the demo bows are suppose to come in to the bow shop I go to and am planning to get my bow from. Stopped there yesterday to see what they had. Held a Mathews Passion, Hoyt Vicxen, Hoyt CRX I think it was, and a Mathews Z7. I noticed the Z7 was a little "top heavy". Other ones felt nice. Planning to go back in a couple weeks to try some bows and maybe place my order:shifty:. Got one more shop to check that has Bowtechs...try and stop there in the next week or 2.
Anyone know, with my DL be9ing 25" and a bow in the 50-60 pound range, wil la bow that is women's specific vs. non-specific be any different in speed/performance? Or is it not really an issue?
Bow shop has some decent prices and they have a deal going on where when you get a bow, you get $100 off accessories....seems good to me!