Straight Shooter

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Everything posted by Straight Shooter

  1. Straight Shooter

    Color test

    Re: Color test I'm in the 100% club. LOL Great Test
  2. Re: Reloading ???\'s. Looking to get into it Natchez Shooters Supply ( is a great place and excellent on prices. I'd recommend Lee presses if you don't want ot spend an arm and a leg. These presses are very quality for the buck. I shuck out 44 mag and 357 mag out of mine right now, but is capable of all rounds.
  3. Straight Shooter


    Re: Tinnitus? I've got that from time to time and it's due to having two concussions when iwas younger. I know you said you haven't had any head trauma, the only other thing I would guess is loud noises causing damage.
  4. Re: How many of you... [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] I bought two of them and my son still wears both of them from time to time. wtnhunt:Yep, just be careful of the multi color bands and you'll be okay! LOL [/ QUOTE ] Without getting into any specific details, it is kids and what meanings they have found for different color bracelets that concerns me. [/ QUOTE ] Mine aren't old enough yet, so your telling me there are more difintions to these things. Hmmm???
  5. Re: New 4-wheeler colour Green!
  6. Re: Suggestion I know they get asked over and over again, but in time the same people's opinions change on the same equipment they were referring to just a week or so ago. Like Buckee stated there is no one piece of equipemtn or manufacturer that is the best, its just a matter of opinion of the user. So, I don't think a sticky would be very beneficial. JMO
  7. Re: ***SASKMAN is a STAR*** Absolutely awesome Kaare, Congratulations!!!!!!!!
  8. Re: How many of you... I bought two of them and my son still wears both of them from time to time. wtnhunt:Yep, just be careful of the multi color bands and you'll be okay! LOL
  9. Re: Sight pin size... Better late than never I say! LOL Ruth, if your wanting to go with .019 pins I'd highly recommend the Extreme sights. I've got the Sniper 500's and a set of the RT900's, absolutely amazing on the brightness of these pins, even in the .019 sze. My nieghbor has poor vision and is using these now with no problems.
  10. Re: More FOC mumbo-jumbo I'd be more than happy to fletch your arrows up for ya! That would be your call if you want it to happen buddy. Just let me know and I'll get them done if you want me to. Sorry I didn't get back with you quicker it's been a busy weekend.
  11. Re: Biggest Biceps! Hey I got any idea! Let's measure our waist and see who's got the smallest! LMBO 16 1/2 here on the bicep.
  12. Re: Primos Sold!! [ QUOTE ] sounds like a good deal to me as long as the quality of the calls stays "primo" I welcome it [/ QUOTE ] Amen, I don't want the quality of their calls to go down. I'm big user of the PRIMO"s calls!
  13. Re: More FOC mumbo-jumbo SH, your doing great as Tony said earlier and that setup will be great for deer, bear and turkey's. My Arrow weight 360 grains and it blows right through them. If you lived closer, I'd be glad to fletch your arrows I love the blazer vanes, they are one tuff fletching and stabilize my broadheads out perfectly.
  14. Re: He\'s Back! Awesome mount and congrats!
  15. Re: 100grain vs. 125grain Yes, that's pretty close to what you should expect. On average you'll drop 2-3 fps on every 10 grains you add in weight and vice versa on taking away weight. You won;t see much of a difference from 30 yards and in, but just a slight change in weight will make a difference out at 40 yards that you'll notice. It'll separate your 30 and 40 yard pins a bit more, now if you went the other way on weight it would bring them closer together. I wouldn't panic though, it's not going to big that big of deal.
  16. Re: How Big Of An Ole Boy Are Ya... 6' 2" @ 240 lbs. Just gained 18 since surgery, I'm on my way back to the 220's.
  17. Re: Just A Question! Love stickers, I've got them on my bow cases, four-wheeler, and truck!
  18. Re: Fox Several gray foxes and one unlucky red fox! I'm wanting a bobcat I had one opportunity and as luck would have it a gray fox was chasing it out of the area and a shot never came about.
  19. Re: Turning GT Hunters into XT\'s?? I do this on a regular basis for all of my GT shafts ever since a couple of years ago. I notice on a dozen shafts that I just fletched up that a few of them were hitting differently than the others. After some investigation I found there was a small raised area on the ends of each shaft, more on some than others, the others being the ones that weren't hitting correctly. So, to eliminate this problem I started cutting the nock end first and then the tip end. We all strive for consistancy in archery and it begins in the arrow as well as the bow. A poorly tuned arrow doesn't do you any good evenif your bow is in tune. Cutting both ends allows the nock and the insert to rest flush and square to the shaft, making for a great alignment from tip to end. Now as far as making the whole shaft straighter that isn't possible that is totally up to the manufacturer. We have control of the square factors not the straightness. I know I can't see .006 of straightness on a arrow spinner but I can see the wobble of a nock or insert that isn't seated correctly. Also, when putting new nocks into the shafts it will shave small pieces of plastic off and get in between the nock and shaft. I pull the nock back up slightly and clean that debris out as well.
  20. Re: Prostate Cancer (oh well) Best of luck Steve and my prayers are with you! I've got a great friend doing fantastic after prostate surgery. I'm sure you'll do just just fine with your treatments, technology has come along way.
  21. Re: Hi everyone. I\'m Randy\'s wife... Welcome aboard Mrs Sue Randy! We hope to hear bunches from ya!
  22. Re: Here he is....(Pictures) Two words! Truely awesome!
  23. Re: Encore camo/ Stainless muzzle loader/ 308 barr Probably not, he's not legal to sell anything on here yet. He must meet the post quota first.
  24. Re: Got my Buck back Awesome mount and congrats on a fine looking buck!
  25. Re: Is there such a thing as too close? Facing straight on at under 10 yards is definately a spine shot right between the shoulder blades. I've taken five deer that way and have a lot of faith in that shot. Any other angle, I'll let the deer get a bit from the tree before taking the shot.