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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Ditto. Why not just go and see what happens. She could be hot (if she's a regular at the gym I don't see why she wouldn't be) and you two might just hit it off.....and it will only cost you a cheeseburger a few beers to find out. That being said I've only been on one blind date and it didn't turn out so pretty good. Nothing like HUNTINGMAN's date, but still not too good.
  2. With that much green I would think it will be used for silage. I seen them cutting for silage around here a month ago already. A farmer buddy of mine said moisture content around here was around 17%, and he got started last week. If the rain holds out, by October 1 we could see about half the corn out. I can't remember going into a hunting season with that much corn out, and I'm pumped! Beans are still pretty green here yet.
  3. I would think that after 200,000 miles any vehicle could tend to have some issues. I have a '98 Chevy 4X4 and just rolled over 151,000. The motor runs pretty good, but I did have to put a fuel pump in it last weekend. I believe there were some issues with the intake gaskets also, but that's not too big of a deal to fix.
  4. I attempted to put my last two stands up on some new property over the weekend, but it was flooded bad so I wasn't able to get back to it. It looks like a nice little piece, but it's all bottom ground, so I'm not sure how it's going to work out if we have a wet fall. Next weekend I'm heading up to the other farm I hunt to get my wheat and turnips planted.
  5. I don't see where the spine of the 5575's would be a huge deal for your set up. I definately understand your issue with switching back though. My cousin has had two carbons blow up on him the last few years, and it's pretty darn scary when it happens. Personally, I like aluminums, and don't mind a little heavier arrow.
  6. "Rack Attack" is fine with me too. I managed to get away for a day last weekend and get another set hung and got the food plot ready to plant. I didn't think i would get to the farm after the fuel pump went out on my truck, but I wrenched on it into the night to get finished. I still have 2 more sets to put up and plan on getting my plot planted in the next week or two also. October 1 is sneaking up on me!
  7. Just checking in. I'm ready to get this thing rolling! Bow season hear opens Oct.1, but I don't start hitting it real hard till around Holloween. This year I'll be bow hunting, shotgun, and decided to give the muzzleloader another try. Last year I got a 140" 10 pointer, and looking to improve on that this season.
  8. The Reds are playing some good ball, but their division stinks. The Cards seem to have fallen apart badly, so I think the Reds pretty much have the division under control.
  9. That's a good suggestion. I was not even aware that they were made anymore, it has been so long since I've seen one. They are a bit pricey...I've found them for around $50 a piece, but would also need to buy an extra regulator and some gas line.
  10. We'll keep her in our prayers Hutch. I can't imagine what she's going through right now.
  11. I've experienced what they call "death wobble" on a few older 4X4 trucks I've had, but it would only happen at certain speeds. Since it has new tires, you may want check the tie rods and ball joints to see if there is any slop in them. My original thought was a slipped belt in a tire or a bent wheel( we all know the kind of abuse most work vehicles take:turned:) , but with new tires I'm sure a bent wheel would have been notice in the balancing. You may try swapping the front tires with the back ones just to see if it goes away.
  12. Thanks TBow! That's exactly the kind of info I was looking for. Our stays up there are generally only three or four days at the most, and we would need about 4 or 5 hours of light in the evenings for our card games and dinner. I beleive two 12V lights would give us enough light do what we need them to. Your set up actually sounds just about what I'm looking for, although at this point in time it may be a little out of my price range. For the time being, would it be feasible to run 2 12V lights for our poker room just off the battery, and hook it to my truck once a day with jumper cables to charge it back up? If I'm figuring this right, 2- 25watt bulbs drawing 2 amps each for 5 hours is 20 amp hours. So theoretically, with a 100 amp hour 12V battery I should be able to run 5 days before the battery is completely dead without any charging at all. Naturally I would charge the battery somehow before it gets to that point, but you can kinda see where I'm going with it.
  13. At the farm I hunt we have an old single wide trailer that we stay in when we hunt for for a few days at a time. It has no electricity, and in the past we've used a generator to light it up, but have decided to stop using it during deer season. Last year we went through about 20 of those little gas lantern bottles during deer season. I was thinking about getting a 15W solar battery charger, a deep cycle battery, and a few 12 volt lights. We really spend most of the time at night in the "poker room" playing cards, so this is really the main room we need lit. I was wandering if anybody else had tried this for you shacks that are in the boonies.
  14. Chris pretty much has you covered. I never raised it myself, but when I was in high school I worked a few weeks out of the year pulling it and seperating it. If I remember correctly it was always around the end of October. It's grown quite a bit around here. Collinsville is known as the horseradish capital of the world.
  15. Happy birthday Kyle! Hope you had one, man!
  16. I don't duck hunt anymore, but years ago when I lived in Minnesota I did pretty regularly. I would shoot coots pretty often. Talk about a nasty mud duck. I actually worked with an asian guy that would give me a few bucks for shells if I would drop them off at his house on the way home. I never did eat them, but apparently his family was more than happy to get them.
  17. LOL...settle down now ladies. I was a big Vikes fan before Favre came along, and I'm glad he decided to play. I'm not a huge Favre nut, but despite his turnovers, he's been one of the best QB's the NFL has seen. If Rosenfels or Jackson would be the starting QB I don't think the Vikes would stand a chance at winning the north...let alone a super bowl. At least with Favre Vikes fans feel like there's a solid chance at it. The problem they'll have this year is who's going to catch the ball...I seen this morning Sydne Rice had hip surgery, and who knows what will happen with Harvin.
  18. Deer seem to love wheat here in December and January. I'm going to try and plant about a half acre with some brassicas lightly mixed in this year and see how it does.
  19. Ugh! That Nissan is hideus. A few of the crossovers aren't too bad. I would rather drive a crossover over a mini van anyday LOL....accept maybe that Nissan. The truck on the other hand is sweet.
  20. I think he'll do decent enough to win the north. Last year was unbelievable, so he's set the bar pretty high. I was glad to see him come back. I think the Vikes are a better team with him as qb. I wish he would've took a few more snaps last night.
  21. Kyle B. has always been a jerk....nothing knew for him....everybody knows that.:beer:
  22. I bought my muzzleloader from Bass Pro in St. Charles about 5 years ago. I walked right out with it without any paperwork or questions asked. I also buy ammo there every year and never been asked for my FOID card, even though i'm sure their records show I live in Illinois.
  23. Happy birthday boys! Hope you two have a good one!
  24. I haven't seen or heard of anybody finding dead deer around here. It was my understanding that EHD was most prominant in draught conditions, and we've been pretty avarage with rainfall this summer.