The Bug House

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Everything posted by The Bug House

  1. The Bug House


    Interesting insight, I would tend to agree with bolded, but that particular road appears to be paved with corporate greed and shady politics / business practices. Monsanto is a perfect example of that. I feel that the "Localvore" movement and subsequent commerce will be a large factor in the future economic portrait of the U.S.
  2. ..well, it seems that way anyhow. Every winter someone loses a barn to snow load around here but this season it seems a lot more evident. Seems strange to me because we haven't had much wet heavy snow at all. 3 local farmers have lost barns within the last 2 weeks near here, and many more across New England. Monday night we provided mutual aid out to a farm that lost its main cow barn, 40 milk cows trapped, 4 of which were killed. Another farmer lost a big barn that was just 2 years old, losing 2 cows. We had a structural engineer on site the other night, he suggested that the wind is moving the snow around so much, it's causing uneven loads to settle on the roofs and eventually bringing them down. These guys have it bad enough, this is the last thing they need!
  3. I don't have TV, so I didn't watch. But I saw the Darth Vader commercial last week abd thought it was really good!
  4. Same here Shaun! Another month or so and I'll be itching for trout season to start. I'm aiming to wear out the bindings on my snowshoes this year! Today was really nice, the thermometer said 33.7°F!
  5. Buck'em back! That thunder & lightning was nuts last night.....pretty amazing how bright it gets with all this snow around. I hope they cut the snowbanks back soon, they're about 6' - 7' and make driving a little tricky sometimes! I measured 47" of snowpack in the yard this morning. I cleared the garage roof on Friday, started the house today. With a standing seam roof I never though I'd have to shovel it!
  6. > Not all of the "Founding Fathers" were x-tians. This argument holds about as much water as the 'Global Warming is caused by the declination of Pirates' argument. The founders of this nation were pretty clear in their desire to keep Religion seperate from Goverment.
  7. Spoke to a buddy that lives near my camp, he said the mercury was at -28 as well!
  8. 8 above as we speak. Was -7 last night, and supposed to be about 5 below tonight. Hit -12 the other night. Going to warm up to snow tommorow, forcasting another 10" or so. After the weather system moves through its supposed to go back into the cooler with forcasted lows from 10 to 15 below zero this weekend, highs in the single digits.
  9. Thats just downright innappropriate...... *snicker*
  10. The Bug House


    Ah...come on up. April is such a great time of the year, most of the skiiers are gone..the mud is just as deep as the snow...and you can still leave your beers outside to get cold!
  11. Listened just about every day from 1994 until 2002. Then again during a long AM commute from 2004 until 2005 . Got Sirius about a year later and listened for about a year. Howard is one of the best interviewers out there, I was a huge fan of the show, but not necessarily a huge fan of his. I was sad to hear about Artie Lange leaving, he was really funny on the show!
  12. View from my office this AM.........OK, not really:( But the view from the Mt. Washington webcams.
  13. "Sprechen Sie deutsch?" "Oh, I Sprechen!" Not really..from the Madagascar cartoon.
  14. That was crazy...he did seem to have some great timing! This one is funny too....You've probably seen it. WE HAVE LIFTOFF!
  15. Holy cripen hades!!..Truer words have never been spoken. My condolences.
  16. Tuna steaks marinaded in worcestershire sauce and ginger, slathered in mayonaise and grilled. Prefferably within 10 minutes of landing said Tuna. Would it be fair to call that a challenge?
  17. Thats a Tilde (pronounced tilda).......I knew a girl named Tilda once.
  18. I like those Dragons!!A close friend, who is a phenomenal pen & ink artist thought he wanted to be a tattoo artist, after an 18 month apprenticeship his first and only tattoo was a rose on my leg. I had the lettering done about a month later by someone else, it needs to be touched up and I want to add some daggers and pistols.
  19. The Bug House


    Talk to your Doc, He/She may very well recommend something you heven't tried yet, perhaps even the e-cig.
  20. The Bug House


    Like I mentioned in previous posts, I facilitate smoking cessation classes, I'm also a Registered Respiratory Therapist. The FDA has tested the ingredients in the cartridges, but not the effects of using the product, or or smoking cessation rates of success with the product. However, there are some Physician groups that feel they may be a legitamit nicotine replacement therapy, and are urging the FDA to reclassify. Unlikely IMO. Frankly due to the lack of regulation and somewhat shady manufacturers, I'd be hesitant to use or recomend e-cigs. I'd be concerned about infection, inhaling aerosol of any sort dramtically raises the chances of infection. And keeping something like this sterile, seems just about impossible.
  21. Seems that way, this must be compiled from satelitte images, perhaps some averaging of local measurments. I didn't see what time frame it represents.
  22. I've got 18 above and still snowing like a bandit. I had all my appointments canceled at work, so I bailed. I'm not even a teacher and I got a snow day! Supposed to be around Zero tonight, and 5 or 10 below Th/Fri night.