause a whopper of a headache. A good spotting scope is also a must. I think you can drop down a grade here, I'm thinking Leupold, Nikon. Find the sheep & get above them. They have really good eye sight & will pickup movement in an instant. Go to your library and see if they have "Sheep & Sheep Hunting" by Jack O'connor. It's kind of dated, but it's still the"BiBle" of sheep hunting IMO.
  9. Pretty sure I've seen the Irish flag in St Patties Day parades. Same with the Italian flag on Columbus Day. They still speak Polish in parts of Pittsburgh. Everyone came form somewhere.
  10. The only 2 I like-----"On your own adventures" & "Eastman's" Bob
  11. God's speed, Cowboy. Be safe. I won't make the RT elk hunt this year. If you still here in 13, maybe we can hunt elk down here in Durango. Bob
  12. Time to start. Elk season is coming up. I'll use the stair stepper & some weights. I start @ July 1st---elk season is in October. I'll be toned up by then. Not "in shape" but good enough to hunt all day, everyday for a week at timberline.
  13. Cowboy are you at Ft Carson? I see the the Academy is in the line of fire. Any chance of the Army being called out to fight it?
  14. Cowboy, how are you holding up with that Co Spgs fire? Stay save & give us an update. Bob
  15. DocHunter---Welcome to the forum & Conglads on the tag. Which range did you draw? I hunted the Stallion Range a few years back. I used a 300 WinMag with a 180 grain bullet. IMO your 270 & the 150 grain bullet is fine. Make that 1st shot count. Follow the racing strip up their side & aim where it intersects with the front shoulder. They are tough critters but they are killed every hunt on the WSMR with 243, 270, 25/06, 30/06 & then the magnums. NM residents hunt them with what they have. I can type more of my hunt if you want. Bob
  16. I think I've got mine sold. 2nd happiest day---LOL
  17. Wrong corner of Colorado. I'm in the SW corner.
  18. I use to give a big basket of fruits & goodies. Mrs.Rancher always liked it. I would also do a weekend of farm chores. Fixing fence, bucking bales of hay, etc. Whatever needed to be done. He would let me turkey hunt & prairie dog shoot. I was to only one he would let on the place. I never asked to deer or elk hunt----he leased that out for $.
  19. Planted peas today. Broccoli & cabbage will go in this weekend. Tomatoes with the "wall of water" will go in soon..
  20. Deadline for applications is tomorrow 4/3-----better apply online. Good Luck, CB
  21. My taxidermist kept records of his bear rugs. Seems like the average was @5' 4"---nose tip to the end of the tail. My blonde was 5'. My cinnamon is 5' 11". They were both spring bears. The blonde was a sow, the cinnamon was a boar. I'd guess he was @ 200 lbs , fall weight I'd guess 300 or so. I shot him the last day of April, he was one of the earliest that the taxidermist done. My buddy shot a monster off my bait site. 6' 6" charcoal black. It just missed B/C by an 1/8 of an inch. It was a fall bear, had 2" to 3" of fat-----he was pushing 550 lbs. I'm really thinking about taking Steve up on the Prince of Wales offer. I would love to get a 7' er. My rule of thumb that a 6' black bear----is a good bear. Bob
  22. I would be all over this if I lived back east. To long of a drive from Colorado and I've already have a couple of bear skin rugs. Everyone seems to want a color phase bear, I have killed 2 here in Colorado, a blonde & a cinnamon-----never have killed a black one. CB
  23. colorado bob

    Pikes Peak

    Steve------We are trying to keep it a secret.
  24. colorado bob

    Pikes Peak

    Let me know if you relocate. I'm in Durango----SW corner of the state. Bob