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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Libs never let facts get in the way of making their point! They are wrong on so many levels. Would love to see Nanny Bloomberg penniless and without armed guards. Hypocrite.
  2. I saw it with my son Joe who saw it for the 2nd time. Very moving. It showed the grief the whole family goes through when someone gets deployed. Had a hard time for a while not looking at Bradley Cooper as Phil from the Hangover movies. But I think Cooper did a good job. This is Chris Kyles official website.
  3. 3 degrees with the wind chill...Like 20 below now. Brrrr!
  4. Cool find Lewis. If memory serves me correctly...Didn't you catch a Yellow one a few years back. Maybe more than a few years back. Again...Congrats!
  5. Happy New year everyone!
  6. Congrats Joe...You, among others... help make this place worthwhile visiting Met some great folks here too. Heres to all the Realtree forum Old timers!:wine:
  7. Adjam5

    Hey NYers....

    Yes I agree Dan NYS DEC wasted a whole lot of money changing the tags and fixing a system that isn't broken. I wonder which one of Cuomos friends got the contract to do that? My son got tags that have the doc# printed on the perforated line where you tear the tag off. So after you tear off the tag you cannot read it. But don't you worry...The Gov says he is a friend of sportsmen... HA!
  8. Adjam5

    Velvet Antlers

    Our guys are still in velvet here. The climate is changing. The next week or two we will see hard horn.
  9. Adjam5

    Hey NYers....

    Maybe the old tag system was something that wasn't broke, Coumos democrat buddy gets the new contract to change the tags and the Moreland commission got close and Coumo shut down the investigation. I would put NOTHING past that guy. I have not had any issues with the new tags except they got here very late...Like last week. Cost is of no concern to me I don't even pay for DMP.'s I have been a lifetime sportsman, archery and muzzleloading licensee for many many years now and it has paid for itself many times over. Coumo thinks by giving the hunting rules and regs a makeover sportsmen will forget about the unsafe act.
  10. That pie looks delicious! We have had a good crop of Blueberries also. Ours are smallish...Like peas. But explosive in taste.
  11. Adjam5


    They will be building a Cableas here down state in Monroe,NY. Woodbury Commons. It will blow Gander Mtn in Middletown out of the water. I am looking forward to it.
  12. So the learning process continues for an elk.
  13. 50 years old huh? 50 years young! Happy bleated Birthday Tim.
  14. Very Happy Belated Birthday Tom. Wish you 100 more pal.
  15. Happy Belated Birthday Steve. Yes I remember the blacktail with the buck knife...Probably not as good as you do Steve...But I am still amazed at that feat.
  16. And the coyotes.... Snow is crazy deep and nothing but downed branches for deer to nibble on. We cannot feed here in NYS
  17. Hey Shawn! Good to see ya around. Good job on that buck. Heck of a 6. Have fun with your boys...They grow up fast!:yes:
  18. Wow...That is COLD! How you guys hang in there and get some flow going soon. I hope your waste line is OK also.
  19. Adjam5


    I have a yet to be planned Rio Grande turkey hunt/hog/Axis hunt coming this March/April. I usually am down Texas for Superbowl weekend and miss all this snow. This weekend I will finalize my hunt plans.
  20. Congrats Son. Proud of ya .
  21. Happy Birthday! Have some cake!
  22. NY might be one of the ONLY areas I know of where ammo is in short supply. I regularly talk with my friends from Texas, Georgia and North Carolina and they have no problems finding ammo. 22's are a different story. But they can be found. I stopped in at Gander Mtn in Middletown,NY Sunday and they just about every caliber in stock. The prices weren't all that great, but ammo was in supply. My Walmart also in Monticello has/had lots of .223 and 9mm in stock. Even in large cans(720rd).
  23. I wish you the best Jeramie. This is a great accomplishment and something you have earned. I am not going to wish you luck. Because luck had NOTHING to do with your skills getting you there. Look forward.