colorado bob

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Everything posted by colorado bob

  1. I went down to the DOW office because I've heard they had drawn bighorn sheep last week. They checked my CID number & I DREW. I've got my ram tag for Unit 16. It's next to Wolf Creek Pass----Pagosa Springs. Man, I'm stoked !!!:flex::flex: CB
  2. Nice bird, Conglads & SMILE--------hunting is fun. CB
  3. 2 game 7's tonite---------got to love the Stanley Cup playoffs. I going over to Versus on the TV. Go Sabres, Go Canucks====CB
  4. I'm using those Kent loads. They are in 2 3/4" 12 guage----#5 shot. They give me a great pattern @ 40 yards. 15 hits in the kill zone on my target-------shaded area on a turkey's head & neck. Pattern even & well balanced. It worked great on that Colorado Merriam Jake that's posted in a couple threads down. I liked them so much I got 4 boxes------don't plan on looking for another load for a long, long, long time. CB What shot size did you get?
  5. Conglads, nothing better than hunting with your kids. CB
  6. Got a phone call from the DOW today. On my wife's sheep application, I didn't include the $10 habitat stamp. She needed to buy it this weekend because 4/25 the draw goes in. Told him that normally she gets it with her turkey tag but this she has a heavy college load & is passing on the spring hunt. But we would go out tonite & buy her 2011 fishing license. Thought it was nice that they would call with the problem & try to fix it before the draw. FYI----no way she can draw---she only has 2 points. But this year will be her 3rd----so next year, maybe. CB
  7. That's not the post I expected from the title. My most frightening situation was when a guy was threading a piece of pipe on a Rigid threader. He boumped the head with his hip to get it started. The head came off & the pipe impaled him. The Rigid is geared lowed----so it kept turning------screwing the pipe into bowels. I found him upside with a pipe in his groin. Lucky for him, the pipe didn't puncture his abdominal wall. It wented between his skin & muscle-----and the abdominal wall. Still pretty nasty. I would rather have the flying ribbon problem than pulling Johnny Mac of that pipe. CBN
  8. May 6th is what I'm waiting for----sheep results. Then the following week-----Moose. Fingers are crossed & I've thrown salt over my right shoulder.
  9. Got a nice Merriam jake on Saturday. Typical hunt, gobblers were with the hens. Jakes were trailing. The hens would go the other way with the long beards. Then they would come back down the canyon. We pulled off a couple of jakes to our calling. They came in gobbling. He made it to 25 yards & the met a load of #5's. I've got a couple of photos, I can email & have someone post for me. :helpsmilie:
  10. Nice bird. I know the feeling-----wait all year for turkey season & it's over in 20 minutes. CB
  11. This is the longest month of the year. The applications are in & now waiting them to posts results in May. The only thing close was waiting for Santa Claus----long time between Halloween & Christmas when your an 8 year old. CB
  12. The SCI is the biggest one here @ 500, then come RMEF @ 300, then DU and NWTF is the smallest. But I think we are the most family friendly, there were over 30 kids at this last banquet. We had 2 free turkey hunts, 1 auctioned & then the Jakes day pheasant hunt. SCI has African hunts, we take kids hunting------we try to make future hunters out of them. Talk about deep pockets-------Yep, I" a working stiff. It's no fun going to a banquet when the prints start @ $500. Most of the NWTF crowd is working class. Most of our prints went for $125 to $150. A working guy can afford that. Most guns went for retail. For $500, you can be a REAL bigger spender at my banquet. Just curious how my local banquet stacks up against the rest of them. I'll do it again next year, president that is, been on the board for @10 years. We had the local 4H club help us & then we also auctioned off 2 pies for them. When it was all said & done. I wrote them a check for $850------it the largest fund raiser they have had. CB
  13. Good luck, NM locals are all for it & they vote in NM.
  14. Just guessing----$400 to $500. not much more. What's a new one $600?? CB
  15. How many here go their local banquet. We had ours last Saturday. It was a sell out 125 at the BPOE Lodge. I'm the president-----I was tickled pink. How big is your banquet? CB
  16. Dang it-----I missed the NM elk deadline. Oh well, I've been trying for the last 10 years for the Gila without any luck. Guess I save the application fee. CB
  17. That's a nice gobbler----sounds like a real good morning hunt, Conglads---CB
  18. Better now than under the W-----good luck to you steve. no more :rock:
  19. It's a sure sign of spring. Take the good with the bad. CB
  20. I think I paid @ $25 for it about 15 years ago. It's called in @30+ gobblers. It just plains works for me. Called in a couple Rio's & Easterns also. It's done 3/4 of the slam. Just can't see paying that kind of money they want for a Fla. bird. CB
  21. My Dad died about 6 years ago. I finally got his Ithaca out here to Colorado. Thought it would be neat to use it on a Merriams this spring. I went to the range & patterned it last week. Not only does it kick like any army mule, it's about a foot low. Started at 40 yards----would not cut the mustard. When to 35, then to 30---Still low. I finally started to aim at the top of the head. Didn't feel right. I like to aim at the waddles. Looks like I stick with my 870. I think I'll take it on a grouse hunt. Hopefully kill a couple blues for Dad. Then clean it, oil it & put it up on the mantle. CB
  22. Not really. I use Lynch & Quaker Boy. My go to call is my Quaker Boy "Grand Old Master" & then Lynch. Box calls seem to work out here----the sound will carry out in the canyon. Add in the fact that I really suck with a mouth call. I'd probably would get a backup Lynch & Quaker Boy. CB