The Bug House

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Everything posted by The Bug House

  1. Looks like great fun, I've spent many many hours doing the same, and towing any willing party until they ended up in the drink! Is it me, or is that a box of fireworks in one of the photo's?
  2. ZOOOMSPLAT!!!!!Actually it's a 250cc, it's been about 10 years since I've owned a motorcycle and I (they) got a great deal! Not to mention the 60+mpg, and the princely sum of $8 a month for full coverage. I'll get 2 seasons out of her and upgrade if I want to.
  3. MWUHAHAHA! It's been cold and wet here as well. Of course today was gorgeous and I was at work instead of riding my fathers day gift around. Perhaps I'll start a thread with a pic of said gift.
  4. So you think Duluth Mn is the entire planet?
  5. Islam....Christanity.........Six to one, half dozen the other.
  6. More like: Our country was founded on the principle of personal liberty, common sense, and reasoning. Fundamentals that, by virtue of humanistic parallelism, christianity likes to lay claim to. Anyones version of god belongs in the home and local community, not the federal government. Having god in government is the POLAR OPPOSITE of the "Founding fathers" vision for our great nation.
  7. Sounds like Sharia law to me.
  8. .......Ron Paul is our man!!!! Huckabee wouldn't stand a chance, he's way to closely aligned with the "right-wingnut" fringe element.
  9. or sipping...... ...a cold one after mowing last night. It was just past dusk and I noticed several Little Brown Bats cruising the airspace above my backyard for the first time this year. We have always bats in the area, and sometimes they roost inbetween my chimney and house. Initially I was going to seal up the entrance during the winter, but considering White Nose Syndrome has decimated the North Easts' bat population by up to 90%, I was happy to see them!
  10. Sounds like words from UBL himself.
  11. You missed it. “We’re reminded that we’re fortunate to have Americans who have dedicated their lives to protecting ours,” he said. “As commander-in-chief, I could not be prouder.” However, I'm sure this won't suffice.
  12. ...Check this out! We've been watching this for a few weeks now, my kids love it! So far I've seen a squirrel, a rabbit, and several fish in the nest. Decorah Eagles, Ustream.TV: The Raptor Resource Project brings you the Decorah Eagles from atop their tree at the fish hatchery in Decorah, Iowa. The li...
  13. I think different people have different expectations / perceptions of internet forums. Some see it as an anonymous chat board, others have a sense of community. The dynamics here are not very different that that of other forums. There is a lot of great info here, much of which comes from some very experienced hunters.
  14. Thats exactly why I chose a wall mount flag pole! LOL!
  15. Thats really great Blade! You guys did a great job.....It's important for a young man to have such a sense of pride.
  16. Yea...that really stinks. "Petty" theft just infuriates me. Sorry that happened to you. I suspect no chance of insurance coverage for that sort of thing, eh?
  17. Great game.....I need to clean my mouse and mouse pad surface for more precise movement.
  18. I may stand corrected............from Wiki: In 1507, German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller produced a world map on which he named the lands of the Western Hemisphere "America" after Italian explorer and cartographer Amerigo Vespucci I suppose we should heed the lesson learned from their failure anyhow!
  19. Ken Block is sick!! He drove a Subaru for Vermont Sports Car race team for several years. I'm still partial to the Suby's, but I like the Ford Escort / Focus / Fiesta WRC progression. I think this is the best DC auto video yet. I wish I had that big E-Brake lever!!!!!
  20. Cracked me up!! I showed my wife and she thought it was funnny also!
  21. At first I thought it may be a canine raising his leg to mark his territory.........
  22. I'd like to have been one of the first Americans to lay eyes on a massive herd of wild Buffalo.
  23. America didn't exist in 1623.
  24. That shot of Chuckie Schumer was priceless! I was surprised to hear her say "I abhor hunters".