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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Not so much a "stand", but an "area". I have about one acre of area on the farm that I've killed about 75% of my deer in that we call "the honey hole". It has 4 draws that come together off of the ridges, along with a few oak trees. I do move my stands around almost every year to keep up with the changing patterns and trails that the deer use. I hang one stand for a north to west wind, and one for a south to east wind. They're actually only about 80 yards apart.
  2. ^^^^^Great post Redneck. Muzzy's have been dropping deer for years and are one of the most reputable heads out there. I've shot Crimson Talons for about 5 years now without any complaints. The only deer that made it more than about 40 yards was a liver hit doe last season. She went about about 150 yards, but my shot was simply too far back.
  3. I made it out for my first sit Friday afternoon. I didn't get a shot, but it was a decent hunt considering the heat and mosquitos. The wind was wrong for my lock on stand at this property, so I lugged my climber out. By the time I got set up I was dripping with sweat. Within 10 minutes I had a doe come in to about 50 yards and she hung out for over two hours, but never gave me a shot. The highs Saturday and Sunday were around 89 degrees, so I didn't go out the rest of the weekend. It's supposed to cool off a little later this week, so hopefully next weekend I can get out a little more.
  4. Man o man...what a trip! Sounds like the trip of a lifetime! Congrats to both of you! That will be 5 day's you will never forget.
  5. He looks like a shooter to me! The weather is going to be aweful here this weekend. Last weekend when I couldn't get out the highs were around 65. This weekend,now that I can get out, the highs are supposed to around 85 with lows in the 60's. Go figure. :bang:
  6. Happy birthday Muggs! Have a good one, man!
  7. Congrats man! You never forget your first bow kill! They say the first one is always the hardest.
  8. The Blues should be a solid team this year...of course I said that last year and was wrong. With the addition of Halak and some of the youngsters with another season under their belt, I've got high expectations this year. Defense has me a little worried, and Eric Brewer has no business wearing the C, but we'll see what happens. I beleve we open Saturday against the Flyers.
  9. He's a dandy buck! Congrats! His 2's are awesome.
  10. Congrats! That's a good looking early season buck. I didn't get out last weekend, but from the sound of things deer movement was pretty good.
  11. Well, I managed to get all of my honeydoos done this weekend! I also had time to throw up one more stand on some new property I just got permission to hunt on that's a little close to home. I'm hoping to get out Friday after work for my first sit of the season.

    Happy Birthday

    Happy belated birthday Swampy! Hope it was a good one.
  13. Looks great Ben! I just poured a stamped patio last night and was looking for some ideas for fire pit to put next to it.
  14. Them old Yotes are good running trucks! A buddy and I built an '82 for mud racing back in high school. After a few years of beating up the 4 banger we put a 383 in it, but even after rapping the motor out and beating on it for two years it still ran fine when we pulled it out.
  15. Sharp looking truck! The tint looks sweet.
  16. Congrats boys! It's always nice to put some meat in the freezer early in the season! Our season starts Friday here also, but I'm trying to get my concrete stamped patio done this weekend, and also have my 10 year wdding anniversary. It will probably be next weekend before I can get up in a tree.
  17. My taxi charges $375 normally, but I just picked up my '09 head and he did it for $350 since I've sent some extra work his way. I believe he gets $75 for a european mount and an extra 25 for a plaque. I would probably not go over $400 for a shoulder mount, regardless of who was doing the work.
  18. I was up in the air on when to plant. When I planted on the 19th, it's about one or two weeks later than I usually plant turnips, and it seems about 2 weeks early for planting winter wheat. For me the turnips have been decent. Like you, early season they like to nibble on the fresh greens, but they never really get hit good till January and February after the season is over. I'm hoping with the wheat in there it will draw a little better in November and December.
  19. Totally agree! If the car passed post race inspection(wether it was close to failing or not) then the finish should stand. There is no reason at all to confiscate the car and take it behind closed doors and inspect it for 2 more days. If it get nodda. I Remember being at Eldora a couple of years ago and Shannon Babb won the World 100. His car was something like 5lbs. too light, and he got nothing and the win went to the second place car.
  20. I put the exact same thing in this year! When did you plant yours? I just got mine in the ground on Sunday. The planting may be a little late for the turnips to get decent bulbs, but to tell you the truth I've never seen a single bulb dug up in the 5 or so years of planting them. It seems like every time I drive past a wheat field in December I see deer out in it feeding, so I thought I would give it a try this year and see what happens. It is cheap enough...I paid $10.50 per 60lb. bag of ernie wheat.
  21. Prayers on the way Swampy. With having two young kids of my own I can only imagine the things that roll through your mind when something like this comes up. Keep your head up Ken...your a warrior man! I have a feeling that whatever this is, your going to kick it's doubt in my mind.
  22. I here you...I just got my seed in the ground yesterday too. I've put in winter peas a few times mixed in with my brassica plots, and the deer seemed to keep them nipped back.

    How High?

    My hang on stands have 20' climbing sticks. I usually hang them so the seat is just above the top of the ladder. When I use a climber I try to get a couple of feet higher.
  24. I managed to get my turnip and wheat food plot planted yesterday. Next weekend I'm going back up to trim my shooting lanes a little more and those stands should be good to go. I still have two more sets to hang on some different property, but it's on bottom ground and been flooded every time I've tried to go out there.
  25. I like Johnson, but would like to see Hamlin win the cup this year. As long as Kyle Busch doesn't win it I'll be happy.