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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Wow, that's a beauty, congrats!
  2. I'm waiting for this snow to melt so I can start looking.
  3. TeamBuckxlimp is your replacement. Good luck!
  4. Ok, TeamBuckxlimp you are on team 4. The other 3 of you I will put on a Team 5 since it you did respond.
  5. I always set my sights from the ground. then I think though that I don't always bend at the waste so this year it's going to be practicing bending from the waist. I think I've dropped my arm sometimes from the stand.... then like buckee, pace out the yardage from the base of the tree and mark with flagging.
  6. Well I dunno about the rest of you but next week we are finally get a good thaw, heading up into the 40s for several days! I'm off for 2 of those days so it will be nice! Time to get some snow melted to fill up the pond and uncover some deer sheds and other treasures.:camera: this also means soon it will be time to hit the creek for steelhead with my fly rod:1eye:
  7. Well going to try and shoot some bows first but the Z7 extreme is at the top right now
  8. Wondering if any of you use vertical pin sights? Was considering maybe trying a vertical pin sight when I get my new bow. Did you like or dislike?
  9. Hmmm...I'm looking at a new site for when I get my new bow..How brite is this sight?
  10. Glad Randy was able to get his shows done and will pray for safe travels back! Storm wasn't as bad here as expected but we didn't escape getting some snow and ice!
  11. Team buckxlimp...if you want in, please pm me. I sent you a pm a few days ago. Position is open, but I need a pm from you as a "guarantee". Unless I hear otherwise from buckee???
  12. That's a beauty Ross!!!!!!
  13. I feel blessed that I had today off from work, looks a bit icy outside. Alot of schools closed. But as I sit here, blowing my snuffy nose from this stupid cold, it really is not as bad as the weather people were predicting. In my area anyway. Sometimes they over exaggerate a little bit,lol. How did the rest of you get hit by the storm?
  14. Happy anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Strut10!!
  15. whttlbucksteve!!! Hope you have a great day! :happybday:
  16. Change is not preventable no stoppable. No one is perfect, we only try to do our best...lives change...the forums change...the health of people change, but that doesn't mean it isn't still and can be a good site. Scott is trying to do his best, so are the moderators...but we all have lives outside of the "forum world." I think for some God, families and jobs come first...or so I thought. None of us can deny the forums haven't change but look at the last couple weeks..all this argueing drives members out and drives us apart as a "family". The last thing, and I would hope most on here would agree, would to see this place shut down for good. There is a reason Scott made a post for you all to send suggestions and input on the forums...but he has a job and family as well besides managing here. It's time to start "building up" instead of "breaking down" and have more faith in each other, and be more encouraging. The forums were alot smaller several years ago, it's a bigegr place now, many more members. But one thing for sure, we wouldn't have Realtree forums if it was not for all you members who are here to share in a common thing - love of the outdoors.
  17. Well let's just say I'm in no rush now, especially since I was working in urgent care tonight and got completely "hit on" by a guy patient....I knew right away what he was doing! LOL. The other RN I was working with, found it hilarious...I think he liked his EKG too much.... Some ship ya sent Tecumseh, LOL (jk)
  18. Come on...We just had a thread like this a week ago..:hammer1:. Enough is enough....I'm sure there are people wanting to join at this minute, looking at this thread with people bickering...Everyone here, regardless of status, is a representative of Realtree. Step up and be an example to others. Do this through PMs...not here. I'm not saying people don't have legit reasons, but PM a mod or Scott with your concerns rather than starting world war 3 in here again.... (this was posted with regards to everyone on these forums as a general statement).
  19. Some nice sheds to find! Very healthy looking deer!