Change is not preventable no stoppable. No one is perfect, we only try to do our best...lives change...the forums change...the health of people change, but that doesn't mean it isn't still and can be a good site. Scott is trying to do his best, so are the moderators...but we all have lives outside of the "forum world." I think for some God, families and jobs come first...or so I thought. None of us can deny the forums haven't change but look at the last couple weeks..all this argueing drives members out and drives us apart as a "family".
The last thing, and I would hope most on here would agree, would to see this place shut down for good. There is a reason Scott made a post for you all to send suggestions and input on the forums...but he has a job and family as well besides managing here. It's time to start "building up" instead of "breaking down" and have more faith in each other, and be more encouraging. The forums were alot smaller several years ago, it's a bigegr place now, many more members. But one thing for sure, we wouldn't have Realtree forums if it was not for all you members who are here to share in a common thing - love of the outdoors.