Straight Shooter

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Everything posted by Straight Shooter

  1. Re: Funny stuff that happens hunting! You ladies are great and we need more like you all. I work with a woman that deer hunts and she has killed better deer than most of the men out there. Huntnma-remind me if I'm in you neck of the woods to wear Kevlar under my Bibs! LMBO Keep on hunting hard ladies!!!
  2. Re: Dream big! Why couldn't my wife be a hunter? I hope you all get your dream hunt!
  3. Re: Christmas shopping? I'm going this weekend, I love playing shoppng cart bumper-cart! Shopping is what you make of it! LOL I just don't go shopping in Antique stores or yard sales, I'm fair game for anywhere else.
  4. Re: arrow question Goldtip Hunter XT's!
  5. Re: Broadheads \" Mechanical vs Fixed \" Amen rad [ QUOTE ] I know that if the shot placement is perfect and everything goes well that it will kill it on the spot, but if the deer happens to move slightly or i am just off it will mushroom on the bone and could possibly not enter the vitals. [/ QUOTE ]
  6. Re: 20 degrees in SC? Craig, I know what you mean! LOL It's 11 degrees here and on the minus side with the wind chill, got some snow on the ground also.
  7. Re: When you are lost I've got to go with Andrea on this one. One thing I was wondering myself When the news said, he took off in a T-shirt, blue jeans, and tennis shoes, this guy is dead. That in it's self is suicide, Onieda man said it too. Stay on the road, even in the snow they traveled in on. The search crews(other than the air search) are going to use those first! I am one protective father of my two kids and I would in no way leave my kids unless it was total life or death situation. My kids are being fed, and we've got somewhat of a fire. I can't protect them from the elements or wildlife if I'm off trekking through the woods. I know everyone is going to say it was a life or death situatin, but who ended up dieing? I'm sorry this intelligent man , just wasn't to woods-wise and panic in my opinion. Should of gave a little more faith in our search and rescue teams as well. Now the mother has got to live with he gave his life to save ours and wonder if she should have made him stay. It's a tough call, but I would of stay to protect my family or at least be with them in our last hours. JMO
  8. Re: Lost everything Is that for shooting the computer if it messes up again? LOL Glad your back.
  9. Re: Figure This Out There is nothing to figure out on this one except it's a highly unethical hunter/person who let that arrow go and the deer lye.
  10. Re: Krista\'s 06 buck Totally awesome! Tell her congrats!
  11. Re: Iowa M/L Buck Another awesome buck, Congratulations!
  12. Re: NAP Quik Spins and Whisker Biscuit Tell'em Pin! LOL You can't beat those Blazers.
  13. Re: Finally got a couple of does with my bow Great answer. [ QUOTE ] It could be that his arrows werent flying strait with a light broadhead, and that little bit of difference in buying a heavier broadhead improved his accuracy...Just a though [/ QUOTE ] Im didn't think of that being an issue. I woud have assumed he had his equipment in tune before entering the woods. But hey, I've seen guys pull fieldtips off and screw fixed heads on and go hunting. This could be a totally different issue of the hunters responsiblity. Bowhunting is a finally tuned sport.
  14. Re: Broadheads \" Mechanical vs Fixed \" Hi rad.......this has always been a big debate over the years on here. Naturally by my sig you can tell what I hunt with and have for about 15 years now. I've heard of and seen lots of stories and deer shot with mech.'s. as well as fixed heads, but most of the mech. stories are the same, great shot placement, no penetration and no exit wound. I for one am a big fan of fixed because I don't have to rely on something deploying when it hits my target. When fixed hits, it eating all ready. Nothing but bone to try and move it off it's path. I did break down this fall and try out the Tekan II broadhead and had good luck with it. The only reason I went with this head is it's blade deploy backwards, not rolling back. If I evr switched I'd go with them, Satelite Deadingers, or Rocky Mountain XP3's. I don't like the Rage because of the replaceable razor tip. JMO The choice is up to you on your selection of whcih. Like it was stated before and always will be, shot placement is everything, BUT a good reliable broadhead will save you a lost deer or a bunch of tracking on a marginal hit.
  15. Re: Sasksheds06WT,part2,pics Dandy! Dandy! Dandy! Congratulations!
  16. Re: Team 24 Indiana, from everything I've read about all this. The only thing I can say is, you've made your bed now you must sleep in it, judging or not, it was wrong. 13LO, congrats on a fine buck!
  17. Re: Gloves, question for you Cold weather people. Hand muff with a hot-hands in it works great.
  18. Re: what do I do ? The deer are there, just more nocturnal now. Only thing I can tell is to just hunt and don't wear anything that looks like a deer close to your boundry lines! LOL I'd try and hunt closer to bedding areas, especially on hard hunted deer. They always go them for security.
  19. Re: Finally got a couple of does with my bow Nice looking Doe! I do have a question or two. She has been shot staight on, but you said the head hit her spinal cord. Was you on the ground or in a treestand? I can see tht on a ground level shot, but from a treestand, that is a wicked turn up and just confirm's for me that mech-heads don't keep there path going through a deer like a fixed head. I'm not trying to start an arguement here, just trying to reaffirm what is being said about mech. vs. fixed. Also, switching from a 75 - 85 grain head because you weren't killing deer, is a little far fetched to me. If you hit'em through the boiler room with a 1/2 inch ut. It'll kill them, shot placement is everything. JMO congrats again on a nice Doe.
  20. Re: Old Shows? I'd have to go with "Happy Days". HHeeeeeeeeeeeyyy!
  21. Re: Pics of the new toy! [ QUOTE ] A sled?????????????????? What the heck... I thought those things were called snowmobiles!!!! [/ QUOTE ] I'm with him on this! LOL My other question is where do you put a deer at one of those? LOL Awesome looking and Caongrats, be safe!
  22. Re: Heading to SC and Charlotte good luck on your trip and have a safe one!
  23. Re: My First Deer Ever Congratulations on your first deer and a buck to BOOT!
  24. Re: **00buck whacks and stacks** (pics) Awesome buck 00buck! I'm sure your very proud. congratulations!
  25. Re: Amei-step Rapid Rails I'm bumbed, my order got cancelled, they didn't have any more. Sorry folks!