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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Sorry about your sister Steve. My condolances. Prayers on their way.
  2. Had snow both days this weekend and it was gone when the sun came out. Pretty cold out now here with snow/rain coming. But I KNOW better weather days on its way. I saw Robins out in our field! When I see Robins...That usually means spring is close.
  3. Sorry Luke...Don't do facebook
  4. Welcome home Steve. Glad the trip was something to remember. I guess too much resting can get under your skin when you are normally so active. With at that Tequila...Did ya eat the worm?
  5. Cannot believe Kelly for one minute on this subject. The man was cleared by NASA. He thinks he wouldn't be cleared to buy a modern sporting rifle? What a crock of dung. Again...sad what happened to Giffords but they are soo wrong in their stance.
  6. Glad she is doing well William. Prayers going out anyway. Get well soon Ma!
  7. Looks like a good system for clearing land. It looks like a lot of hours to have to put in. But I guess cleared land is worth it.
  8. Nothing suprises me with these limousine Liberals. It is a shame she was wounded and permanantly hurt. But they couldn't be more wrong on their stance.
  9. What we ALL have come to expect of Ross. Another great work! Congrats on joining the R.Tyser club .
  10. I think funds are better spent battling the anti's. If the Nascar racer, who took the sponsorship money turns around and donates it to a gun cause...Well. That would would be nice. BUT... If some race car driver is getting rich off of NRA members...then this should end.
  11. Happy Belated Birthday Cristina.
  12. I vote for Ruth...Turkey Girl I know she worked hard for that buck.
  13. Brawn Beauty and brains...wonder if she has any sisters? She is spot on in this discussion.
  14. Hope your birthday was a good one!
  15. I am quite suprised about Colorado...But then again...The media is force feeding fake facts and polls down the publics throat. Leading everyone who reads it to believe that the majority of this nation is for the draconian laws. Zombies coming to a town near you!
  16. Kudos to O'Rielly for that grilling of the perpetual liberal Colmes...BUT... O'Rielly... keep in mind is for gun registration and banning of modern sporting rifles. So he is banging a drum to some extent. But he is no friend of gun owners.
  17. Congrats on the new vehicle Trevor. That Chevy should bring you years of use.
  18. The guy is real lucky he didn't get hurt more than that and it wasn't a buck too! Thanks for sharing that.
  19. Adjam5


    Welcome Logan...Come on is Cody really that bad?
  20. Congratulations Team 5. Good going and well deserved.
  21. There goes that Zero tolerance thing again. Schools are a BIG problem with what is going on here. Way too liberal and scared of the world. What is the teacher thinking?
  22. Hope you win big and come home in a Helicopter Lewis! Have a great time and safe travels.
  23. Good to hear about his goings on...Glad he is doing well. Nice kid.
  24. Have a great day Lewis...Happy Birthday pal.