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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. I wouldn't count the turkey contest as forever dead, but more on sabatical...lol
  2. I also recommend A + J calls....there's a link in my signature to his website...Great custom calls at great prices
  3. Well our thaw didn't last too long...lol. I think it's a sign though things are starting to change towards spring.
  4. Thanks everyone. Had a great day, cake yet to come:) And no Chris, I did not hurt myself! :-p
  5. Great news! Keep up the good work. If it's where God wants ya to be, it'll work out:)
  6. that's all I use for hunting turkey, deer, small game, geese is a 20 ga. I took a couple birds out to about 35 yards with my 20ga Mossberg and a Red Dot. Going just fiber optic sights this year but same load, same Undertaker choke... My 20 ga. likes Federal MagShok. Best advice is shoot the gun yourself to see how it patterns...check the pattern before you shoot at a turkey.
  7. Went for a snowshoe today on some college property....got on some good deer trails but no sheds. Still lots of snow to melt off.
  8. I'll let you know if I do...my gift to you:1eye:
  9. I've got 2 slate and 1 glass from A + J calls...beautiful work. Then I also picked up a box call at a local Amish store in my area...very nice as well. Slate seems to be my go to but I think I may be toting the new glass around this year.
  10. such a rip...and I think I mention this like every time I go there. I picked up a few things that I can't get anywhere else really but for instance fly tying stuff, I can get from a place I mail order in PA cheap compared to GM which was at least 1$-$2 more! They had alot of camo on sale but it sure wasn't marked down much to make me want to buy it....everything there seemed so over priced, more so than recently. It's a place you either hit on the right day or not...Anyone else find GM like that?
  11. Thanks everyone! No candles yet, though I am planning to go snowshoeing later so that's probably more risky:-p
  12. I say keep it simple.... I had a Red dot on my turkey gun, worked well till last year found a piece in it is not broken and threw off the shot. just going to stick to fiber optic site on my gun this year. I do have a cantilever on myslug gun barrel though.
  13. Scores updated 02/16/2011 Stone - make sure to date your shed finds - no date on your last one, the spike:) Thanks
  14. Good luck to you guys! Make sure you read the ruled being new unless you have already!
  15. ok jb, you are in! No more teams will be made!
  16. No bigred...and you are not signed up for a team. you can still post your pics in the forum though!
  17. Now we've got our own Bear Grylls in the forum...Glad you are ok buddy! I never trust walking on frozen creeks because the water is always moving which to me means unstable ice....
  18. Good to hear Ross! Keep us updated on how she's doing!
  19. Interested to see what the Dr. said....hope the cause was figured out
  20. Wow, very scary...very. I would say her meds need to be cut back. Esp. if she is averaging those types of blood pressures. BP meds. can easily be adjusted. does she take her BP meds in the AM? I know typically with hypertension, BP will drop after the meds are taken, but can go up later on, but if she is staying that low...her Dr. needs to do some re-adjustment of her meds if not take her off some of them. If he doesn't, I'd get a second opinion because anyone who is getting that low where I work, the meds get re-adjusted. I see where you said her BP is each morning before she takes it...that low she shouldn't be taking it if at all very little. If she was dehydrated, that can drop BP and then it's liek the meds are "concentrated" in the blood stream, in simple terms, but it sounds like the Dr. needs to take her some meds or really lower the dose. 114/74 is a perfectly fine BP....even if she was in the 120s or so, that's fine to! Let me know what the Dr. does.
  21. Hope all you guys/gals have a great day!:tt1: Although it shouldn't matter what day it is - love each other as Christ loves us;)
  22. Due to some late interest....I will take one more person. I have 2 -hoythunter37 and dturpen...I need one more for a team, then that is it! lol
  23. Well they just have to follow the rules and policies...A pain in the butt for you, I agree, but they have to abide the rules they have. Same thing for my job...we have a policy for example, no one under 16 can go into a pt.'s room...I hate to have to do it but sometimes I have to go up and tell a family who brings in their 5 year old "Sorry, no one under under 16. We have a policy, it's to help prevent transmission of any diseases, etc..." I don't like being the mean guy but it's necessary in some cases. I try to be nice about it though. BTW I find getting old isn't all that bad...The older I get, the more I can look back at all I've learned and done:)