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Everything posted by hangunnr

  1. What else can you say........ hangunnr
  2. Re: Already time for a new pistol!! Glock makes a single stack auto (can't recall the model) that is a little slimmer than the regulars. Kahr also makes a nice compact auto that is very slim. The $400 ceiling is gonna limit your choices. You may be able to pick up a used model of one of the higher end guns for that price range. hangunnr
  3. Re: More success with precision rifle dead centers [ QUOTE ] I haven't found them locally do you have to order them? [/ QUOTE ] Cabela's sells Cecils Precision Rifle bullets and sabots. hangunnr
  4. I'm not sure there is a load out there for the 500 that's got enough power for whitetail at 100yds..... I'm kidding of course.... Welcome to the Realtree forums!! Hope you enjoy your time here. As you know, deer aren't all that tough to poke holes through. Any load that hits where you point it will do the deed on any whitetail. hangunnr
  5. Re: New Project [ QUOTE ] I ordered Cecil's primer contraption that uses small pistol primers in 209 adapters. [/ QUOTE ] I may order some of those myself. I'm kinda curious about them too. Please post up when you get them wrung out. I've toyed with ordering one of his .25acp breech plugs but don't see how much they could improve on the accuracy i'm already getting..... hangunnr
  6. Re: Encore Firing Pin Question They should come apart without having to pull them. I would guess the pin is a little bit bent or there is some crud in the firing pin hole causing it to hang up. You can pull gently on the pin with pliers but be sure to remove any burs you may put on the firing pin if the pliers leave a mark. Be careful not to lose the spring as it isn't held in place by anything. hangunnr
  7. Re: Tonys 10 point Well done Tony!!!!! hangunnr
  8. Re: New Record [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Benelli used to claim that theirs are the fastest autoloaders...Guess what?...tests have shown that the SX2 is faster!! (granted...we're only talking thousandths of a second Bob ) [/ QUOTE ] Where did you hear this? My Benelli rep. wants to know what test your talking about. [/ QUOTE ] There were several tests run by the guys that shoot practical shotgun matches showing the Browning Gold to be the fastest cycling semi-auto gun out there. The Win SX2 is basically the same gun. I'll see if I can find the article. hangunnr
  9. Re: Encore Firing Pin Question Once you remove the round block that holds the firing pin and spring in it should separate into three parts. If your firing pin is bent or the spring is bound up this could keep everything from coming apart. You may also have some internal corrosion binding the movement of the firing pin. This is what you should see when you remove the firing pin assy. hangunnr
  10. Re: New Project My gun runs best with 60gr by volume 3F T7 under a T/C mag sabot and a 240gr XTP. Mine will shoot a clean barrel the same as a fouled one. I haven't been able to get Powerbelts to shoot out of any of my guns..... hangunnr
  11. Re: I couldn\'t help myself..... [ QUOTE ] Will you be taking delivery before the first part of November??? [/ QUOTE ] Sure will....... [ QUOTE ] I'm pretty sure I might to get to shoot that gun someday..................... Take care JJL [/ QUOTE ] If all goes well you'll both get to shoot this one..... hangunnr
  12. Re: 357 Sig The 357 Sig would be a good carry gun caliber but it's a pain in the rear to reload. As this round is a bottleneck case takes at least two extra steps during the reloading process. I agree the recoil impulse is very pleasant. hangunnr
  13. I just couldn't stand to see that used Smith 460 just laying there needing a good home. After peeling a couple Ben Franklins out and handing them over I now have a 460 waiting for me on lay away...... It looks just like this one. I can't wait to get her home. hangunnr
  14. Re: BSA Sweet 17 scope I've got two of the Sweet 17 scopes and to this point am pleased with them. I have a 2-7 on a .22lr and a 3-12 on a .22mag. I really like the ability to focus them down to very short yardages. The adjustments have been true so far. hangunnr
  15. Re: ..Antelope Auction....The Second Half.... Well guys, the second spot is now taken....... Looking forward to meeting Steve and spending some more time in the field with jjl. hangunnr
  16. Re: The North American #1 Guns Took another doe this weekend. Have not had a shooter buck in front of me yet. Several small ones have tempted fate though..... hangunnr
  17. Re: OH, MAN!!!!!!!!!!! [ QUOTE ] I won't sleep right 'til I get to light one in it. [/ QUOTE ] You may not sleep right after lighting one off....... Good to hear you got your rifle. I hope to get the chance to fire it myself. hangunnr
  18. Re: The North American #1 Guns Thanks for the warm welcome. We're on the board. I smacked a couple anterless on our opening day. It aint much but it's a start. hangunnr
  19. Re: Handgun harvest sign up here...... [ QUOTE ] .......And maybe (just maybe) turkey with an XP-100........ Strut10 [/ QUOTE ] Turkey with the Fireball......that sounds like one heck of a blast. I'm gonna really try to have my XP Fireball running by the time I head east. hangunnr
  20. Re: Kel-Tec 9mm............. Well Strut, I guess I'll have to bring a couple 1911's along so you can experience what a good trigger feels like...... They'll make yer plastic fantastic feel like 30 miles of bad road..... The Kel-Tec guns definately could use some improvements. hangunnr
  21. Re: Chai Vang found guilty on all counts.. [ QUOTE ] I say strap him to Old Sparky and put it on national TV. [/ QUOTE ] Agreed...... A little public execution just might get the point across. hangunnr
  22. Re: 2nd Annual PA get-togehter [ QUOTE ] With the price of gas I wont be able to make it. I would be coming up slightly south of Harrisburg which would make it a 3hr and 20minute trip. Just too long and too much $ on gas. Have fun though [/ QUOTE ] Aw come on now..... I'm driving 7 hours just to see y'all......... hangunnr
  23. hangunnr


    Re: STI The EDGE is a nice gun if you are wanting a Limited Class IPSC gun. The heavy extended dust cover and full profile slide would be pretty heavy for a carry gun. You won't be disappointed with the quality. hangunnr
  24. Re: Handgun harvest sign up here...... I'll start this off. I'll be chasing whitetail deer with anything from a .44mag to .375 Win. hangunnr