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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. The geese def. weren't here like they've been in years past.....
  2. Here are my 2 entries I got in September/October for Team 5. 11" 12"
  3. Ok, getting my 2 squirrels from the fall entered right now! Hope to get out today and get a couple...
  4. Focus a little out of whack? lol He's nice, hope ya find his sheds!
  5. Hope you had a great day!!
  6. Congrats! Your dad had better be careful, he's got a challenger now! :-p
  7. Yeah, what wtn said. I think it's more of you lose some of the taste and quality of the meat. Now if you let it sit around all day then decide to do it the next day and let it sit around some more...probably a better chance of some fun bacteria to start growing:death:
  8. Never ever sign up for anything with them...if you know what's good for you.:clown: Years ago, and I mean years ago, I think I signed up for something. At least once a year now, well twice this year, they call, bugging me about subscribing. I end up hanging up on them usually. :sleep1: Anyone else gotten called yet this year by them?
  9. When it rains, it pours.... Hope your week ends on a strong note. Also hope your dad is doing alright. Thankfully treatment these days for heart related issues is fairly top notch. One day at a time, everyone will work out...maybe not always in your plan but God has His ways of doing things...
  10. Congrats Ross! I'm sure whatever knife you decide to send over, it will be great!
  11. Niiiceee... Won't be long will we are all out toting our calls and our guns...
  12. Turkeygirl

    I hate!!!!

    Sometimes it's better to just worry about your own job and doing your best and not how other people are doing there's. Saves you less mental stress and worry. Go complain to your manager if need be then get on with life. And as Scott said, laziness is not determined by age. Laziness is not determined by job either...has to do with the person, how they were raised, their values, their work ethic, their motivation.
  13. Beautiful Ross! Between you and Andy (bowhunter56), all we need now is a gunsmith and RT will be all set!
  14. I knew we were missing someone...lol. The forums need ya Dakota! If anyone hears an update, post it so we all know!
  15. I shoot a WB now...fairly quiet. I shot a NAP quicktune 1000 before that, pretty quiet. I think no matter what, there is always some amount of noise on the draw. Been considering when I get my new bow whether to try an ultra rest drop away or stick to my WB...nothing can go wrong with the WB!
  16. Thanks for the bump Andy. Everything tentatively sold...
  17. Sounds like a good idea!
  18. To try and cut down on the number of people who sign up for a contest then never participate. There seems to be a trend of "I'll sign up for this contest, maybe there's prizes, I just want to be on the winning team." We have the same thing for our deer contest and turkey contest.
  19. Wow, intense! Cool pics! 65 days? Wow....around this area, it takes them all summer to just to do a simple 2 lane country road bridge....
  20. Excellent post Scott, thanks. Something I would like to share that is a motto at camp where I worked and that we tell the campers is this: "Everyone Has Something To Offer" (or EHSTO)
  21. Turkeygirl

    Tooth Pain

    Glad ya got it taken care of! Couple years ago cracked a filling...dentist refilled it. Go back this past spring, tell me I have an abcess there, I never felt anything. Ended up going to a diff. guy for a root canal, didn't feel anything, praise the Lord as well! That was like 3 separate appointments.
  22. Post up a pic of your turkey calls...whether what ones you'll hit the woods with this spring or your collection in general. Which one is your favorite? I've got to go get a pic of mine:shifty: