Re: sanilac county chicken hunting
I didn't realize there was a season on chickens. LOL That's probaly one of the few things I haven't taken with my bow.
Re: Best Rubber Boots
Ladcrosse, I've got three pair of the Alpha Burly Sports in the un-isulated, 1,000, and 1,500 gram. Best hunting boots I've ever owned, scent free, and as comfortable as tennis shoes.
Re: Something you might find interesting
A little known fact, deer can't distinguish between human and animal urine. Personally I don't do that, but i do know I freeze my butt off it I do have to go. That is why I only drink one cup of coffee before I go hunting. I'm good for at least 5 hours or so.
Re: New bow draw length and speed -- ROOKIE QUESTION
I don't know much about the Trykon bows, but that is cooking with a 26.5 draw length. I'd have to recheck, but I think the Trykons are module bows. If so they will be esy enough to change your draw length.
Re: Does Bill Jordan a member on this forum?
William-he's been on here and posted a few times and in the chat. I about pooped my pants in the chat a couple times when I realized it was him. Sorry if you can't remember.
Re: What Every Woman Wants for Christmas
I almost had my wife talked into getting one the other day, she actually picked it up off the rack. I about fainted! I might go back and get it for her as a stocking stuffer.
I might be break her down on buying hunting supplies for me. After soon to be 11 years of marriage, she tried to buy some arrows for me for Christmas, but got to frustrated about all the spec.'s that were invovled in buying them and some places being out of stock. LOL Came home and slammed a cancelled receipt on the table and said here is your present, go order it I can't handle this. LMBOROF I told her see how stressful hunting is and I have to do this every season! LMBOROF I was cracking up.
Re: Green Score whitetails
I understand that as well. It is the same way on the P&Y score sheets. My 10 point has got 18" outside and 12" tip to tip. I guess it gives them a better prospective at the headquarters when they are looking at the photos are the rack and deer. I had a guy around here trying to add all the spread measurements as well. It kind of busted his bubble when I told him he lost about 20" off his score. LOL
FYI, I just put that in red so it would be seen by the orignal poster, I wasn't angry or anything.
Re: finnally got a biggun
I hate to bust your bubble, but I think he's got you on the score. The G 4's are longer on one side, the G 4 on your left beam might not even score if it's shorter than 1" and the G-5's are scorable points you don't have. I'm not taking anything away from your deer, it is one fine buck.
Re: Bohning Blazer
I switched to them this season and had great performance out of them, for what it's worth I had been using the same style vanes, (4" Marco's) for the last 14 years.
Re: If you could hunt Whitetails anywhere.....
I forgot about adding in Buffalo County Wisonsin. Ihad a chance to hunt Richmond county but didn't follow through on it, I guess I had a brain lapse.
Re: Does Bill Jordan a member on this forum?
Back when the RT site first started up, he was on here a few times, making some post and in the chat room. I had the distinct pleasure of chatting and posting with him, along with a few of the other older members on here. Anyone want to touch my keyboard, I'll also hav in on Ebay when I upgrade my computer!LOL
Re: Pictures of your game room?
Nope, I have half of the garage and the den is all mine. My walk in closet is to the left of the big screen TV behind the wall. She does what she wants with the bedroom, bathrooms, kitchen, livingroom, and her half of the garage.
Come on now you can tell us the truth.....she dosent have any say only when she's not there right?? lol!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Re: Green Score whitetails
No, you do not get the tip to tip spread or the outside spread measurement. It is just the inside spread and like stated above, the insde spread cannot exceed the mainbeam lengths. If your inside spread is 24" and the mainbeams are 22", you only get 22" for the inside spread. SCI gives you what you got, Buckmasters doesn't give you an inside spread they call that air between the antlers.
Re: Carbon or Aluminum?
Mag-he might be spined right on a 29" draw. His arrows are probably around 27" and that'll make the 300's alot stiffer. As for going to carbon, if your getting good arrow flight now and groups why switch? Aluminum shafts are more forgiving than carbon but for the durability you can't beat the carbon shafts. If it ain't broke don't fix it. JMO
Re: Getting back into bow hunting
I'd first go arond and check out what kind of pro shops are in your area. Talk with them an see what they've got used and in good shape, start shooting again and make the the choice for yourself on upgrading or not and what type of equipment you want.