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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. 1 week...wow...morel ike 7 weeks here,lol
  2. Well work 12 hours at the hospital.... Drove home in not so great weather...and repeated again on Sunday,lol
  3. Let us know how they do! Probably when I get my new bow, will get a set of brand new arrows as well.
  4. Wtg, congrats!!! Now don't forget to take your pills before you go...just kidding, lol:-p Bet you'll pass with flying colors!
  5. Congrats! I have one last loan payment on my student loans, then I will be saying the same thing as well,lol
  6. Was at Walmart yesterday, checking out the decoy prices. Well I'm thinking of emailing Walmart and see what happens. Their prices were the exact same as Cabelas and the one decoy, one of the inflatable Cherokee ones, was $2 more at Walmart than Cabelas!!:wacko: I couldn't believe it, usually Cabelas is the higher priced one. Speaking of which, anyone use those inflatable ones? What do you think of them?
  7. There seems to have been an exodus out of the RT ladies forum....Is it because Timmy is not here? lol:disolve::boo:
  8. Zambo: you are ok to put a link in your signature and if you want to make a post here in the shed room so we all can go check it out, that'll be fine;)
  9. Same boat as me Chris...bow season was not what it's been in the past...shotgun season down the drain as usual. But ditto toddy! shed season, food plot, trail cameras....it doesn't stop:)
  10. Well there are rules about advertising...Might need to get approval first...
  11. Well I didn't get out very much to hunt but I agree...it was a bummer...No one else really stayed active. Maybe just need to shorten the length of the contest to like 4-6 weeks or something...
  12. I'd say limbs as well...
  13. Turkeygirl

    Too Funny!

    LOL! Very cute fly!
  14. Wow, quite the collection! I've got a box call...don't see it in your collection though so bet I got one you don't, lol! Will post a pic...
  15. Happy Birthday to the both of you!
  16. Congrats teams! Way to go!
  17. Congrats, I'm sure she'll enjoy! Can't go wrong with a Hoyt!
  18. At this point I can only laugh:chat: So Monday go into work, pouring rain all day, swamped with admissions, behind on everything. I didn't leave until 9pm. By then rain had stopped. I'm about 8 minutes from home and the road is closed just before I needed to make a turn towards home. It was flooded over! there was only one road if I turned around to take, but it's seasonal and in bad shape so I had to drive all the way back into town to take another road, ended up not getting home till 10pm. Yesterday morning....I'm driving into work, the other road is still closed so I take the road I took the night before. I'm coming up this little hill and see a deer running in the road. I hit the breaks, the antilocks go on, even though the road wasn't wet or anything, took the car a few feet to stop, the deer is still running and runs right past me and hits the passenger door/rear view mirror as it runs by!!! Car was ok though. So then last night I finally get out of work relatively on time, go out to start the car and it won't start!:chair::helpsmilie: So had to call home, family came and picked me up, didn't get home till almost 9pm ,lol. So the car is getting towed to a shop today I think. Apparently God is working on my stress and patience levels this week....could always be worse though.:shifty: So anyone have anything to compare to my last 2 days? LOL:chat:
  19. It is a Cabela's vice...does fine as a low price vice:) Some hooks hold better than others thought.
  20. that is awesome! you've got some talent1
  21. Plump little guy..he's sure be tasty deep fried,lol
  22. Found a pattern online.Tied up a couple new flies today for steelhead. Easy and looks awesome, we'll see how the fish like them. :clap: Called the Nuclear Egg. Red egg: Peack/Pink egg:
  23. LOL Chris! Hee hee hee:-p We actually had a skunk once make home in a horse stall...not sure if it was sick or what, finally got it outside and shot it with the .22...thing would not die...finally did, but yikes. Another time had a sick fox huddling behind the rabbit hutches. I grabbed the.22 and one shot did that thing in...it was sick for sure. then another time we had a fox in the barn trying to get chickens. It was sick as well, Andy stood outside with his shotgun loaded with bird pellet, I peeked in the barn and saw the fox there, when it saw me, ran out and BOOM, dead fox.