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Everything posted by woolybear

  1. I just picked up a new Sigma 70-300mm lens for my wild walk abouts. Haven't been seeing many critters so when they don't cooperate I'm only left with one option. Finaly a bird,lol.
  2. Welcome Perry! Good bunch here.:chat:
  3. YIKES- I'd of been hugging a dingy below deck. :helpsmilie: Glad everyone's ok.
  4. VERY, very nice! Great job William! Tell the boss you want a raise.:shifty:
  5. I had a buddy that got his ML all sited in fine and dandy then missed his first shot at a buck. He came over to shoot and couldn't even get the thing on paper anymore off a rest. We swapped guns for a few shots with the same results but I was hitting fine with his. After watching his next few shots it was obvious just before he fired that he was pulling his face off the stock for whatever reason and peeking around the scope with his left eye and pushing the barrel right......I only assume it was to try to see around the anticipated smoke cloud and "watch" his bullets flight.:wacko: After we figured that may be the problem and worked to correct it he started out shooting me. Just throwing that out there. May be something to pay attention to next time.
  6. Dave- great shots as always and another very cool vid. Make sure you shut that helmet cam off when mother nature calls,lol. Let me know when you're ready to sell that little Polaroid of yours along with the accesories. It takes some pretty nice shots!
  7. Those are some dog gone good shots! Don't get to see many greys around here. Nice looking animal right there.
  8. woolybear

    Mixed bag

    This obviously should be moved to the vehicles/hunting transportation section.:wacko: Nice variety there Ben. Did ya see anything ya didn't shoot,lol.:boo:
  9. You catch on quick,lol! Congrats to you and the Mrs. John!:rockon:
  10. Back atcha Mike! Happy New Year everyone!
  11. Welcome Widowmaker- good to have ya.
  12. Sorry to hear it, but glad ol' Mittens went peacefully Ruth. You took care of her the best you could. One thing there's no shortage of around here is free kittens looking for a good home. Kinda sad.....maybe you can hook one up with a place to stay.
  13. I'll bet there's a lot of "fowl language" being used around there.:bat: Cool shots Mike!
  14. I heard of a recent study that said people who got 8 hrs of sleep were generally more attractive than others. I'm sure that can't be accurate- I'm a 4-5 hr kinda guy. Usually 2-7 works for me.
  15. Still got plenty of deer randomly wandering the woods I hunt. Not much for yarding going on just yet. Pretty common to see this still around here, but as soon as our snow piles up, it takes on a whole different look. Like a "mass migration" right out of town and the propperty only sees traffic from a few resident stragglers that stay behind to winter. I followed this evacuation trail last winter for close to 8 miles and never found the end of it.
  16. Oh man, I hate seeing good sheds run away from me like that.:jaw: Just not fair.
  17. Love it- promise I'll be a quiet tenant.:yes:
  18. Sweeeeet! I like the frosty back doe. The low angle lighting looks cool to me the way the shadows are cast over her. All great shots!
  19. Too late.....I'm gonna get that other buck tonight.:shifty:
  20. Sis stopped by while I was out and dropped off a cake she made for me. Thought you all may get a kick out of it. Good stuff!
  21. Wow- super sweet! Hey Justin, ya got a brother,lol?:cowboy::tt1:
  22. Thanks guys! Had a great one. Spent the day hiking/shed hunting! Happy b-day to you too New!
  23. Congrats on a great season Joe! Surprised you had time to hunt with all the butchering to be done!